Saint Nic
Probably going to get on Sunday evening for a bit if anyone wants to play with a noob for a bit. 
Black Zatoichi:O Id help, but you folks play too early
Who are you again? XD We did form a new Red Dot.
Any Chance we can do CC or AV run tonight, not been much activity raid wise in the guild lately
We did AV last night... Where were you? I pretty much try to get something going every night![]()
Wait how.... I didn't see Kan E-senna in my white mage quest, not once and I read ever bit of it.
Buttons, will you be joining us on Sargatanas?
There is actually a pre-sidequest to the WHM quest Jinko. It's not needed in order to start the quest, but the story it tells happens before the WHM storyline. You can get it from a NPC inside the Conjurer's guild, to the left of the exit.
It's the first time you see Raya-O Senna and it also shows Kan-E Senna.
Buttons your pics are great! I love your pose in the "duty complete" one.
Ahh the one about the thefts from lifemend stump? I saw her too.
Great screens like always Buttons. We'll be in the same server XD
I'm assuming ranged encompasses all THM/BLM/CNJ/WHM?
Mjhunter still plays eh? Cool guy.
If you are talking about my screens, they are ranging from the times I started playing till now. Easiest way to tell how old they are is to look at my equipped LS. All 3 are represented.
We had 4 though!
Well, 6 actually but 2 didn't last long. lol
Thought I'd put this here.
Basic strategy positions for Coincounter.
Ideally you don't want to be using melee in this fight.
Thought I'd put this here.
Basic strategy positions for Coincounter.
Ideally you don't want to be using melee in this fight.
We were able to convince Yoshida to give us more information about the free company summoned primals for you guys to help clear up some of your concerns that were brought up in this thread.
For those of you worried if all the primals can be collected and sold or traded for a large amount of gil, it will not be possible to do this.
There will also be a timer that starts once a free company obtains a primal, so if this expires before the primal is summoned, the free company will lose their power to summon them. This will prevent players from holding primals for a long time.
Free company leaders will get to decide if anyone in the company can summon them or if only the leader will have this power.
We also asked if Yoshida could give us any extra information about these primals and he let us know that it will be possible to summon primals for PvP.
I think you will all be happy to know that we are actually planning to have a LFG icon added (similar to when using /away) in the current version.
Not before long, you will be able to see just how many people around you are actually looking to party it up.
Every time I see screenshots of people in their AF it makes me want to play. Is there a tentative date for 2.0? I thought I saw something that said fall but that might be apocryphal on my part.
Probably less than a month now that the Resting EXP bonus from Inns is in the game.Realistically speaking, how long would it take a level 10-12 to hit max rank and join in the fun?
A month? You could probably get it done in a weekend with PLing.Probably less than a month now that the Resting EXP bonus from Inns is in the game.
Yeah, a month solo, I mean.A month? You could probably get it done in a weekend with PLing.
Yeah, a month solo, I mean.
The buff to those probably sped it up, too. All this crap was added while I was in the forties. Not to mention days I skipped or leveled crafting or another job.the leves really cut down the time needed to level so I find that the most of my time is spent traveling instead of actually leveling. The bonuses received for finishing a leve makes it a breeze.
Also for clarification on the 2.0 in the next producer letter, he actually meant 2.0 will be the major subject of the next "Live" producer letter. The eta for that isn't known yet and unless the next producer letter on Monday will be one (Which I doubt given the last couple live letter gave a pretty nice heads up) we probably will need to wait a bit for it. Hopefully we still get some 2.0 stuff on Monday (or whenever it releases) but its not as certain as before![]()
Well, I may try and see what I can do.I will be re-subbing this weekend I think...If anyone wants to help out, I'd love it. If not, no worries, I'll just chain leves to keep me busy.
Do we still have to add stat points or are they auto-assigned now?
Here's an updated to expansion to the Inn system.
These two are planned for 1.22
Be able to set the Inn as the Home Point.
Have a box where you store event items, achievement rewards, job specific gear.
Also for the max cap on the rest bonus which some of you asked, the cap is reached in about a week. Also for those asking wanting to lye in the bed, we can't give you a direct answer at this time but we are looking into making this possible somehow.
If anything else please leave a feedback thanks!
Laser burns... =(Edi:- Ok scratch that it only worked once .. lmao
Update on future UI changes.
We have a lot of good information to share in regards to upcoming UI changes, as well as those planned for version 2.0!
I really want to be able to visually know when I can use counter-related actions (phalanx, haymaker, etc.). I would like them to light up to make it easier to see!
Sorry for how long it has taken this to be implemented, but we’re glad to say that this will appear in patch 1.21a!
We also have some information regarding the plans for UI updates and changes in version 2.0:
When I’m engaged in battle in a party, it is difficult to distinguish who is doing what.
In version 2.0, it will be possible to display in the party member list the actions and casting timers being used. We will also make it possible to display the casting timers for targeted opponents, so that battles will be much more exciting.
I’d like to be able to assign buttons to target NPCs on screen when combined with other buttons on the direction pad
The UI for controller-users will look completely different than that of a keyboard/mouse-user in version 2.0. The game pad UI will involve multiple sets of buttons (arranged like direction pads placed side-by-side) which should make maneuvering with the game pad easier. Of course many players are familiar with the current controls, so we plan on including this as well.
I would like to see all three action bars displayed at the same time
Vastly different from the current specs, players will be able to select how many rows of the action bar are displayed.
I would like there to be able to drag and drop things like items and macros onto the action bar
Players will be able to drag and drop items, macros, emotes and target settings!
Please display which player a monster is targeting next to the monster’s HP
As seen in the 2.0 UI screenshot, players being targeted by a monster will have their party slot number displayed next to the monster’s name
Please add job and class to the name, HP and MP column in the party member list
We plan on displaying a class icon in the party member list by default.
To add to the 2.0 UI screenshot, the released screenshot is of a level 50 player in a full party. The T (Tank)/H (Healer)/A (Attacker)/B (Buffer) terminology may be unfamiliar for new players, but every player will be able to customize their UI to best fit their needs.
Next to the party’s HP and MP bars, display the monsters that are being targeted by the party, and allow us to target them by clicking them
Monsters that are engaged in battle with a party are each assigned a letter based on the order that they were engaged in battle, and the letters will be displayed there. We're still discussing how we would like to implement this.
I’d like there to be a graphed hate meter for the targeted monster
The bars next to the party member list in the 2.0 image are what you were requesting. However, we are currently planning to use a combination of numbers and colors to represent the different hate levels. For example, 1 or A (aggro) representing red, 2 representing yellow, and 3 and on representing green.
I apologize that most of my comments are about the 2.0 UI, but please continue to submit your feedback on the UI!