Yo the chatboost for PS4 works pretty well, until I started messing with stuff today I never even considered it for more than chat.
The instances broken again? Because yay! If I knew this would happen come the weekend I would've actually played the story more.
If you're doing that back to back, yeah, that can seem epic as fuck.
Personally, I liked the Warriors of Darkness storyline; gave us a lot of insight on the lore of the world itself (and also introduced interesting antagonists as well).
Warriors of darkness part was really awesome. More gray villains is always good, they had a damn good reason to be doing what they were doing.
I am not at the end of HW content yet butShiva being a primal enemy and then sacrifice herself for us.
And lucid dreaming if their threat still creeps up afterwards.Tell them to use Diversion.
Have you been keeping up with your job quests? Some abilities are only unlocked by finishing those.Any reason why a few Paladin abilities I should have at 52(currently 53) aren't unlocked?
Have to get to HW content or something to learn?
Any reason why a few Paladin abilities I should have at 52(currently 53) aren't unlocked?
Have to get to HW content or something to learn?
Personally, I think AST/WHM and AST/SCH are both very strong, while WHM/SCH is quite a bit further behind.
AST is really strong because of having a pretty complete kit plus the overpowered Balance card, but greatly benefits from a co-healer who can output a lot of "free healing". WHM pulled a lot closer to SCH in this area but both are great "sidekicks" to AST.
AST/SCH has superior damage, due to Balance plus Chain Strategem.
AST/WHM has superior healing GCDs and stability/control.
I think these two comps are more-or-less equal or very close to it, depending on what's important to you and your static and also depending on encounter design. I actually have a slight preference for AST/WHM vs Susano and AST/SCH vs Lakshmi, but that's all based on anecdotal experiences. In any case, you can make solid arguments for either comp being "optimal" over the other. But notice how all three healer jobs are involved. This is an improvement over what we saw in Creator, where AST/SCH was strictly better than the other two healing duos.
Pre-Stormblood, WHM was already the red-headed stepchild of the healing trio, as the healing meta was all about SCH/AST. The sheer damage advantage of SCH/AST was insane, and WHM didn't really provide anything that came close to making up for the damage loss. Moreover, the content itself wasn't very WHM friendly. WHM's strengths lie in their throughput healing, but Creator Savage encounters don't really play to WHM's strengths, mostly due to how little healing was actually required.
So, when preliminary details were released about Stormblood abilities, everyone was up in arms about White Mage's Secret of the Lily mechanic, which to be honest is quite bad, even after if it's been buffed from its initial build. It felt like WHM was already the weakest and got the least, so they must be in a bad place. I initially kinda felt that way too. Then came the "RIP WHM" memes.
However, after thinking about it for a bit, I thought that WHM was actually buffed quite considerably. Oddly, the majority of the buffs were upgrades to already existing abilities, and as a result these buffs flew under the radar.
Have you been keeping up with your job quests? Some abilities are only unlocked by finishing those.
Class quests, which occur in HW I suppose.
Hm, just realized I should probably try to get through 3.X and 4.0 within the next two weeks, 'cause then I'm all about dat Ivalice life come July 11th.
I think Ivalice is the 24man for 4.1.
It's going to be 4 blms, a warrior who is only there for aoe, and two whms. 1.23 is coming back.
is the 8th slot a bench
I think Ivalice is the 24man for 4.1.
FFXII HD comes out next month.
This, lol
Although if Return to Ivalice is in 4.1 that'd be pretty great. Wasn't sure when we should expect it.
Are we getting DDOS'd? 30+ min potd queue x_x
I stand by it
Discord's text log for #general was an overall downgrade over living in ignorance.
Also get off my damned lawn, kids.
EU datacenter struggling to keep up with instance requests is the official line.
If I'm trying to get red mage unlocked I need to go straight to 50 as my starting th mage class right?
Literally Duckroll.For all the new players that are going through the end dungeons of the ARR MSQ
For all the new players that are going through the end dungeons of the ARR MSQ
For all the new players that are going through the end dungeons of the ARR MSQ
For all the new players that are going through the end dungeons of the ARR MSQ
Is NA duty finder ok?
Must be EU's turn to get DDOS'd if NA is ok.
Since the instance servers are messed up I figured I'd try collectables again since I remember finding the system to be really tedious and uninteresting when it first launched but I also didn't quite understand how they worked.
Now that I've actually learned how they work I can't say my opinion has changed, I have a lot more fun just grinding out regular mats from a node than doing this, at least they're good for levelling quickly.
I started playing this around Christmas this past year. I hit a questline I found to be a particular slogAfter that I let my subscription lapse, but decided to start again now.The one where the leader of the sylphs is kidnapped by the evil hooded guy.
I'm a little over 30 and should be ready to advance my pugilist to a monk soon. My issue is that I'm still finding the main plot to be a complete slog. There was a point where I was way into itHowever I feel like it's not going anywhere now. I just had to run around the desert talking to various people for a few hours and then go back to see Minfillia.The introduction of the scions of the seventh Dawn, and some of the stuff to follow.
I'm going to keep going, but should I temper my expectations? I hear nothing but praise for the main quest of Heavensword, and now Stormblood.
For all the new players that are going through the end dungeons of the ARR MSQ
Someone needs to make a plugin where it plays Tidus's laugh every time the Warrior of Light pantomimes speech.
Got into a Frontlines match in a minute so ¯\_(ツ_/¯ (EU).
So is duty finder flat out not working or?
On moogle. On the ship waiting for sirensong with my SAM and roped a healer into my party. Still says >30mins.
Yeah, it depends on the collectible but some are so worthless in the exp you gain you are better off grinding the node a couple of times than turning in the collectible. For fishing 60-70 its absolute garbage. I'm about halfway to 70 through leves and grinding.
This is going to be me in the next day or two.
Only I don't have the sprout cause I bought the game on release
I need something for everytime Midgardsormr appears to him,
Just a "whaaaaaaaaaaa" to match that expression