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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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So Final Fantasy XIV gets relased and its owned day one?

Lol... epic fail...!

I tried it and its a total mess, I hope they fixed it but it sounds like they didnt... too bad for Square


Segata Sanshiro said:
that was a lie i actually don't think final fantasy is rad at all anymore :/

two rads out of ten
But in the future, FF has the potential to become rad! 6/10.

Also, good morning awesome thread.
Rahxephon91 said:
Not an actual screenshot, btw, just in case anyone is wondering.

And yeah, the Yogscast is incredible.


I am a FFXIII apologist. In the previous games, I found the minigames/card games and exploration hollow and ignored it most of the time so I don't mind their absence in XIII. Wandering an empty world map dealing with random encounters and grinding wasn't much fun in hindsight. XIII also has a wicked cool battle system, yo.
DaBuddaDa said:
I am a FFXIII apologist. In the previous games, I found the minigames/card games and exploration hollow and ignored it most of the time so I don't mind their absence in XIII. Wandering an empty world map dealing with random encounters and grinding wasn't much fun in hindsight. XIII also has a wicked cool battle system, yo.

And this is when I say you probably shouldn't be playing JRPGs then. Want a wicked cool battle system yo? Play Bayonetta :p
Can't wait for fallout MMO, does Ff14 still have those universal emotes like it did in 11. I thought that was cool when you would be parties up with Japanese player and could talk to each other


BudokaiMR2 said:
And this is when I say you probably shouldn't be playing JRPGs then. Want a wicked cool battle system yo? Play Bayonetta :p
I missed the boat on FF7->9 so I have no special place in my heart for them. FF6 is my FF benchmark, and FF6 didn't have a card game, the sidequests were minimal, the game didn't "open up" and become nonlinear until 20+ hours in, and the character customization wasn't very deep either.
DaBuddaDa said:
I missed the boat on FF7->9 so I have no special place in my heart for them. FF6 is my FF benchmark, and FF6 didn't have a card game, the sidequests were minimal, the game didn't "open up" and become nonlinear until 20+ hours in, and the character customization wasn't very deep either.

As someone else has said, its not really about how linear/open it is.

It's just bad level design. FF6 has a great amount of detail in all of the towns and dungeons. Everything in FFXIII felt sterile as hell to me in comparison.

But yeah, getting waaaay off topic again.


JWong said:
If she seen videos of a raid, she wouldn't have said that. Raids are awesome to play and to watch. Illidan, Kil'jaeden, and Yogg Saron world first... too awesome.

I'd suggest that Mimiron might actually be a more fun fight to *watch*, particularly Firefighter. It's got a superb feeling of escalating chaos.
Technosteve said:
Can't wait for fallout MMO, does Ff14 still have those universal emotes like it did in 11. I thought that was cool when you would be parties up with Japanese player and could talk to each other

the universal translator was a cool idea but it still fails at least it did in FF11 in practicality. NA/English speaking players would use it to for nonsense like selling a item eg "xyz item [Lower the Price] [May] [Bee]" which comes out in jibberish on the JP side. Most JP didn't use it in towns and such as they wanted to play with JP players only(as they only typed in kanji only.)

No idea if it returned in FF14 but I figure considering the state the game is in, I imagine it hasn't been overhauled/fixed to make it more practical.
BudokaiMR2 said:
Yeah but I feel the only way that MMOs can have an interesting story is by player driven narrative. Crafted narratives just seem out of place in my opinion because they usually have very little or absolutely no affect on the game world.

Can't think of an MMO where I gave two shits about it's story.

The ongoing "story" is probably my least favorite part of WoW.


PandaPandaPanda said:
the universal translator was a cool idea but it still fails at least it did in FF11 in practicality. NA/English speaking players would use it to for nonsense like selling a item eg "xyz item [Lower the Price] [May] [Bee]" which comes out in jibberish on the JP side. Most JP didn't use it in towns and such as they wanted to play with JP players only(as they only typed in kanji only.)

No idea if it returned in FF14 but I figure considering the state the game is in, I imagine it hasn't been overhauled/fixed to make it more practical.

Youre speaking about it in very minor instance when people would shout to sell items and tack on the jibberish. The auto translator was very useful when you actually had to communicate with a JP player. I partied with plenty in XI and our main method of communication was the auto translate.

And yes, its back in FFXIV. I cant really note any major differences other than the translated abilities, etc updated for XIV.
XIV also has a tag option where you can tag an enemy with stuff like "dont attack this one" or "attack this one first" or tag friends or yourself with "watch my HP" or "start Battle Regimen" and those are also universally translated across regions.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Torquill said:
Most MMOs don't even have an ongoing narrative. Those that do tend to let it unfold passively or as something going on elsewhere. They don't actively involve the player.

Thats why GW2 is exciting.
Salaadin said:
Youre speaking about it in very minor instance when people would shout to sell items and tack on the jibberish. The auto translator was very useful when you actually had to communicate with a JP player. I partied with plenty in XI and our main method of communication was the auto translate.

And yes, its back in FFXIV. I cant really note any major differences other than the translated abilities, etc updated for XIV.
XIV also has a tag option where you can tag an enemy with stuff like "dont attack this one" or "attack this one first" or tag friends or yourself with "watch my HP" or "start Battle Regimen" and those are also universally translated across regions.

I used that example because unless you were a tank or a refresher (bard or red mage), you typically weren't invited to JP parties if at all.

I'm going to guess in the parties that you did party with JP players that the leader was a english speaking player and the JPs that did join didn't care. I don't think you'll disagree that most JP players preferred to play with JPs. Most if not all JP shouts were strictly in kanji with no auto translated phrases which were deliberately done.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Segata Sanshiro said:
posting so that torquill doesn't quadruple post


final fantasy is rad

Final Fantasy was never rad, it was only ever for dweebs.

Problem is that now not even the dweebs want to play it.
Yuripaw said:
Well I admit, I mostly visit Giantbomb for my gaming coverage. I usually enjoy their coverage, but it frustrated me how those guys had such big hard ons for STO. Jeff was such an idiot for buying the lifetime subscription for that game. Yet none of them will give games like FFXIV even a quick look at least. Probably for the best, because they'd probably just bash it.

STO from what little i played in beta was actually a game, unlike this which is a cock punch simulator.


Looking more and more like this if an MMO launch fiasco on par with the great cataclysms of old, before the days of WOW when everquest reigned supreme, there must have been dozens of craptacular entries in the genre that added nothing, got released blue rare instead of medium well or flat out didn't work.

I believe the most infamous disaster was anarchy online. I seem to recall it got relaunched a year later fixed and playable as Anarchy Online Gold edition but the damage was done.

Square must have known their game was an unplayable mess but they haven't had a huge hit outside of dragonquest in years so they decided it was better to throw this game out there, possibly move half a million 60 dollar units and keep 50-100,000 beta testers on for 15 bucks a month until march for the real launch of the game. By then 6 months of hard playtesting should remove all but the smallest of issues and all the people who gave up after a week will go back and pay for a month to see if "it works now". They can also make piece with the early adopter crowd by giving the first expansion pack out for free to anyone bought the pc version and paid subscription fees for the entire period leading up to the first expansion pack.

The worry I have , as a potential player, it sounds like most of the games issues aren't bugs but in fact are crippling game design flaws, there simply isn't enough to do in the game for far too many stretches , especially early on. As well, the world design is very dull so you spend way too much time traversing endless empty drab environments instead of doing stuff.

I just don't see how they can actually fix THAT problem without going in and rebuilding the game.


Pachinko said:
They can also make piece with the early adopter crowd by giving the first expansion pack out for free to anyone bought the pc version and paid subscription fees for the entire period leading up to the first expansion pack.

You give SE way too much credit by thinking there's even a remote chance they would do something like this.


I'm up to the seventh part of that yogscast now.

I have the strangest urge to re-sub to FFXI now, for whatever reason. Thank ye gods for playonline or I'd have seriously considered it.


Darkness no more
I might not even mind why this game sucks so much if SE just came out and said what's up. There are a lot of problems and them being silent means I'm not paying beyond the free month. If they could let us know what they are working on or that they are aware of problems I might be more willing to stick around.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
BudokaiMR2 said:
Is this really what people think? I can't imagine this is the real reasoning because most business models for MMOs aren't based around retail sales but instead based around having a healthy user base that keeps subscribing.

Rushing it out is most likely going to have the EXACT OPPOSITE effect.
I agree with you, but I don't run a business, and at the end of the day the people controlling these games see the initial game sales as a big deal. We've seen products pushing to the market to beat and match WoW since Blizzard first launched the game with EQ2 (the most polished), to WAR (polished in some ways but rushed with flawed design), to Vanguard (just barely late and still awful).
zlatko said:
In an interview with the team I believe they stated that trying to compete with WoW is too hard or something along those lines. I think they know their market,(FF fans, FFXI fans, MMO players looking for a change, and new comers to MMOs who want solo experiences) but they really didn't deliver a good game to satisfy the people who bought it right away.
And let me guess, you believe the 360 and PS3 don't compete with the Wii because Sony and Microsoft said so?

They share the MMO marketplace. The number of people willing to subscribe to more than one MMO is likely very low, so you're definitely competing within the space. Even the markets you're naming overlap with who Cataclysm is shooting for; specifically "MMO players looking for a change" and "newcomers to MMOS who want solo experiences".


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
notworksafe said:
Not to mention that the big boss, Yoichi Wada, says they are directly competing with WoW.
What? I'm sure he said the exact opposite of that (XIV is NOT competing with WoW)...


Read the article...

Asked if he thought Final Fantasy XIV was a serious rival to World of Warcraft’s throne, Wada said “yes, but the flipside is that they are a tough competition.”

Being a rival to the throne of "King MMO" sounds like direct competition to me.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Well, Wada speaks out of his ass once again. News at eleven, truly!

One of the worst VG presidents in history.


notworksafe said:
Agreed. Dude is delusional...and not just because of this.

Yeah I remember he had commented on being a competitor to WoW, but I thought he had said they weren't trying to rival them, so my mistake on not remember his quote correctly.

He seriously wants to rival them? Come the hell on! The one MMO I think will topple WoW's subscriber list will be whatever MMO Blizzard brings out next.
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