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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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notworksafe said:
Star Wars has a damn good chance too.
It has A chance of course but a damn good one? Disagree. World of Warcraft has 12 million subscribers, it's a phenomenon that has far surpassed the Warcraft brand and has become something of its own that I don't even think Star Wars can budge. Besides, I don't really think their main feature, the heavy story focus, is that big of a draw for most people and very likely not enough of a draw to keep them from coming back to WoW.


I predict there will never ever be another MMO, in the traditional sense, the size of WoW. Not even its inevitable sequel. WoW is the perfect example of being in the right place at the right time.


Sales of Square Enix's massive role-playing game Final Fantasy XIII have eclipsed the 5 million mark worldwide since releasing in March, the publisher revealed in a recent financial briefing.
Is S-E credible in their financial reports? One would certainly hope so...


notworksafe said:
Maybe, but the Bioware/Star Wars IP combo is a huge mix just like the Blizzard/Warcraft IP was when WoW was being worked on.

Not to get (further) off topic, but the timing (probably a year after Cataclysm) and the pedigree of the developers (Bioware isn't untouchable, but they're on a very short list of devs that just might do it) plus what is still a very important franchise to a lot of people (despite the people in charge of it trying their best to undo that sometimes) means that I agree with you 100%. The Old Republic is the game on the horizon with the best chance to really upset WoW a great deal.


It's so disappointing to see such a highly anticipated game get ruined by a developer that used to make great games. I hope XIV will be fixed by the PS3 launch. It truly boggles my mind how the people who made FFXI can forget almost everything they've learned while making and patching XI. It's like they forgot the basic features that makes MMOs fun and addicting... things that they themselves pioneered years ago.


sublimit said:
Wow.Is that site credible?Because i sure find this very hard to believe.
Well it sold 1.3 million units in the US alone in just March, so I don't think it's that hard to believe. I think it will end up being the fourth best selling FF, behind 7 8 and 10.


HK-47 said:
Thats why GW2 is exciting.
Yeah. I checked out the original a bit and it was looking very interesting, but I'm not a big pvp person and it always looks like there's something else that I wanted to play more. If 14 isn't much better by the time guild wars 2 comes out I may look at it seriously.


Yeah ... what a disaster this game turned out to be. Hard to play something this poorly made when FFXI is still getting better updates. (and is a way better game)


Bento said:
It has A chance of course but a damn good one? Disagree. World of Warcraft has 12 million subscribers, it's a phenomenon that has far surpassed the Warcraft brand and has become something of its own that I don't even think Star Wars can budge. Besides, I don't really think their main feature, the heavy story focus, is that big of a draw for most people and very likely not enough of a draw to keep them from coming back to WoW.
Has a chance to what? Beat Wow? Absolutely not. Be incredibly successful? Absolutely.

You can't beat Wow with quality. The game was a perfect storm of unreproducable elements. You compete with everyone else. You don't have to beat wow to make amazing boatloads of money with an amazing game.


Gravijah said:
This is SE dude. Famitsu is gonna give it a 39/40.

I think Famitsu will end up giving FFXIV around a 35/40, which will be their way of saying, "You know we can't give a Final Fantasy game a low score because of industry politics, so for us to give a Final Fantasy game this score means it's completely broken."


I find it impossible to get even remotely interested in The Old Republic because the Star Wars license is dead to me. If I were to migrate from XIV to another MMO, it would probably be Guild Wars 2, whenever that ends up being released.


I have to thank FF14 for getting me in the mood to get back into my MMO's! I have been playing Anarchy Online (so awesome), Flyff (so awesome), and LOTRO (eh), since FF14 released, and I got to play better games than it in the process!

Ploid 3.0

DaBuddaDa said:

It may be the most available game on Goozex.com with hardly anyone buying with points. Vomit ware.



Darkness said:
I might not even mind why this game sucks so much if SE just came out and said what's up. There are a lot of problems and them being silent means I'm not paying beyond the free month. If they could let us know what they are working on or that they are aware of problems I might be more willing to stick around.


All that really needs fixing is:

  • Add an AH
  • Search for retainers/organize market wards ( organizecoming next week, search soon im sure)
  • Add more things to do in general (can be done by adding more leves/npcs to give out quests like class quests)
  • fix the usual bugs/glitches that pop up
  • add a more monsters in certain areas of the world (environment layout is fine)

Theres tons of structures that i'm sure will be put into use through a decent sized update soon.


Teknoman said:

All that really needs fixing is:

  • Add an AH
  • Search for retainers/organize market wards ( organizecoming next week, search soon im sure)
  • Add more things to do in general (can be done by adding more leves/npcs to give out quests like class quests)
  • fix the usual bugs/glitches that pop up
  • add a more monsters in certain areas of the world (environment layout is fine)

Theres tons of structures that i'm sure will be put into use through a decent sized update soon.

The single player interface needs to go as well. On key should be all that's needed to get into any menu.
Ploid 3.0 said:
It's hard to recognize Dirge as a ff game. SE even seem to be hesitant to call it a ff, making ff the subtitle instead of Dirge of Cerberus.
No all the Compilations are like that.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII


notworksafe said:
Is S-E credible in their financial reports? One would certainly hope so...
Probably shipped numbers, also I believe SE once cited that site that makes up numbers in their reports :lol . Also 13 did less then 100k the month following its NA release, so.........


Varna said:
The single player interface needs to go as well. On key should be all that's needed to get into any menu.

I guess that couldnt hurt. I mean I like the current menu style, but hot key options are always good.


Anticitizen One said:
Square is going out of business at this rate
Nah, they still making money, but they just aren't an relevant dev these days.

Those Yogscat reviews are hilarious, though. Still amazing at how some of the ideas actually made into the game. I'm sure some thought it was terrible, but they just went a long for the ride. SW Prequel style.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Kittonwy said:
Wada needs to go, srsly.
As soon as this man leaves, all our dreams will become a reality.

FFVII remake on PS3.
FFVI remake on DS/3DS.
Darkness said:
I might not even mind why this game sucks so much if SE just came out and said what's up. There are a lot of problems and them being silent means I'm not paying beyond the free month. If they could let us know what they are working on or that they are aware of problems I might be more willing to stick around.
So, maybe you should listen to them. They aren't being silent at all. That link that was posted earlier, to the Lodestone - that's the official FFXIV site for owners of the game. For example:

The Lodestone said:
Q. I have read that there are changes planned to improve the market system, but is there any more specific information available regarding these changes and the direction the market system will take?

A. We have continued to receive copious amounts of feedback regarding changes that players would like to see made to the market system. As a result, we are planning a number of revisions and additions to the system, the first of which are scheduled to be implemented in the next one to two weeks.

Specifically, market wards will be organized according to specific item types, making it easier to consolidate similar items in the same area. Further, if an item sold within a ward corresponds to that wards’ item type, the tax incurred will be reduced. Items not of that ward’s category may still be sold, but the tax imposed will remain the same as it has up until now.

We will be closely monitoring the trends and developments of the market system following the implementation of these revisions and new features, and will continue to make further adjustments and alterations to improve player usability and convenience. For example, we are currently looking into options that will provide players with precise information as to which items are located in which market areas, or the ability to seek out specific items without the need for speaking to retainers, and more.

Also, we are now taking steps to increase the number of retainers that a character is able to simultaneously employ.

Here's the thing about FFXIV - everyone who plays it LOVES IT, even with its flaws. They may bitch about it - but they always say they'll keep playing it until the 30 days are up - meaning they are having enough fun to keep playing at least that long. And often that is followed up by "and maybe I'll try it again later after they've fixed things."


Dreamwriter said:
So, maybe you should listen to them. They aren't being silent at all. That link that was posted earlier, to the Lodestone - that's the official FFXIV site for owners of the game. For example:

Uh... reading that sounds bad. So they're going to organize items via type by market ward to help BUT it's not mandatory. So pretty much it's useless.

These are the weird backwards ass decisions they make.
Ferrio said:
Uh... reading that sounds bad. So they're going to organize items via type by market ward to help BUT it's not mandatory. So pretty much it's useless.

These are the weird backwards ass decisions they make.
If people do so they'll get heavily taxed, which means it won't be worth it. Won't be many morons trying to sell a 1000 gil item in a shop that taxes them 600 gil, when the correct shop will only tax them 100 gil. Yes, there'll be a few, but the only reason they'll be doing that is because most of their other stuff fits the category they are selling in, so it's still all good.

If I go to the Spellcraft Ward, almost every shop I click on will be selling CON and THM weapons. If I go to the Tinkerers Ward, almost every shop I click on will be selling arrowheads and weapon grips and other various crafting pieces. That will make the system very usable, a HUGE improvement on what it is now, total chaos. It not only fixes buying/selling weapons and armor, but also crafting, because the system is designed for different craft classes to work together, and finally there'll be places to buy and sell the various craft pieces.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
If Square really does continue down this unsatisfying path, maybe there's room for other competitors to compete with really big budget RPGs? I always got the impression that no one dared develop anything on the scale of DQ or FF.... but with Square sucking so bad lately, there really is an opportunity for the likes of Mistwalker or Level 5 to grab their traditional audience... if only they seize it...

As a Square fan, they need to step up their game. If they don't, I hope that someone else will.


Dreamwriter said:
Here's the thing about FFXIV - everyone who plays it LOVES IT, even with its flaws. They may bitch about it - but they always say they'll keep playing it until the 30 days are up - meaning they are having enough fun to keep playing at least that long. And often that is followed up by "and maybe I'll try it again later after they've fixed things."
Eh... I wouldn't say that. I'm not exactly loving it (no where near as much as I loved FFXI. Even during the days of no soloing and SMN being a gimp WHM in Partiees). I'm sicking to the game though and I can see that it could be great, especially if they do the same as they did with FFXI (have a shit launch then actually improve over time). It's just sad that they've launched so badly with a bunch of stupid design decisions that hamper the fun we could be having.
I do believe though that it will eventually be good. I mean the bits that are good now will more than likely get better as time goes on (crafting, the job system, the world itself).

But yeah, not loving it but not hating it. I'm sticking to it because I've already set the payment thing up and it was a hassle and I have no clue how to go about stopping it and I paid for the collectors edition so if I stopped now and picked it up again later I've wasted money as I could have gotten it dirt cheap in a few months time.

EDIT: Regarding the ward split. It's both so good and horribly bad. You see we get 1 retainer for free (as in real money). So say I sell a variety of stuff (materials, weapons and armour) I can only put my retainer Bestbuy in one of the wards at a time. This hampers my ability to sell stuff. I could shove him into the ward where I make the most money (armour) and also have the weapons and mats on him but get taxed a lot on them or I can pay Se more of my money every month to have more retainers to use this system right.
It should make it a bit more easy to find stuff. I probably wont make much of a difference as people will still only have 1 retainer on average and will still put all their for sale stuff on that retainer.
The sooner we get a fucking AH the better. That way we can all buy and sell stuff with out the hassle of checking a 100 NPCs for that 1 weapon we need.


Zomba13 said:
I'm sticking to it because I've already set the payment thing up and it was a hassle and I have no clue how to go about stopping it and I paid for the collectors edition so if I stopped now and picked it up again later I've wasted money as I could have gotten it dirt cheap in a few months time.

But then aren't you wasting money by playing it in this state?


Maybe these are people who've never played another MMO? Or coming from XI? No sense it smiting those who love the game but having playing other MMO, how can you enjoy the game? It's gotta be the cat girls. Or kids. I dunno anymore. :lol I have my Haters Clue Card of FFXIV so. I'm good.


BocoDragon said:
If Square really does continue down this unsatisfying path, maybe there's room for other competitors to compete with really big budget RPGs? I always got the impression that no one dared develop anything on the scale of DQ or FF.... but with Square sucking so bad lately, there really is an opportunity for the likes of Mistwalker or Level 5 to grab their traditional audience... if only they seize it...

As a Square fan, they need to step up their game. If they don't, I hope that someone else will.

The thing is SE A teams are still on portables.


FLEABttn said:
But then aren't you wasting money by playing it in this state?
lol I suppose, but at least I'm playing it a bit every day or so, casually (just like SE wanted! yaaaaay) so when it gets better I'll be of a higher level (and it gets better the higher you are just like with every mmo) so I can enjoy the stuff more.
I'm investing in potential... or something.
I just don't want to believe I'm wasting money :(


Dreamwriter said:
If people do so they'll get heavily taxed, which means it won't be worth it. Won't be many morons trying to sell a 1000 gil item in a shop that taxes them 600 gil, when the correct shop will only tax them 100 gil. Yes, there'll be a few, but the only reason they'll be doing that is because most of their other stuff fits the category they are selling in, so it's still all good.

If I go to the Spellcraft Ward, almost every shop I click on will be selling CON and THM weapons. If I go to the Tinkerers Ward, almost every shop I click on will be selling arrowheads and weapon grips and other various crafting pieces. That will make the system very usable, a HUGE improvement on what it is now, total chaos. It not only fixes buying/selling weapons and armor, but also crafting, because the system is designed for different craft classes to work together, and finally there'll be places to buy and sell the various craft pieces.

I don't know where people keep getting this, but there isn't some super heavy tax being imposed on those selling in the wrong ward. It says right in the QA that the tax will remain as it has been for those selling in the wrong ward, and it will be lower for those that are in the correct ward.

The Lodestone said:
Q. I have read that there are changes planned to improve the market system, but is there any more specific information available regarding these changes and the direction the market system will take?

A. We have continued to receive copious amounts of feedback regarding changes that players would like to see made to the market system. As a result, we are planning a number of revisions and additions to the system, the first of which are scheduled to be implemented in the next one to two weeks.

Specifically, market wards will be organized according to specific item types, making it easier to consolidate similar items in the same area. Further, if an item sold within a ward corresponds to that wards’ item type, the tax incurred will be reduced. Items not of that ward’s category may still be sold, but the tax imposed will remain the same as it has up until now.

The current tax on my retainer in a ward is only 5%. That's not heavy. 5% of 1000 gil is not 600 gil.

Of course, SE could decide to change this when they realize it's not working, but that'll piss people off even more when they're forced to sell one item type on their retainer or forced to pay an additional fee of $1 a month for each additional retainer. Yeah, that'll go over well. :lol


CcrooK said:
Maybe these are people who've never played another MMO? Or coming from XI? No sense it smiting those who love the game but having playing other MMO, how can you enjoy the game? It's gotta be the cat girls. Or kids. I dunno anymore. :lol I have my Haters Clue Card of FFXIV so. I'm good.

It's Final Fantasy!

Dreamwriter said:
Here's the thing about FFXIV - everyone who plays it LOVES IT, even with its flaws. They may bitch about it - but they always say they'll keep playing it until the 30 days are up - meaning they are having enough fun to keep playing at least that long. And often that is followed up by "and maybe I'll try it again later after they've fixed things."

Playing till the end of the free month and maaaybe coming back in a couple months/years is far away from "loving" an MMO.


Dreamwriter said:
Here's the thing about FFXIV - everyone who plays it LOVES IT, even with its flaws. They may bitch about it - but they always say they'll keep playing it until the 30 days are up - meaning they are having enough fun to keep playing at least that long. And often that is followed up by "and maybe I'll try it again later after they've fixed things."

That's not true in the slightest. I bought it (the CE no less), tried to love it, hated it to the point I uninstalled it less than two weeks after launch.

I will, however, try the game again sometime next year, almost definitely.


I don't understand why this game has taxes on items you sell. I never understood it in FFXI either. At least in XI I could set a bazaar comment, set the prices higher than what I wanted to sell, that way people would /tell me to trade me so I didn't have any tax. Here I'm just losing money on everything people buy.

In the real world we pay taxes because well they benefit us, but in a MMO it's not like all that virtual money goes anywhere beneficial, so really SE is just stealing cash from players for no god damn reason.
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