So, I've got Dark Knight to 50 yesterday and now that I've got all tank jobs to 50, I think I'll carrying on playing DRK. I do enjoy the extra resource management and there's a sort of sense of accomplishment of ending the fight without losing Darkside, having all the agro and well not dying. Got to say though, as I'm approaching the level cap, I'll need to rethink some of my keybinds. Using combination key binds (alt+1, ect) for frequent OGCDs isn't the best, need to find more comfortable buttons!
I also like that DRK has a charge and a snare in PvP and how DRK storyline ties into MSQ. OK, be right back, going to stock up on black dye...
Music in HW so far is... mmmmMMmmmm...
I've got to say that if I got got past 2.0 MSQ back when ARR came out, I would have never stopped playing this game, no matter how busy I got. On the other hand, I was able to binge through it all without having to wait for the patches!
On Alphinaud, he was a cocky little bastard that thought he knew it all, only to be brought to his place, I'm glad that happened, just that made him a more interesting character... now what's his sister doing... aside from stalking her bro through a crystal ball... Hmmm... Still need to get used to his VO change! It's sort of similar but it's not.