So what is the amount of dps an endgame SMN should be doing? Like in Coil or EX primals?
I was told our smn can do 450 on 2nd coilsSo what is the amount of dps an endgame SMN should be doing? Like in Coil or EX primals?
So what is the amount of dps an endgame SMN should be doing? Like in Coil or EX primals?
So what is the amount of dps an endgame SMN should be doing? Like in Coil or EX primals?
Sounds like a broken parser.I was told our smn can do 450 on 2nd coils
So what is the amount of dps an endgame SMN should be doing? Like in Coil or EX primals?
Sounds like a broken parser.
With a good bard (Foe Reqiuem support) I'd say 260+.
Still haven't gotten any sort of answer from my last post, but I'll ask another question anyway!
On PS4, do I need to maintain both a PS Plus sub AND a Realm Reborn sub to continue playing? I have 3 months free PS Plus right now, so it's impossible for me to tell if I can play without it.
...In what, a five second fight? What parser are you using? For reference, I'm looking at EncDPS in ACT, which is the metric most people use.not sure, but i'm not surprised if he's right
maybe that's just peak dps, i'm blm and i reached 500 once, the other blm i was talking about he said he peaked at 700+
not sure, but i'm not surprised if he's right
maybe that's just peak dps, i'm blm and i reached 500 once, the other blm i was talking about he said he peaked at 700+
no, that's lower than my dps with the suboptimal rotation and i'm a blm
not sure, but i'm not surprised if he's right
maybe that's just peak dps, i'm blm and i reached 500 once, the other blm i was talking about he said he peaked at 700+
Wow, I thought I was the only person who felt like this.Some people's problems (I know mine, my wife and my friend's does) come from the fact we were 1.0 players. This game is 4 years old and two years ago we capped every job available as well as at least one crafting, going on two for my friend and I. When 2.0 hit crafting became even easier than before so I capped all but cooking in a relatively short amount of time with almost zero investment. I finished my miner, but since they took away the little mini game from 1.0 and you just pick what you want, I don't find gather as interactive nor as fun. There are some of us in our 4th year of the game (minus the downtime from 1.0 to 2.0) and we have nothing left to do on the side but dailies and grind Tomes/gear; there's almost nothing else for us to do at least that we find fun. My wife capped every crafting job from nothing (or at least I believe she finished) because gathering didn't interest her and she had nothing else to do but dailies for her Slyph pet. She hasn't logged on since, except to do the holiday events.
XI, although I know this opinion is unpopular, allowed for great horizontal progression by keeping all of it's content relevant and allowed for wonderful amounts of experimentation by rarely putting minimum caps on anything (Salvage was the only thing offhand I remember having a cap). We pushed ourselves a lot in XI by seeing what was possible and what we could achieve with 3 people, with a variety of jobs who weren't hardcore end game players, and that was fun. The three of us could trio some of these dungeons, no it wouldn't be as fast, but allowing the players to experiment with party sizes and job coordination would be fun and would go a long way in my opinion. I've come to concede I'm just not a fan of vertical gear scales (or at least not how it's being handled here) since if you can hit the iLevel cap (or get close) before the Crystal Tower update, you almost might as well not play for the next 2.5~3 months.
I still hope this game does something to change my mind; I've been hoping every patch is the miracle patch to change my mind because I want to love this game as much as I loved XI. Hell I started gaming because of the Final Fantasy back in '89 so part of me hopes this game proves to be worthwhile and a rocking success eventually. I love helping people, hearing new players' expression about great cutscenes or tough battles in thrilling, but the content and design is just so boring and lazy to me as it stands now.
You do not need a PS Plus sub to play FFXIV.
...In what, a five second fight? What parser are you using? For reference, I'm looking at EncDPS in ACT, which is the metric most people use.
300 DPS is considered really good at this point with the gear most people have. 350 DPS is exceptional. The reason why turn 8 is a blocker and why groups are subbing in a 5th DPS for it is because you need to push 1500 DPS with your raid. If everybody was doing 400+ DPS, that wouldn't be necessary.
After watching Second Coil of Bahamut Storyline Cutscenes... no spoilers, but opinion. Will tag anyway...
Six months in-between such garbage is pure Wings of the Goddess level shit. I'm not talking about the encounters, but the "story." They really should be ashamed.
On top of the story campaign ending on the same point the 2.1 campaign left out on... just wow man. Failure.
That Level 25 Pugilist Class quest...never again
So when do I become a paladin? I'm level 30 gladiator and level 19 conjurer. I went to the immortal flames and they had my go to the wolves den which looks like pvp stuff. Do I have to do a number of matches to become a paladin?
I just have to finish the level 30 quest for gladiator.That's got nothing to do with it. You have to go to the gladiator's guild, that'll refer you a trainer for paladin. Assuming you complete all the gld quests so far.
Once you do a new quest will pop up that sends you to be a paladin.I just have to finish the level 30 quest for gladiator.
How in the blazing hell do you access a one time password on PS4? I can't figure out how to set it up - I even have an app on my iPhone but it wants my username, date of birth, and something called a registration password that I can't figure out how to get.
Can anyone help me?
So I can't do it from the PS4? I have to do it from a website called mogstation?I set it up on MoogleNet or MogStation or whatever the website is called. You fill in a form, they email you the registration password.
So I can't do it from the PS4? I have to do it from a website called mogstation?
Can someone done give me a rundown on what dungeons I should be grinding to gear up at end game? I quit the game right before 2.1 came out so I was stuck with my relic weapon, some artifact gear mixed with darklight (mostly). I notice my HP is a lot lower than most people I duty with so I need to know the best way of getting tomes to gear up pretty quickly. So far I've just been running random duty finder stuff but I know there are certain dungeons that are probably better off than others. I also haven't touched the Crystal Tower, is that worth checking out? I just want to get to a point where I can do a lot of the harder end game stuff like the extremes and whatnot. Any help would be appreciated.
God, what have I got myself into lol
So I can't do it from the PS4? I have to do it from a website called mogstation?
You can use any unlocked cross class skills regardless of your level.Or do I have to be above level 34 with my WHM before I can use a level 34 ACN skill?
i will join you lots this weekend on ps4.
so on which server are all the eu gaffers?!
Fought my first primal (Ifrit) last night. Really liked the fight, though it took my party several times because we'd always be one last hit away from finishing off that damn nail. I was disappointed that I didn't receive any loot or XP for the fight though... Took this shot with the share button that I really liked.
Also; I've done three different dungeons (one twice for the xp and loot) and so far I'm the only person that has used the limit break.
i will join you lots this weekend on ps4.
so on which server are all the eu gaffers?!
So I'm reading that I only need 1 character and I can play all classes!
That is awesome! Only having to worry about stats on one character, one hunt log, quest log, etc.
I have heard the complaints on inventory or appearance, but I can hire 2 retainers for free and add 2 more if I need to. I mainly only play one character type in any game, but I can switch out on a whim and do others if I get bored!
Plus, only paying for the entry level sub means I can feel less guilty when I can't play.
This game keeps getting better! It is casual friendly and also has taken a lot of the complaints in MMOs away, plus I love being able to play with a controller.