The fundamental problem of trying to come back to a themepark MMO where old content is made obsolete instantly by new content will rear it's ugly head for the first time in FFXIV. Longtime WoW players know about the cycle, I think this is the first time we'll really see it here.
A lot of people have been gone for a long time during the long content drought after HW. They're going to come back and find that nobody is doing old content, making it impossible to catch up. To say nothing of trying to find a new raid group if your old one broke up and quit.
Realistically, I'm at a point where all I want to do is continue seeing the story even though it has been so uninteresting after the ARR period. I might just wait for the next expansion and do the entire HW period's story at once in one month with the expansion's story. That would save me on sub fees, now that Yoshi has demolished my house I have nothing left to return to.
My feelings exactly, only that some aspects as the grinding get worse as the game gets older (that new relic weapon is too insane and too repetitive to achieve)
Quit last month and i don't think i'll ever be back, i still have my two houses (FC + private), and they put that stupid restriction, and makes me sad so unless i come back after 90 i'll lose everything because they want to keep the subs while still making shitty content that doesn't innovate
FFXIV's peak was @ 2.1 and has been getting less enjoyable since, imo; it doesn't help that Yoshi has too many sympathizers when he's making the same mistakes that the old team did, the gameplay and stability is better than 1.0 for sure, but that's all.