Regarding the Error 90000 Issue
We apologize for the delay in getting all of you an update on the Error 90000 issue.
We have made adjustments to the database server on the backend and the issue has been addressed.
For those who were unable to participate in the Beta Test due to this issue, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience. We ask for your continued support in Early Access and the official launch of the service.
Regarding the Error 3102 Issue
Again, we would like to apologize for our delay with the update on Error 3201 issue.
The issue has been resolved after the maintenance that was performed during the Beta Test and we have confirmed that the issue has been fully addressed.
We have corrected the character data for all the characters that were affected by this error, and you'll be able to participate in both Early Access and the official service without any problem.
Once again, for those who were affected by this issue, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your support in both Early Access and the official launch of the service.