Yeah.. FFXI had a fantastic Auction House. the fact that this doesn';t have one is still kinda silly to me. Makes no sense.
Ok real talk, how is this game and has it gotten better?
Does it FEEL like Final Fantasy
Designing a new OT for 2.0 is going to be a colossal responsibility...
I don't know where to begin because I don't know what you mean. I will say it has some of the best writing/world-building in a FF game. Really good music too and it is probably one of the prettiest MMOs there are. If you found any joy in the style of writing in FFXI this game's text will be generally amusing to you. So on a superficial level, maybe?
Did the colour change? - I hadn't really paid any attention to it until you mentioned it.
Speaking of Nidhogg: In the art PDF there's a 'wyrm' aery near Ishgard complete with a dragon image. I wonder if that will be part of 2.0 content?
But that being said Behemoth's lair is also near Ishgard. I'd assume they'd want more separation between 2 big world HNM's.
Oh right! Yeah I had another look at the PDF it's actually a dragon themed dungeon or something rather. I assume that's what you are talking about.
Looking at the Coerthas Highlands art PDF there are 6 zone transitions excluding that which takes you into Ishgard. North West is the dragon zone, West is (Glaciers), South 1 (too tiny to read), South 2 (forest area), South East (Gridania region) and North East (Ixali region). That being said there's going to be a lot of content in the way of zones - I just hope they fill it with immersive content.
I mean little things that were pointed out on the official forums, noises in cities, small decals such as accumulated sand in Ul'dah etc. These will make a lot of difference. My personal favourite was NPC's reacting to weather and so on, awesome!
A glowing beacon in each city-state... The spriggans are attempting to triangulate something?!I would expect something to do with the cult happening soon.
Notice anything different ?
A glowing beacon in each city-state... The spriggans are attempting to triangulate something?!
Time to necrobump~!
There has been some progress on the LS switching front, so Id like to update you all a bit.
In patch 1.22 the text command /equiplinkshell (/el) will be added. As a sub-command you can indicate 1-8 or input the linkshell name (in quotes) and it will be possible to switch to that linkshell.
Also, we will be adding the below items to the Main Menu under Configuration → Keyboard → Other, and it will be possible to assign them to the key of your choice.
Switch to your next linkshell
Switch to linkshell 1
Switch to linkshell 2
Switch to linkshell 3
Switch to linkshell 4
Switch to linkshell 5
Switch to linkshell 6
Switch to linkshell 7
Switch to linkshell 8
Unequip your current linkshell
In 2.0, we have something else planned that is slightly different than "Hard" mode and instead of increasing the drop rates, the rewards will be fitting for what's being planned.
How do you guys go about making gil in the game? I'm looking for a means to do so enough to support my job leveling. I've only got Miner at Lv.22 which is proving to be worthless in making gil right now.
Good news everyone! Linkshell changes are finally going to get a command line (Which also means you can macro the changes as well).
Yea at first I was excited for this but would have prefered
/ls1 <message> /ls2 <message> /ls3 <message>
would have been much more intuitive.
SE always seem to fail when adding features.
Maybe next time ... /sigh
helpful?Also, we will be adding the below items to the Main Menu under Configuration → Keyboard → Other, and it will be possible to assign them to the key of your choice.
The following kinds of items will be made storable:
Job-exclusive gear
Seasonal event gear
Achievement reward gear
Bonus items (Garlond goggles, onion helm, Asuran armguards, Hermes' shoes)
* There are certain exceptions.
While armoires will be free to use, the following conditions apply:
Item condition must be 100%
Only one of a particular item can be stored.
Storing an item resets its spiritbond.
The times so far for the new imperal assult are as follows. (ill update to see if there is a pattern)
08 April - Uldah start @ 7 am GMT - 8 waves = 4 hours (finish @ 11 am GMT)
08 April - Limsa start @ 7 pm GMT - 8 waves = 4 hours (finish @ 11 pm GMT)
09 April - Gridania start @ 3 am GMT - 8 waves = 4 hours (finish 7 am GMT)
Get anything for doing these?
Also, why do people care about SB on items that you can't actually blow up, etc?
It would actually be cool if they made a U/U item that took eons to SB, and got more powerful as it the meter built.
Almost like the Tamas Ring or whatever of this game?
Good evening,
Thanks for continuing to give feedbacks
Quote Originally Posted by Koharu View Post
Curious if you can switch while crafting by using the text command
Yes, while crafting/gathering/fighting in any situation by using the text command or (if setup on keyboard) by using the short cut key you will be able to switch.
Quote Originally Posted by eee View Post
Would it be possible to reorder LS numbering 1-8 on your own?
I understand your feeling but with current system to make this change the cost is high therefore we will not going to address this one with current version. Sorry for the inconvenience but hope you can understand.
Hatching-tide: Shell-Shocked (04/10/2012)
High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees. In todays edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow reports on the rousing conclusion of that quirky new tradition called Hatching-tide.
The Best Laid Plans
This years Hatching-tide festival has come to a close in fine fashion, with citizens and adventurers alike having done their part to recover the decorated eggs from the thieving spriggans. Although it would seem that everything unfolded according to script, upon speaking with event organizers, The Raven learned that something came to pass that exceeded the bounds of improvisation.
In preparation for the event, Jihli Aliapoh and her fellow Dreamers had ordered a large shipment of dodo eggs from the Near Eastern city-state of Radz-at-Han. According to the merchant charged with fulfilling the delivery, however, mixed amongst the eggs were ones that resembled those of no cloudkin he knew. In the course of the festivities, word spread of these unusual specimens, and those folk fortunate enough to come into possession of one went to great pains to see it safely stored. Alas, it was to no avail, for when dawn arrived on the final day of Hatching-tide, naught were left of these eggs but broken shells.
Visitors in a Half Shell
So what, precisely, is the true nature of the enigmatic eggs? In seeking to shed light upon the mystery, this reporter tracked down an individual who claims first-hand knowledge of the truth. It is with pleasure that I now present his eyewitness account to you, our dear readers.
Our interviewee is a member of the Wood Wailers, who was on patrol the night before the incident. Upon being relieved of his shift, the man returned to the barracks, where he enjoyed a quiet moment gazing up at the starry night sky while taking swigs of mead. He believes he dozed off at some point, for when next he was aware, the skyline had taken on the gray hue of early morn. It was at that moment that his eyes were treated to a radical sight: a long train of baby turtles waddling amidst the morning mist.
As any forestborn will know, turtles are not native to the Twelveswood. And so it was all the Wailer could do to cry Turtles! before staring, shell-shocked, as the little critters continued their leisurely parade, taking their leave of Gridania by way of Black Tree Brook. Regaining his composure, our eyewitness sought out his fellow Wailers, whereupon he recounted to them what he had just beheld. Being rather disheveled from a night out in the open and with drink still heavy upon his breath, however, he made for an unconvincing sight to his comrades, who disregarded the tale as the ramblings of a drunkard. It was not long thereafter that I caught wind of the man and approached him with my questions.
The issue of eyewitness credibility aside, one thing is beyond doubt: Thavnair, the island upon which Radz-at-Han is situated, is indeed home to such turtles as were described. We at The Raven shall leave it to our informed readers to decide for themselves whether the account can be given credence.
Oliver Goodfellow
As in your getting WAR? I need my AF piece from cutters... don't leave me behind!Finally...days off. Tomorrow its Warrior time.
As in your getting WAR? I need my AF piece from cutters... don't leave me behind!
That works! I'll join for the Cutters AF piece and finalOh i'm already a Warrior, I mean just to start leveling up/finish the quests and get AF. I have none of the pieces.