only people with brain problems pvp in ff14
Before I took a break starting about a month ago, I had just grinded to PVP rank 49....
only people with brain problems pvp in ff14
Skipping cutscenes in a Final Fantasy game is like putting your meal at a restaurant into a blender and then funneling it past your tongue.
Oh hey, all those new hairstyles are from Final Fantasy Type-0.
only people with brain problems pvp in ff14
only people with brain problems pvp in ff14
So if I ended my sub in August is now a good time to come back or should I wait for a few more patches?
It'll be a long time (probably months) for you to catch up to the point where this trailer is showing, so jumping in at any point is fine.
The gear progression mentioned above only concerns gear attained at max level, which is a standard MMO model and really won't factor into anything you do until then.
All I have to say is, man, fuck Calcabrina. If you have to burn all those dolls down to a sliver and kill them at the same time (like in Mog EX) so they don't keep combining indefinitely, that's going to suck.
Liking those new hairstyles a lot better than the ones that won the user contest. Players have bad taste.
And regarding the MSQ: is this who I think it is that you're about to fight...?
Not really, I just want to destroy all the Summoners.only people with brain problems pvp in ff14
Looks like it. He snapped.
All I have to say is, man, fuck Calcabrina. If you have to burn all those dolls down to a sliver and kill them at the same time (like in Mog EX) so they don't keep combining indefinitely, that's going to suck.
Liking those new hairstyles a lot better than the ones that won the user contest. Players have bad taste.
And regarding the MSQ: is this who I think it is that you're about to fight...?
I feel like resubbing, haven't played since Heavensward launch. Do they finally have EU servers that are actually located in the EU? I read that they were in the process of adding them sometime last year. And can i freely move my character to a EU server if that's the case ?
They moved the EU servers to EU, but I don't know if they're still allowing free character transfers.
Awesome as hell seeing them put in Calcabrina. If they ever get around to doing the four elemental fiends, I'm back in a heartbeat.
I know I should want original content, but I'd honestly be content if every new patch just added a reinterpretation of some old FF dungeons along with monsters/bosses from said dungeons.
Stuff like 4 fiends, or the espers from XII, things that don't necessarily feel totally out of place (like say, fighting Sephiroth or Kefka would).
She speaks the last line in the trailer.Notice how this trailer has no focus on Minfillia but she's in the artwork for the patch?
Is The Gears of Change the new name of a new main scenario quest?
She speaks the last line in the trailer.
You sure that isn't Hydaelyn? It seems a bit otherworldly to be something Minfilia would say.
that is what breaks my heart. I didn't even make it to all the content before Heavensward because I was like two scenarios and coil of bahamut behind.A lot of people have been gone for a long time during the long content drought after HW. They're going to come back and find that nobody is doing old content, making it impossible to catch up. To say nothing of trying to find a new raid group if your old one broke up and quit.
The fundamental problem of trying to come back to a themepark MMO where old content is made obsolete instantly by new content will rear it's ugly head for the first time in FFXIV. Longtime WoW players know about the cycle, I think this is the first time we'll really see it here.
Amdapor Hard ? Lol no thanks
Amdapor is probably my LEAST favorite dongeon EVER in a MMO
that is what breaks my heart. I didn't even make it to all the content before Heavensward because I was like two scenarios and coil of bahamut behind.
This already happened to me with 3.1 back in October. Nobody was doing Ravana Ex or Bismarck Ex anymore so I couldn't clear them. That, and Yoshida destroying my house (at least it was a cheap one, I could have afforded a mansion but decided against it) settled my decision of not coming back for good, or at least until the next expansion. The ship has sailed with this one.
Considering this image is on the main website...
naaaa lol
I started up a fresh account ~13 days ago and I'm already at the expansion content on a 55DRK. Granted it's not my first FF rodeo but still, there's not that much content if you skip all the cutscenes like a not so sane person.
You don't actually need to do Coil to get into HW, and Ravana/Bismarck EX are optional fights.
Well they already did Amdapor Hard Mode, this is Lost City of Amdapor Hard Mode, 2 very different dungeons.