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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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4/10 is definitely generous. Game has too many problems and very serious ones at that. Everything from the UI to the actual combat system is just a mess. There's just so many stupid things they did that they should've learned from FFXI. That makes it even more frustrating as FFXI has improved incredibly over the years. It's amazing they're making the exact same mistakes over again.

Reviewing the game as it is now is fair because folks are going to spend their money now. They should go and review it again a year or two down the road (because it's the right thing to do) but it likely won't happen so SE is really going to have to work with an even worse stigma than FFXI had.


HappyBivouac said:
Potential in:

-Amazingly gorgeous design in the evironments, characters, equipment, etc.
-Unique progression/job system that lets a player really flesh out his/her character the way he/she wants to.
-Story content with production values through the roof for an MMO.
-FFXI's community is/was one of the best I have ever seen in an online game. This game's community is largely composed of those same people. (This one isn't universal, but it's how I feel)
-Thoroughly integrated economy, given time to develop properly, will offer a much richer economy than what FFXI has and what most other games have.
-An overall experience and design philosophy very different from what the "standard" MMO offers. I could elaborate on this one but I won't in this bulleted list.

-The environments are basically just rolling hills though, they're pretty well textured rolling hills! But they're devoid of life and content and landmarks, the attention to detail is extremely subpar even compared to it's prior.

They aren't going to sit down and suddenly make things spring up in them either. This is one of the big problems, Square is fairly lazy and cheap, when they update, it's after a lot of procrastination and it's usually mostly simple things. This world is what it is now, more than likely, and that's absolutely massive zones with nothing in them

-The job fare boils down to an awkward follow up to XI's, it's was nice feature eight years ago, but it's not something to rave about, especially considering how bad the numbers play at the moment and issues with point allotment. I wanted to see improvements to FFXI's job system, not what it'd look like after being hit with a hammer.

-What production values? I've failed to see a single bit of polish past the intro cutscenes. They're not even voicing things barely, it just looks silly as everything else is in the same style as early FFXI with slow pans and flapping lips. Voice work, cutscenes, etc aren't rare to the MMO anymore. Nothing in this game has high production values compared to what's going on in LOTRO, Cataclysm, Guild Wars 2, and several others.

That aside, FFXIV barely even has story currently, it has some occasional background lore discovered through means not relating to any actual gameplay, but the quests barely provide simple context and and outside of the token quests you get after umpteen levels (which are very bland, quick and simple) it's back to nonsense in the lifeless, empty world.

-Uematsu is great, I concur, but I also don't need to subscribe to a game to hear it's soundtrack.

-Community is kind of a non-issue, but I agree, XI did have a solid one, well it did years ago, I can't speak for now.

-What economy? There is no economy, do you mean the crafting? Yeah, outside of the fact that it's really unrefined, crafting and gathering is solid. It's somewhat convoluted in some ways regarding simple things and recipies, but it's still the best thing that the game has going for it.

But it's still not that in-depth enough to hinge a game on, and there is no economy, there's not even mail. Retainers are something I think even a lot of F2P Korean games would be ashamed to rely on. They're creepy, clunky and awkward.

I just don't see much potential, we're barely talking about gameplay here even, which saddens me. If they clean it up, hey, I'll jump right on board, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm actually more interested in resubbing to FFXI and checking out all the large updates I've missed and the new ones too.


erotic butter maelstrom

So I guess the PS3 version is worth ignoring. Someday I'll like to find a good console MMO but it seems that time is a long ways away.


Shouta said:
Reviewing the game as it is now is fair because folks are going to spend their money now. They should go and review it again a year or two down the road (because it's the right thing to do) but it likely won't happen so SE is really going to have to work with an even worse stigma than FFXI had.
FWIW, they will probably review it again when the PS3 version comes out.


Snuggler said:

So I guess the PS3 version is worth ignoring. Someday I'll like to find a good console MMO but it seems that time is a long ways away.

As negative as I am on the game right now, we know nothing about the PS3 version, when it'll actually launch, and how the game will be then. I wouldn't say it's worth ignoring before we know anything about it.
Snuggler said:

So I guess the PS3 version is worth ignoring. Someday I'll like to find a good console MMO but it seems that time is a long ways away.

Did you know that MMOs see improvements after they're launched? Because that is a thing that actually happens, for real.


Monty Mole said:
Wasting a landmark franchise and a numbered sequel on this just seems insane.
Like the numbered single player games deserve any more praise? FFXIII was more of a mess to me than FFXIV is. At least FFXIV is an actual game that you can play, and doesn't play itself.


The worst part is they had every bit of this feedback for 6+ months--repeated hundreds of thousands of times--and didn't do shit about it. Several people deserve to lose their jobs in a humiliating and public manner over this cause it took some mighty big and stubborn ego's to go retail in this state.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Wow, that sucks.

Can these issues be fixed by a patch or something?


ULTROS! said:
Wow, that sucks.

Can these issues be fixed by a patch or something?

Many of the more pressing issues can (and likely will) be fixed by patches. There are some underlying design issues that will take more work to resolve.


This is really shameful. What a waste of a number and entry into the main series.

I was even thinking if jumping in but maybe I'll just play XI if the community is still alive.


It seems like they possibly delayed the PS3 version to make the game acceptable before that release and to treat the PC players like paying Beta testers, which is a really fucked up mentality to take, if that is the case at least.
StuBurns said:
It seems like they possibly delayed the PS3 version to make the game acceptable before that release and to treat the PC players like paying Beta testers, which is a really fucked up mentality to take, if that is the case at least.

Yeah, because Square-Enix give a shit about PC gamers, obviously. I'd bet Sony tried to moneybag them into PS3 exclusive at some point, and I bet they were considering it too.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Monty Mole said:
Wasting a landmark franchise and a numbered sequel on this just seems insane.

And the single most heard comment during the entire run of FFXI is...this right here. :lol
notworksafe said:
That's true, but how else should review sites deal with MMOs? Perhaps just having an opinion piece without a score would be better. I believe that is what Game Informer is doing.

You can't exactly tell them to revisit it 6 months - 1 year later. There are always new games coming out and many places don't have the resources to have people go back and replay year old games.

Yeah, that is what GI is doing. You can check out my launch week impressions here. (Warning: The GI site is going to be down for maintenance for a while this morning, though it's up as of this post.)

I'll have a further impressions write-up in the next issue of the magazine. Instead of doing traditional reviews with scores for MMOs, we do impressions for the first month and then try to go back when possible in the future to look at updates (though, as you note, it can be difficult with the constant rush of new releases, MMO and otherwise).

I'll definitely be going back to do write-ups on how FFXIV has come along when the PS3 version comes out.

I'm glad some people are enjoying it, and I see a LOT of potential, but I mostly agree with the GameSpot review. If I had to give it a score, mine wouldn't be far off from Kevin's.

It's cool that some people are finding a lot to love about it even right now, but the one argument that drives me CRAZY is the "you don't need in-game info explaining stuff, because that makes it more immersive!" attitude. Seriously? Forcing me to scour forums and non-Square websites and/or piece together information from also-confused Linkshell members keeps me in the game world? Not really...


Sebulon3k said:
Saw the CE at Gamestop today, was debating purchasing it.

Glad I didn't.
Bad Idea Jeans

People are being way too harsh on FFXIV, and I'm not even that big of a fan of it. I like FFXI more, but it still is a solid game I think.


Green Scar said:
Yeah, because Square-Enix give a shit about PC gamers, obviously. I'd bet Sony tried to moneybag them into PS3 exclusive at some point, and I bet they were considering it too.
I read the PC version of TLR was way better than the 360, I thought maybe they'd changed focus a little in the last few years.


Gamespot is right. The game isn't finished and aside from bugs and interface problems, there's simply not enough content and the documentation sucks. The manual that comes with the disc only explains how to set up your account and nothing else. Even the official player's site contains just the bare minimum to start playing (I still don't know what the TP are supposed to do!).


Subconscious Brolonging
ULTROS! said:
Wow, that sucks.

Can these issues be fixed by a patch or something?

They could. The largest hurdle isn't anything technical, it's Square realizing just how bad their design decisions were and reversing course. They need to rethink most of the game and I'm not sure Square has the humility to do something like that. The way they've responded to complaints so far does not give me hope.
Green Scar said:
Yeah, because Square-Enix give a shit about PC gamers, obviously. I'd bet Sony tried to moneybag them into PS3 exclusive at some point, and I bet they were considering it too.

The game not being announced for the 360 have nothing to do with Sony. ;)


I had the CE preordered a month or so in advance and I canceled at the last second because I just didn't like a lot of aspects of it when I tried the open beta. I think I'll wait until the PS3 version is released before I'll take another look at it. If I even bother in the future anyway.


you review what it is, when it is. and it's a piece of shit. 4/10 or whatever the fuck arbitrary stamp gamestop and others gave it, not an impressions piece for game's sake.

final fantasy xiv is a real thing, it exists for 49.99 american at a b&m near you. i don't want a vague notion of what is should or could be, i want something tangible. i want your fucking opinion.
The cheat code central review is one the worst I have ever read. They actually admit to reviewing the game for what they hope it can be eventually, not what it really is?


It's sad to say, but I appreciate that I was able to play the closed beta to know that I actually don't want to buy this game.

Very disappointing. I feel bad for the development team that put so much time into it.


Reallink said:
The worst part is they had every bit of this feedback for 6+ months--repeated hundreds of thousands of times--and didn't do shit about it. Several people deserve to lose their jobs in a humiliating and public manner over this cause it took some mighty big and stubborn ego's to go retail in this state.
It sounds like FFXI all over again. Every simple thing they could have fixed in a quick patch took literally years and years of endless player bitching before they fixed it, and sometimes they only went half way. Why this would be any different in XIV when we're dealing with the same people, and fixes are probably harder for a more advanced game?

People saying "oh don't worry about it, this shit will be fixed in 6 months" are in for a big suprise :lol

Ploid 3.0

Josh7289 said:
It's sad to say, but I appreciate that I was able to play the closed beta to know that I actually don't want to buy this game.

Very disappointing. I feel bad for the development team that put so much time into it.

That dev team should have figured out what people liked and hated with FFXI and made an awesome game with FFXIV. It seem they threw out everything and started from scratch. There's no BST, nuff said.

Edit: What the guy above said. Seeing how blizzard talked with their community in their forums and changed things that were horrible fast shocked me compared to SE. I guess for MMORPGs it's best to go with western devs for communication alone.


Well, the review isn't wrong about the technical issues with the game, but it's very much written for the layman. Kevin admittedly had very little experiences with XI and I feel that without knowing that history, having no ties with XIV's predecessor, you won't get a lot of what XIV is trying to achieve. I'm not saying I understand all of the design decisions (because I don't), but having gone through XI for a long time, I don't find myself having a knee-jerk reaction towards every issues that other people might freak out over. Regardless, I think MMO reviews are more useless than your average video game critiques. However, I do hope the negative press will help move XIV in a better direction.


For example in FFXI, the gods in Tu'Lia used to have an arbitrary 15 minute respawn timer between pops. You'd kill the mob, take about 2-3 minutes to heal up, and then you'd have to just sit and wait and wait and wait for no reason for the trigger to repop. If you had 3 popsets, it would have taken about a half hour to do them all, but with that arbitrary timer, most of the time was sitting around afk and it took 90 minutes to two hours instead. People complained and bitched and asked for it to be changed since 2004. It was finally changed in 2009, looooong after people stopped caring about Sky Gods.

The dev team working on these games are stubborn as fuck. Their motto is pretty much: "You play the game our way and if you don't like it, tough shit."


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I must have weird taste then, because I rather like this game a lot. The only gripe I have is the wonky targeting at times.


I wanted to like XIV but SE just makes it so hard. You'd think that this time around they would make it better than XI, but somehow they dropped the ball on that. The only things they have going for it are the graphics & music right now.


NemesisPrime said:
Did anyone expect this to be good anyway? The first one was mediocre at best and the demos (of this) have been incredibly meh.

FFXI was pretty good for it's time, actually. "For it's time" being before World of Warcraft and Guild Wars launched.

But yeah, anyone expecting Square to fix the more pressing issues is delusional. They were really slow about it in FFXI, no reason to expect they'd be any different here.


Disappointing but I'm mildly confident (I'm not sure why) that it will get a lot better as time goes.


onken said:
Disappointing but I'm mildly confident (I'm not sure why) that it will get a lot better as time goes.

As it should though how soon? How later? By then, people won't care. They'll all be in with WoW or getting ready for the Star Wars MMO.
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