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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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notworksafe said:
In those MMOs the "follow the line" bits that mark everything out are optional and can be turned off. So are the pop-up tutorials, hints, notes, and quest tracking, and the rest of the helpers. You can tailor many MMOs to be as hand holding as you want or just turn off the helpers and figure it out yourself. The problem I see is those things aren't even an option on FFXIV.

There is a tutorial on how to fight when you begin the game, there is a crafting tutorial you can sign up for at the leve counter, there are tutorials for how to do battle leves and field leves at the camp crystals, after call your retainer for the first time there is a tutorial, when you do the mission quests you read the description and there is also a marker of where to go to do the quest if you select the map button. I don't really see what else needs to be added or what is missing when it comes to tutorials.

To the person who said FFXIV is tunnles and corrdors has not played the game.


Same team that made FFXI made this, so that's little surprise.

Insular fuckwits that don't look outside of their own games to see build upon issues that people have already solved.

They're so incredibly slow an unwilling to make updates and changes to their game... it's like squeezing blood from a stone. And they're always willing to blame the community for 'misplaying' their game, and only really grudgingly make changes when they realise a problem is intractable.

It's a pity though. Their greatest weakness is also a source of much strength; not looking at other MMOs, and coming up with new and interesting ways of doing things. But if they're going to do that, they should really avail themselves of a much more extensive testing period AND a willingness to listen to feedback and update their game to reflect as much.


Munba said:
Reviewing a mmorpg after 2 weeks is pretty useless.
Maybe, but I find it hard to expect reviewers the force their way through a game they don't even like and when have they reviewed enough? My favorite MMO ever (Lineage II), was badly reviewed as well, but I honestly can't blame the reviewers since the game is pretty hardcore and unforgiving. To enjoy the game you do need friends or a guild to play with, but do reviewers have the same options open.

I do think the only real way to know if you like MMO's is to just play it yourself. I'd reckon a system where you pay 15 dollars to play for month, but if want to play longer you do need the game, would work.


Londa said:
To the person who said FFXIV is tunnles and corrdors has not played the game.

You're not even slightly disappointed in the world? I mean, it looks amazing but each zone, while huge, has so little variation and the "tunnels and corridors" he's on about are pretty evident if you take a look at the map. It's not TOTALLY tunnels but there are a lot of them.
I don't rely on Spoony much for anything non-humor related, but having missed the beta I did watch his video impression of FFXIV at PAX. While some of his complaints are unnecessarily dramatic, comparing it to the Guild Wars 2 demonstration made my fanboy heart break. It was stunning how out of touch SE appears to be in pretty much every way with the genre, and hell, gamers in general.

You can point to every MMO going through growing pains, sometimes severe, but I don't think Square Enix gets a pass on this one. They presumably have the experience, infrastructure, and development timetable to do better than this out of the gate.

Even with all that said, I would still hold out hope turning into something worthwhile...at some point...were it not for every conceivable indicator pointing to a team that just hasn't learned a damn thing. Not from FFXI, and not from the vastly different MMO landscape they're thrusting this out into today. If they can't fix simple, inane UI problems after six months of tester complaints, I feel pretty damn safe writing this thing off. What a goddamn shame.


So is FFXIV solo/small party friendly? FFXI got that way years later with Wings of the Goddess, and their level sync updates. I played from September 2007 to around March 2010, and saw quite a few casual friendly changes they made. After I quit, they just opened the damn flood gates with lvl 99 & way easier XP I read. I'm wondering if those types of things made the cut into 14? They must have learned to make the game easier to play right?


At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XIV maintenance on all Worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV will be unavailable.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

[Date & Time]
From Oct. 7, 2010 23:00 to Oct. 8, 2010 3:00 (PDT)
* Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

There is hope!!!!!! :lol

I'd love to see what's going on behind the scenes right now, execs must be going bonkers.
I agree with the points about the world being a bit boring. At first you are like "WOW these areas are huge!!"... I was really excited to just explore, but there's barely anything to see, yet :/...


So 4.0 is the new 8.8 for GS? Sounds about right then.

Many valid points in the review, but lots of crap too from an incompetent reviewer. I'll just keep having fun and a great time with my 4.0 game.

Londa said:
To the person who said FFXIV is tunnles and corrdors has not played the game.

But he's probably a Sancom reader, and Artefact said that FFXIV is nothing more than a chinese copypasta of corridors and tunnels, so it must be true.


Moobabe said:
You're not even slightly disappointed in the world? I mean, it looks amazing but each zone, while huge, has so little variation and the "tunnels and corridors" he's on about are pretty evident if you take a look at the map. It's not TOTALLY tunnels but there are a lot of them.

XI has the same kind of designs when it started out, so no I'm not disappointed. The people that complain about copy and paste also play WoW and don't even mention how copy and paste to shit that game is. Matter a fact, show me one game that isn't copy and paste terrain? Thats right you can't show me.

There are areas with tunnels and corridors because there suppose to be there. Just like XI there were areas with tunnels in corridors, matter a fact all games have tunnels and corridors but FF gets shit for it because people love to hate on the game. There are so many open areas in FFXIV, how long have you been playing the game?

Open Areas in FFXIV:
Outside of Uldah
Outside of Limsa
Limsa itself
Uldah city
Grid City
The place with that big ass airship crashed in the middle of the zone
the area outside of jeuno 2.0

Places with corridors and tunnles:
dungons (yes there are these, you just have to, you know explore)
Outside of Grid
caves and shit

looks like more open areas than tunnels and corridors.
This score is pretty unheard of for Square, looks like they need to get way out of the MMORPG business or go back and figure out why they created such fantastic games in the past and apply that to MMORPG specific challenges in the world of today.

It is very sad as a person whose life was probably changed by their first 7 or 8 iterations of their game as a result of how good some of them were (and yes I know you can't compare mainline games to MMORPG, but I'm making a general comment on both). I'd almost rather see "Resident Evil 4 Final Fantasy" than this.


GregLombardi said:
This score is pretty unheard of for Square, looks like they need to get way out of the MMORPG business or go back and figure out why they created such fantastic games in the past and apply that to MMORPG specific challenges in the world of today.
It is very sad as a person whose life was probably changed by their first 7 or 8 iterations of their game as a result of how good some of them were.

Their overcrowded servers disagree and the fact that they KEEP adding servers (one was added last week) also proves you wrong in the fact that they need to stop making MMOs. Seems like they must be doing something right to have those many people interested.


Gold Member
Seems they should just stick to constantly remaking FF1-6 indefinitely, and making remakes of their tactics games available on all systems.

Imagine if they put all this visual talent and engine behind remaking FFVI, instead of some broken MMORPG they ended up with.

Londa said:
Their overcrowded servers disagree and the fact that they KEEP adding servers (one was added last week) also proves you wrong in the fact that they need to stop making MMOs. Seems like they must be doing something right to have those many people interested.

Good point, but just about all MMORPGs get over a million people on them don't they? With the FF name, seems all they've been doing with their new titles is eroding it down to nothing imo.


Londa said:
Their overcrowded servers disagree and the fact that they KEEP adding servers (one was added last week) also proves you wrong in the fact that they need to stop making MMOs. Seems like they must be doing something right to have those many people interested.
You really seem to want to Be Right About FFXIV Being Good. Go play the goddamn game then, stop posting idiotic arguments with people who will never, ever, ever agree with your bias.


Londa said:
Their overcrowded servers disagree and the fact that they KEEP adding servers (one was added last week) also proves you wrong in the fact that they need to stop making MMOs. Seems like they must be doing something right to have those many people interested.
Initial rush is always large, how many will stay and keep playing?

Warhammer had a million at launch, new servers added.... It didnt have half as many problems as this game seems to though >.>
Londa said:
Their overcrowded servers disagree and the fact that they KEEP adding servers (one was added last week) also proves you wrong in the fact that they need to stop making MMOs. Seems like they must be doing something right to have those many people interested.

Overcrowded servers occur at every MMO launch.

I'm not saying that this game will be good or bad, or whether it will ultimately be popular. But that is a worthless metric for judgment.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Zaptruder said:
Insular fuckwits that don't look outside of their own games to see build upon issues that people have already solved.

Oh give me a damn break.

You don't like SE's style of MMORPG, don't buy them. Copying what team X are doing isn't a solution - its just the road to homogenous boring mediocrity.

Just because a certain game does some things you like, it doesn't follow that all games should be like that. The last thing the world needs is another WoW clone.


Londa said:
Their overcrowded servers disagree and the fact that they KEEP adding servers (one was added last week) also proves you wrong in the fact that they need to stop making MMOs. Seems like they must be doing something right to have those many people interested.

Why are you desperate to defend them when they fucked you over on your Collector's Edition stuff? Did they ever fix that shit?
Final Fantasy 14 is a game that is riddled with horrible design decisions, a terrible UI, bad game mechanics, a lackluster world that, although pretty, is incredibly sparse and generic, and devoid of any content whatsoever.

However in a year Square might fix this game.



Londa said:
how long have you been playing the game?

Open Areas in FFXIV:
Outside of Uldah
Outside of Limsa
The place with that big ass airship crashed in the middle of the zone
the area outside of jeuno 2.0

I wouldn't count the cities as "open areas" but that's down to preference I suppose. I'm not arguing about the tunnels or otherwise - I think if designed properly it can be fine and look amazing.

My concern is with what I've quoted above - there are so few zones in the game. Granted I won't attest to having played much - I played throughout the Beta but it felt like I went to every zone - I saw Jueno 2.0 - I saw the crashed airship, I went to each city, I went to the small outposts and the camps that are identical and felt a little underwhelmed.

Don't get me wrong - the zone with the crashed airship was - if only for that landmark - amazing. And the zone with the new Jueno in it is perhaps one of the most atmospheric I've ever experienced in an MMO, but I couldn't help but feel a little underwhelmed that that was it.


Clear said:
Oh give me a damn break.

You don't like SE's style of MMORPG, don't buy them. Copying what team X are doing isn't a solution - its just the road to homogenous boring mediocrity.

Just because a certain game does some things you like, it doesn't follow that all games should be like that.
:lol :lol :lol Unbelievable!
Londa said:
Their overcrowded servers disagree and the fact that they KEEP adding servers (one was added last week) also proves you wrong in the fact that they need to stop making MMOs. Seems like they must be doing something right to have those many people interested.
Yeah I don't really think this says anything about whether the game is really good.

In any case, every single company out there who tries to make an MMORPG should start with the basic systems of World of Warcraft as a starting point, and then improve them monstrously. There are a large set of problems with World of Warcraft that, if fixed, would catch the attention of people like me and rope me into the games.

Unfortunately for all companies but Blizzard, Blizzard knows this and has seemingly made WoW 2.0 with Cataclysm, which is why I'm re-upping soon and then taking another look at World of Warcraft. But I bet even they didn't fix everything...


GregLombardi said:
This score is pretty unheard of for Square, looks like they need to get way out of the MMORPG business or go back and figure out why they created such fantastic games in the past and apply that to MMORPG specific challenges in the world of today.

SE have an unorthodox way of making MMOs, agreed, but going away of the MMO busines? That's ridiculous. FFXI is their most profitable game ever, FFXIV will most likely follow suit. FFXI was in a terrible state when it was released, even worst than XIV, but we didn't see that, just the Japanese.

People that don't stick with the game right now, or decide not to get it, might do it later on, as many did with XI, the game will start slowly and then get a sizable amount of subscribers to keep the game running until near the next decade.

FFXI is one of the best games ever made, and surpasses every other FF game on many accounts, I have no doubt that FFXIV will reach a similar quality level in the months and years to come.

100% biased opinion.


Mister Zimbu said:
Final Fantasy 14 is a game that is riddled with horrible design decisions, a terrible UI, bad game mechanics, a lackluster world that, although pretty, is incredibly sparse and generic, and devoid of any content whatsoever.

However in a year Square might fix this game.




They dont need to copy wow at all.

Step one - fun gameplay with solid core mechanics.
Step two -
Step three - profit.


DaBuddaDa said:
You really seem to want to Be Right About FFXIV Being Good. Go play the goddamn game then, stop posting idiotic arguments with people who will never, ever, ever agree with your bias.

Do I go around saying your bias of your option? So don't talk to me as if you know that I'm being bias. I tried the game out and gave it a chance, most people in this forum seems more biased then me. Making up stuff like "you can't redo leve that you fail", "there are no tutorials what so ever!", "nothing but tunnels and corridors", "WoW looks better than FFXIV" (someone did say this in the offical thread), etc. I really don't need to go on about every misinformation being said.

I am not here to make everyone agree with me. Most people here seem to had a differen't option than the majority. I'm not a mindless sheep that spats stuff to be part of the hate crowd.

I am unbias because everything I have said, has been from offical information and not made up on the fly because I want to prove X game is better than Y. But why do I need to prove anything is better than anything else? I don't.

BTW, can't play while at work. :D

Clear said:
Oh give me a damn break.

You don't like SE's style of MMORPG, don't buy them. Copying what team X are doing isn't a solution - its just the road to homogenous boring mediocrity.

Just because a certain game does some things you like, it doesn't follow that all games should be like that. The last thing the world needs is another WoW clone.

Thank you sir.
Khrno said:
SE have an unorthodox way of making MMOs, agreed, but going away of the MMO busines? That's ridiculous. FFXI is their most profitable game ever, FFXIV will most likely follow suit. FFXI was in a terrible state when it was released, even worst than XIV, but we didn't see that, just the Japanese.

Primary difference here is that WoW had not made its mark yet. Nowadays, if people get fed up with an MMO being shit, they don't tough it out - they go back to WoW.
Khrno said:
SE have an unorthodox way of making MMOs, agreed, but going away of the MMO busines? That's ridiculous. FFXI is their most profitable game ever, FFXIV will most likely follow suit. FFXI was in a terrible state when it was released, even worst than XIV, but we didn't see that, just the Japanese.

People that don't stick with the game right now, or decide not to get it, might do it later on, as many did with XI, the game will start slowly and then get a sizable amount of subscribers to keep the game running until near the next decade.

FFXI is one of the best games ever made, and surpasses every other FF game on many accounts, I have no doubt that FFXIV will reach a similar quality level in the months and years to come.

100% biased opinion.
Do you have figures to back up your profitability claims on FFXI? I hadn't heard that, not that I'd heard opposite to that I'm just wondering.

I do not think that FFXIV will have similar success to XI if it receives a 4.0 / 10.0 from Gamespot, at least not in the United States. People might buy it, but they'll agree with all the mess and walk away from it I think. Could be wrong though!
Londa said:
Their overcrowded servers disagree and the fact that they KEEP adding servers (one was added last week) also proves you wrong in the fact that they need to stop making MMOs. Seems like they must be doing something right to have those many people interested.

It's only like 2,500 people on though. The servers should be able to handle more, XI did.

Also, how many worlds have they added, just 1?


demosthenes said:
It's only like 2,500 people on though. The servers should be able to handle more, XI did.

Also, how many worlds have they added, just 1?

After launch they added more than 5 servers. I don't know the exact number, but I'm sure the lodestone has that info.

Why are you desperate to defend them when they fucked you over on your Collector's Edition stuff? Did they ever fix that shit?

No, I made a new account and I'm doing well on Figaro server.

Do you have figures to back up your profitability claims on FFXI? I hadn't heard that, not that I'd heard opposite to that I'm just wondering.

I do not think that FFXIV will have similar success to XI if it receives a 4.0 / 10.0 from Gamespot, at least not in the United States. People might buy it, but they'll agree with all the mess and walk away from it I think. Could be wrong though!

When has Gamespot been such a highly respected source? Not until their FFXIV review came in!


For all the hate that XI gets for lack of innovation or being different from western MMORPGs, doesn't it have like the 5th largest subscriber base?

It just seems that everyone looks to WOW as the standard of what MMORPGs should be but they were the only ones truly successful at that style. Anyone who has tried to copy Blizzard's style and/or mechanics had massive success upon release but it was very short lived and those game typically fall off the map after about a year or two. There's just no point in remaking WOW when WOW is still around so I'm glad that XIV is taking chances and doing some things different. They definitely have a lot to work on but that comes with the territory of trying something new.

XIV, like XI, probably won't get the huge numbers that say, SW:TOR is likely to get, but I'm willing to bet that it will maintain a healthy, stable subscriber base for longer.

Also, MMOs should be given AT LEAST 6 months before being reviewed. No casual gamer is going to pick up an MMO upon release so I don't see what the big rush is to get these reviews out.
Clear said:
Oh give me a damn break.

You don't like SE's style of MMORPG, don't buy them. Copying what team X are doing isn't a solution - its just the road to homogenous boring mediocrity.

Just because a certain game does some things you like, it doesn't follow that all games should be like that. The last thing the world needs is another WoW clone.
Give who a break? Selective quoting for the loss. Did you even read his entire post? I'll quote the end for you, just in case you didn't get that far:

Zaptruder said:
It's a pity though. Their greatest weakness is also a source of much strength; not looking at other MMOs, and coming up with new and interesting ways of doing things. But if they're going to do that, they should really avail themselves of a much more extensive testing period AND a willingness to listen to feedback and update their game to reflect as much.
He even mentioned that their unwillingness to copy others is a potential great strength. The problems being discussed here (unwillingness to listen to feedback, total disregard to any and all advancements made from their own prior projects) have nothing to do with it not being a WoW clone.


I loved FFXI and was crushing on this game hardcore wanting to play it. It was my most anticipated game. I paid $75 for the collector's edition and lost interest within a week. Same thing happened with my friend who was equally excited for it.

Some people may like this game, but it's a hot mess. You can't sort your inventory, there's no AH, mail system, only 5 zones and there's no variation in the zones other than arbitrary pockets of the zones being populated with much higher level mobs that aggro. It takes about 7 seconds to sell a single item from your inventory or to transfer an item from your retainer (bank) to your inventory. Forget about any kind of drag and drop interface, and the interface is clearly designed to be used with a controller not a mouse and keyboard.

There are so many ass backwards systems at work in this game, it's a true testament to the few good parts that people still play it. It looks gorgeous, has a very impressive crafting system (even though it's incredibly difficult to obtain the materials, and even when you make your items it's hard to sell them because of a lack of auction house) and there are some neat ideas at work with the way class level / character level interact.

People can just dismiss what I say as someone who "doesn't agree with their design decisions", but I didn't agree with a lot of their decision in XI, but I still played it for years because it was a really awesome game when you got past the bullshit. FFXIV, so far, is just all bullshit.


Amneisac said:
I loved FFXI and was crushing on this game hardcore wanting to play it. It was my most anticipated game. I paid $75 for the collector's edition and lost interest within a week. Same thing happened with my friend who was equally excited for it.

Some people may like this game, but it's a hot mess. You can't sort your inventory, there's no AH, mail system, only 5 zones and there's no variation in the zones other than arbitrary pockets of the zones being populated with much higher level mobs that aggro. It takes about 7 seconds to sell a single item from your inventory or to transfer an item from your retainer (bank) to your inventory. Forget about any kind of drag and drop interface, and the interface is clearly designed to be used with a controller not a mouse and keyboard.

There are so many ass backwards systems at work in this game, it's a true testament to the few good parts that people still play it. It looks gorgeous, has a very impressive crafting system (even though it's incredibly difficult to obtain the materials, and even when you make your items it's hard to sell them because of a lack of auction house) and there are some neat ideas at work with the way class level / character level interact.

People can just dismiss what I say as someone who "doesn't agree with their design decisions", but I didn't agree with a lot of their decision in XI, but I still played it for years because it was a really awesome game when you got past the bullshit. FFXIV, so far, is just all bullshit.

Well said.
Londa said:
When has Gamespot been such a highly respected source? Not until their FFXIV review came in!

It's not about how respected they are, it's about how if Gamespot gives the game a 4.0, statistically speaking I can tell you that pretty much all review sites will be 7 or less for the most part. The game won't survive that wave of bad publicity.


Moobabe said:
I wouldn't count the cities as "open areas" but that's down to preference I suppose. I'm not arguing about the tunnels or otherwise - I think if designed properly it can be fine and look amazing.

My concern is with what I've quoted above - there are so few zones in the game. Granted I won't attest to having played much - I played throughout the Beta but it felt like I went to every zone - I saw Jueno 2.0 - I saw the crashed airship, I went to each city, I went to the small outposts and the camps that are identical and felt a little underwhelmed.

Don't get me wrong - the zone with the crashed airship was - if only for that landmark - amazing. And the zone with the new Jueno in it is perhaps one of the most atmospheric I've ever experienced in an MMO, but I couldn't help but feel a little underwhelmed that that was it.

Yeah, it could definitely use a bit more variety. I'm not sure how they'd accomplish it with their engine though.

demosthenes said:
It's only like 2,500 people on though. The servers should be able to handle more, XI did.

Also, how many worlds have they added, just 1?

FFXI had server issues when particular areas got overcrowded, too. 2500 sounds like a really small number to be overpop, but we're all crammed into about 10% of the game's land area.


Incredibly Naive
That's dissapointing. To be fair I'm not really into MMORPGs anyways, but I was definitely willing to give this one a go.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Is this a trick question? :lol

He's a silly monkey.

Seriously, there is no defending how awful the overall package that is FFXIV right now. You can like it despite the problems but that most certainly doesn't give it a pass from a more objective standpoint. I'm not sure anyone could say give this the ok to release, unless their standards were incredibly low.


Shouta said:
there is no defending how awful the overall package that is FFXIV right now. You can like it despite the problems but that most certainly doesn't give it a pass from a more objective standpoint.

^ ^ ^ ^ Thread title change please. ^ ^ ^ ^


Darkness no more
Rated 2 points too high.

First MMO I've been bored of in half a week. Game is just a mess in almost every way.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Mistwalker said:
Give who a break? Selective quoting for the loss. Did you even read his entire post? I'll quote the end for you, just in case you didn't get that far:

I quoted a complete statement and a full sentence. There was nothing selective about it. Whether the rest of his post contradicts or modifies it, it's still there and it deserved commenting on in MY (the person looking for a break's) opinion.


is the game really that bad? Can't even imagine reviewing a Final Fantasy with a 4/10 o_O.

I have to try this one out at a lower price point or over at my friends place. It just can't be.
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