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Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker |OT|

Dr. Claus

I wish I could unsub for more than 45 days, but the damn demolition timer for housing exists so I'm essentially forced to sub every other month.

Im sure everyone is well aware by now, but the housing system is so stupid. LOTRO has a very similar housing system but instead of having to resub every 45 days, you just pay upkeep with in-game currency. Yoshi-P often laments the lack of gil sinks in this game - housing upkeep with gil would be a perfect gil sink. But if they implemented that, then there would be less money coming from subs so it's easy to see why they're dragging their feet on such an obvious solution.

Nah, I am glad that system exists. Gives a chance for other people to get homes instead of people who don’t actively play the game. If anything it should be harsher. once 3 weeks.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I wish I could unsub for more than 45 days, but the damn demolition timer for housing exists so I'm essentially forced to sub every other month.

Im sure everyone is well aware by now, but the housing system is so stupid. LOTRO has a very similar housing system but instead of having to resub every 45 days, you just pay upkeep with in-game currency. Yoshi-P often laments the lack of gil sinks in this game - housing upkeep with gil would be a perfect gil sink. But if they implemented that, then there would be less money coming from subs so it's easy to see why they're dragging their feet on such an obvious solution.
I was thinking of getting 100 million gil before getting into housing sometime in the future but if they require you to maintain a subscription then I don't think I'll bother with that anymore lol
Nah, I am glad that system exists. Gives a chance for other people to get homes instead of people who don’t actively play the game. If anything it should be harsher. once 3 weeks.
Dude, open your eyes - it's an artificial scarcity lmao. They always acted like they couldn't just add more wards. Again, to bring up LOTRO (because it has virtually the same housing system) - they just spin up new neighborhoods as needed. It's completely possible to do so. It's a matter of profit, plain and simple. There's money to be made in shackling players to their subscriptions, and there's money to be made by keeping housing scarce.


Personally I'm hoping that the island sanctuary shit makes housing irrelevant. I definaltely don't have the patience for the glitching nessessary to make a house look amazing, and even if you do, like 10 to 0 will actually appreciate the effort. I always take breaks for other games. It usually works out perfectly where I am done with tome gear farming just in time to catch up on backlog of top tier games going on sub $20 sales. 2 open world games a week apart though is a lotta stuff. Platinumed Horizon 2 on Sunday. Elden Ring... will take longer. Guess we'll see what we have to look forward to in April when the live letter drops Friday.


Newfound Adventure (新たな冒険 Arata na Bouken, A New Adventure)!

- wanted the artwork to show that you're going back to being an "adventurer"
- Everything leading up to 6.0 was the Hydaelyn Zodiark arc, we're starting something new, but of course in some form it will be a continuation


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- In the end of 6.0, we had everyone gather that the WoL saved and helped throughout their adventures. So this side quest line will somewhat focus on showing them appreciation for showing up in the end to support us




- I wonder what kind of incidents and events he will be involved in this time... and how much the dev team let out their humor during cutscenes. Hildibrand cutscenes are very heavy on our budget
- We got asked a lot during the 6.0 interviews, especially by oversea media, "When is Hildibrand coming back"
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Special Continuation of the Omega Raid Storyline

- "Once you clear the Omega Raid story and you play through the Ultima Thule story from 6.0, we felt like we could add a quest that clarifies a little more on the connections made there"



- "Originally I wanted to show you today what you could do with these features, but they all looked like they weren't finished... You can customize so much, but we can't show this to you today yet"
- "You can set adventurer plates to your gear sets. You can have a gear set to which you assign a glam plate and additionally you can assign and adventurer plate. So your introduction can be different for every job"


Last update from me since I need to slumber...


- You can also use them in every sanctuary now
- So you can change them where you get rested exp, there are a few exceptions but not too many
- We're trying to double the Glam Dresser from 400 slots to 800, but that will be in patch 6.2
- We will get 5 extra plates, for a total of 20

Credit as always goes to the FFXIV Discord TLs.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
How do you guys feel about the Endwalker Role Quests?

I've only done the Doma one and I thought it was excellent. But on the other hand, if the content is as good as that for the others, it is kind of rough. That was basically the end of the Doma storyline, and I get the feeling the other role quests are probably similar finales for the other countries. Which means in order to get the ending for several major storylines, you have to get level 90 in several different classes. Kind of a rough gate


Ultimate DQ Fan
Sorry for the double post but just beat Endwalker.

Overall I loved it. It does tread water in some places. Namely on the Moon after you beat Zodiark, and the second time you visit Labrynthos. And sometimes it gets a little tied down with its technical lingo. But besides that it was wonderful. There are some great payoffs and character moments. Loved Elpis a ton. Emet Selch solidified as probably the best character in the franchise.

I enjoyed Meteion as the ultimate threat, and the philosophical issues they tackle in the final area. Also enjoyed Zenos final envolvement. Him jumping in to help was great.

God I loved FFXIV. As a complete package this is hands down my favorite in the franchise. I didn't think this franchise could Stull surprise and delight me as much


man the Mac launcher has been completely broken because Apple removed Python 2 from the latest macOS update (12.3)

I know there is the fan made Mac launcher and SE advised against updating to macOS 12...but the (1) the game has been fine on 12 prior to 12.3 (2) it seems SE just does not care about the Mac version (we pay the same sub for a poorer performance). Just cancel it if they don't want to maintain it.

To make things worse, the Mac version is a different license from the PC version. So you have to buy the game again if to switch to PC... :(
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Sorry for the double post but just beat Endwalker.

Overall I loved it. It does tread water in some places. Namely on the Moon after you beat Zodiark, and the second time you visit Labrynthos. And sometimes it gets a little tied down with its technical lingo. But besides that it was wonderful. There are some great payoffs and character moments. Loved Elpis a ton. Emet Selch solidified as probably the best character in the franchise.

I enjoyed Meteion as the ultimate threat, and the philosophical issues they tackle in the final area. Also enjoyed Zenos final envolvement. Him jumping in to help was great.

God I loved FFXIV. As a complete package this is hands down my favorite in the franchise. I didn't think this franchise could Stull surprise and delight me as much
'Grats! Didn't take you too long since you first started out ad glad you enjoyed your journey. Now you can safely read the Q&A from the other live letter and what not. And definitely catch up on the side story quests if you haven't done any.


Ultimate DQ Fan
'Grats! Didn't take you too long since you first started out ad glad you enjoyed your journey. Now you can safely read the Q&A from the other live letter and what not. And definitely catch up on the side story quests if you haven't done any.
Thanks. Pretty much of stuff I have left undone are the pandemonium content, Eureka and Bozja. I'll probably start on thlse this weekend. Otherwise I'm waiting like everyone else for next patch


Gold Member
Hi guys! I used to play around 2015-16, and just wanted to see if the FC is still active? I used to be based in the US and now I’m in Asia, so i’m wondering what server should I use (im currently on ultros)? Also, I’ve bought the latest expansions on PS5 given the recent sale a few months ago. Thanks!
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Dr. Claus

Dude, open your eyes - it's an artificial scarcity lmao. They always acted like they couldn't just add more wards. Again, to bring up LOTRO (because it has virtually the same housing system) - they just spin up new neighborhoods as needed. It's completely possible to do so. It's a matter of profit, plain and simple. There's money to be made in shackling players to their subscriptions, and there's money to be made by keeping housing scarce.

I think you are misunderstanding where I am coming from. The lack of housing plots is *absolutely* artificial scarcity and needs to be addressed ASAP. I have been saying this ever since the feature was first added.

However, until that is done, I also believe that people who buy housing plots and do literally nothing with them? Who only log in, don‘t play the game, just to maintain their plot? I think it absolutely needs to be more strict for those who *do* play the game, who *do* want a house, can actually get one.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Lack of housing plots but everyone can use the Inn. I'll stick with the inn. Especially if estates are an impossibility if you don't metagame the market board or have millions of gil. Regardless if you got the gil fairly or unfairly.

A typical player is only going to ever have a couple hundred thousand on their person instead of some of the inflated numbers I see from streamers/influencers.

Naturally you'd need to cap all crafters/gatherers have an FC with a large player count and build all the things and send airships out on expeditions for big gil over a real we will say 1-3 year period of work. Less then a year if you have a large group doing the same stuff every day.

I imagine Island sanctuary is going to be for players that spend all their gil on gear and vanity like me.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Lack of housing plots but everyone can use the Inn. I'll stick with the inn. Especially if estates are an impossibility if you don't metagame the market board or have millions of gil. Regardless if you got the gil fairly or unfairly.

A typical player is only going to ever have a couple hundred thousand on their person instead of some of the inflated numbers I see from streamers/influencers.

Naturally you'd need to cap all crafters/gatherers have an FC with a large player count and build all the things and send airships out on expeditions for big gil over a real we will say 1-3 year period of work. Less then a year if you have a large group doing the same stuff every day.

I imagine Island sanctuary is going to be for players that spend all their gil on gear and vanity like me.
I pretty much only used Gil for transporting, orchestral rolls and occasionally gear to get me up to sync levels.


Soken's(with his minion) speech for winning SXSW Excellence in Original Score Gaming Award 2022

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Finally started and been playing for about a week. So far I've had many ups and downs, much i hate, much i love.

But I am having fun! Game honestly has the classic FF vibe which is awesome.

for now, i just want to know how often or how many times will i be tossed into a forced party? my first duty was a bit of a mess...much prefer solo.


Finally started and been playing for about a week. So far I've had many ups and downs, much i hate, much i love.

But I am having fun! Game honestly has the classic FF vibe which is awesome.

for now, i just want to know how often or how many times will i be tossed into a forced party? my first duty was a bit of a mess...much prefer solo.

It's not just a meme, the whole '' it gets better ''.
I see a lot of people dismissing it but it's true, Stormblood gets a lot of hate but it's still a billion times better than most stories in MMO's and the post story is way better the expansion still has really high points.
But Heavensward, Shadowbringers and Endwalker are truly top tier some of the best story telling in video games ever imo, I've never had so many emotions in Endwalker before from a video game it basically made me cry from every emotion both happy and sad tears pretty much the whole way through in the last half.

In regards to the duties the low level content is honestly not scaled very well, the potency of skills have basically been doubled since ARR so things just die way too fast you don't even get to see mechanics often times.
It does get better tho ( again not a meme ) they only improve the further in you get and I think that's one of the cool things about the game too in that story aside the gameplay content gets significantly better with each expansion and you'll notice just how much they kept improving.
In Stormblood it felt like they found their '' voice '' so to speak but Heavensward was still a big step up ( tho again a lot of the dungeons are way too easy and undertuned. ).

Edit: As a side note too in Shadowbringers you'll unlock something called '' Trust '' and it allows you to do dungeons with story NPC's if you don't like going in with parties.
You even get some unique dialogue and interactions with the mechanics from NPC's some of them are pretty funny.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
Finally started and been playing for about a week. So far I've had many ups and downs, much i hate, much i love.

But I am having fun! Game honestly has the classic FF vibe which is awesome.

for now, i just want to know how often or how many times will i be tossed into a forced party? my first duty was a bit of a mess...much prefer solo.

They're going to start revamping the story MSQ starting with next month's patch so you can run those dungeons solo like you can in shadowbringers and endwalker. But frankly, I think it's probably better to run them with people. It's more forgiving.

How far are you? What do you dislike and like?
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They're going to start revamping the story MSQ starting with next month's patch so you can run those dungeons solo like you can in shadowbringers and endwalker. But frankly, I think it's probably better to run them with people. It's more forgiving.

How far are you? What do you dislike and like?

Just reached the quest "For the children"

Major gripes are the confusing glamour system, am i just supposed to recast every time i get new equipment? i didn't really get it...

And navigation, if the quest is several zones away there's no icon to point me and it takes forever for me to figure out how to reach the correct zone. Might not be as bad if it had a traditional map screen but as is it's clunky and annoying


I am thinking about giving these again, i havnt played for a few years. Does anyone know how this playsbon PS5?
Hey y'all - is there a GAF FC?
Nope. We had one years ago on Primal but they made a terrible reputation for themselves and ruined it, sadly.

I am thinking about giving these again, i havnt played for a few years. Does anyone know how this playsbon PS5?
If you're asking about performance, I've read that it's better to play the PS4 client on PS5 because the PS5 version has performance issues in some large-scale content
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By the way, does this whole "traverse entire world to talk to NPC then traverse back" ever stop? Give me some battles...


Gold Member
Nope. We had one years ago on Primal but they made a terrible reputation for themselves and ruined it, sadly.

If you're asking about performance, I've read that it's better to play the PS4 client on PS5 because the PS5 version has performance issues in some large-scale content
Ah I was not aware of the reputation of the FC. Should we rebuild a new FC for GAF?


By the way, does this whole "traverse entire world to talk to NPC then traverse back" ever stop? Give me some battles...
If you're still in 2.0 then it'll be like that, but the structure of it improves overtime where it's less noticeable I think.


Ultimate DQ Fan
By the way, does this whole "traverse entire world to talk to NPC then traverse back" ever stop? Give me some battles...
Absolutely not. Most of the MSQ is just talking to people. I liked it but I could see how some find it frustrating. This game has so much writing its crazy


Absolutely not. Most of the MSQ is just talking to people. I liked it but I could see how some find it frustrating. This game has so much writing its crazy

I just feel it could be paced out better.

Every cutscene I wait for that blue pop up that informs me a level sync is about to happen, that's when I know shit's about to go down. But it so rarely pops up... :/

I want to stress, I really enjoy most of the game when stuff actually happens.


I don't really agree. Nothing ever got as bad as Costa del Sol & Thanalan in deliveries and talking to people.




Ultimate DQ Fan
I don't really agree. Nothing ever got as bad as Costa del Sol & Thanalan in deliveries and talking to people.


The game got better with how it is handled but it becomes something like

<Go to the Rising Stones and watch a scene where Alisaie is bored>
<Go to Ishgard and watch scene where Alphinaud has an existential crisis>
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