Few more questions please, FFXIVGAF.
- I'm level 15/16 & still in the starting area. With the amount of MSQ content I have to get through (ARR, HS, & Stormblood), I assume it'll hit the level cap well before I have access to the end game. Will I start gaining iLevels through regular gameplay? Or will I be stuck at level 70 for a long time, then start gaining iLevels once I reach the proper end game?
- A friend of mine is going to download the free trial on PSN & see how they like the game. Do we have to pick the same data center or the same world, or both, in order for us to group up in game & quest together? I know we can use the duty finder to group up, but I was hoping there's a way for the two of us to run around together in the same instance just by shooting them an invite.
Thanks to everyone that's helped with my questions, it's very much appreciated while trying to comprehend everything.
The MSQ alone will take you most of the way to level 70, but not all the way there. The main story quest expects you to run a few dungeons and side quests along the way. As long as you run a few dungeons now and then, you shouldn't need to really grind to hit 70. The daily dungeon roulettes give plenty of bonus exp to help you to 70, even if you only run one roulette every few days.
iLevel is your gear level, which goes up as you get better gear. The main story quest and dungeons drop gear that's usually the best you can find at that level (except for a ton of level 50 and level 60 gear back when those were the level caps), so your iLevel will go up naturally as you go through your main story quest. Just pick the gear pieces that are relevant to you when a quest asks you to choose a reward for finishing a quest if you don't have anything better for that slot. You typically don't need to worry much about gear until you hit 70, as long as you don't have a gear piece that's 10-20 levels behind what you should be wearing at that slot.
Level 70 is the level cap for Stormblood, so once you hit that level, you're there for the foreseeable future. Gear will continue to get better with content patches though, so once you hit level 70 it's more about progressing up in gear than in levels.
As for your friends: In dungeon instances, you can group up with anyone on your data center through party finder, but people need to be on the same server (not just the same data center) if you want to actually want to see them face to face in the game world, outside any dungeon instance. So it sounds like the best bet for you and your friends is to join the same server. If your friend is having trouble making a character on your server, he should keep trying until a space opens up.