I never really got into this the first time, but reading about the class stuff makes me want to give it a third shot. What is there in the way of solo content now? Group content? Is there a GAF guild somewhere (that actually has people in it)?
There has been plenty of added group content thanks to last patch, and with the changes to existing solo content, its now possible, (easily I might add) to solo on just leves for about any class. Leves are now 4 every 12 hours and can 'stack' (Once you go to the leve counter for the first time post patch 1.19) up to 99. So if you go away for week suddenly you have like 70 leves you can use and the leve counter 'refreshes' every time you finish a single leve on top of every 12 hours when the next leves are issued. I actually have trouble using all the leves I currently have, and I play nearly every day these days.
Basically for Solo stuff this is what you have:
*Almost all the leves (except high tiered faction) can be soloed and basically designed for solo now.
*Behest can be soloed which is basically a free battle leve every 30 minutes at specific camps.
*Lots of little one time quest which give items/gil on top of experience, more open up as you get more levels.
*The Main scenario is still a mostly solo affair, as are the class quests (These were all in when the game launched).
Group Content
*Job Quests (If you do them at the recommended level that is, its possible to solo everything up to the lvl 45 quests as a lvl 50).
*3 Timed Dungeon Raids at lvl 45+
*1 timed Instanced dungeon at lvl 25 and 1 non-instanced dungeon at lvl 15
*2 Primal (Summon) battles at lvl 45 with a third to come next week.
On top of this there are Umbral Era "Events" that happen periodically which act like drop in public quests although they aren't terribly impressive yet (The one right now has you fighting a barrage of imperial troops culminating with you fighting a 'boss' at the end which is easily taken care of in a smallish group). We are also getting the first stage of Hamlet defense next week as well which has solo and group components to it. There is also Company's which has exchangeable items, special company leves and quests and its also the only place at the moment to get your own chocobo mount. Most of the company stuff can be soloed but some of the quests require you to go into beastmen strongholds which need around 2-3 characters just get through the gates much less in the inner parts of the place.
As for a Gaf Guild most seem to be on Sargatanas, in a shell called Red Dot but I can't comment on how often people are on. I'm on Aegis server and my shell is very active

Constantly 25-30 people on at a time, and I have a separate friends shell which has 9-12 people on at any time. Unfortunately due to the fact our main shell is basically filled up we can't invite new members till we either do our next 'refresh' cycle or the kick function is fixed lol.