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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down

While I feel like tanks have become a chaff role in an MMO in general, I do sincerely wish they'd just reduce 8 person groups to one tank.

Such a waste of time recruiting for anything when the mechanics barely utilize an offtank half the time and no one in this game wants to play a tank. Should just bake basic OT responsibilities into a section of DPS in order to build additional utility.

PF on Primal at any given moment usually looks like this:
Enforcing one tank won't solve anything. Parties that are hurting for one tank will still not find any

Having one less tank will make fights less interesting as well. Can't have split adds if there's only one person to handle them.


so.....if anyone has a friend that is serious about getting into FFXIV I think i have a complete collection code that still works since my friend refuses to play with me lol and he hasn't use it yet.

But if they do use the code can they be nice enough to allow me to use a refer a friend ordeal so i can get some goodies XD


It's such a shame so many people don't get to experience the final ARR story dungeons properly anymore, because they were fucking awesome at the time. They really need to change them so new players don't have to go through hoops to get a good experience with them.

People keep saying this, but there's literally nothing preventing new players from watching the cut scenes, and equally a whole lotta nothing happening in said cut scenes of Castrum Meridianum outside of showing the WoL breaking in to reach The Praetorium. While certain fights are significant for the point in the story, what little mechanics are present in them is completely ignored in favor of MAXIMUM DPS so everyone can get their tomes/exp and gtfo. If killing trash in dungeon sounds exciting to you, then you might be better of with a pre-made that will wait for you.

If they feel hard pressed to improve new player experiences in story related content, their efforts would be better spent, going back to Steps of Faith. That's just awful for new and veterans alike.


Enforcing one tank won't solve anything. Parties that are hurting for one tank will still not find any

Having one less tank will make fights less interesting as well. Can't have split adds if there's only one person to handle them.

This post makes no sense. It cuts the amount of tanks needed per group in half. Yeah, finding a tank takes too long but finding two takes *way* too long.

Also there are no interesting OT mechanics. It's almost always half baked add splitting or tank swapping, shit that ran out of style in classic WoW. Considering the nice leaps in quality for encounter design it feels like its an element that is merely treading water to support a diminished role. As stated, you could do that just by grooming a few DPS to take over that role and considering they're hurting for ways to add utility to some jobs it would be extremely simple.
This post makes no sense. It cuts the amount of tanks needed per group in half.

Also there are no interesting OT mechanics. It's almost always half baked add splitting or tank swapping. You could do that just by grooming a few DPS to take over that role, considering they're hurting for ways to add utility to some jobs as is, it would be extremely simple.
Cutting the amount of tanks needed in half is meaningless if there are no tanks, thats the point. People are not playing tanks.
There are not very many tanks

That does not mean there are no tanks.
I'm exaggerating, of course I don't mean there are literally zero tanks. But at the end of the day when most parties can't even get one tank, what will cutting the requirement in half solve?

I'd rather the devs devoted resources into somehow trying to make people want to play tank jobs as opposed to shifting a responsibility people don't want into other jobs.


hi. are RDM Mind or Int? im leaning on Int, but see them healing at higher levels. currently 52. also any guides? like an explain it to me like i 5 guide. cause i cant seen to get dual cast to show up constantly.

They're INT; Vercure scales off of INT as well.

Dualcast is basically just cast a spell? If you cast something instantly via Dualcast, you don't get Dualcast again; so the flow of combat is spell with cast time -> instant cast -> spell with cast time -> instant cast. There's not much else to getting Dualcast going, though.


I'm exaggerating, of course I don't mean there are literally zero tanks.

I figured, I just don't quite get your point is the thing.

Anyway, my general feeling is that tanks in MMOs have degraded into almost literal DPS with threat mechanics since about Wrath went down the route of less active mitigation and the whole genre followed. I've kind of come to loathe it but you can't exactly swing a game away from a trinity role to a dual one in the middle of its existence.

Still, I do think that placing a burden of 25% tanks onto a group is just excessive. Especially when OT mechanics are diminished to the non-event they are. Easier just to bake a role option taunt and some enmity to a secondary ability into SAM/MNK/DRG/BST*/etc

*It's my post, I can wish for whatever I want
I figured, I just don't quite get your point is the thing.

Anyway, my general feeling is that tanks in MMOs have degraded into almost literal DPS with threat mechanics since about Wrath went down the route of less active mitigation and the whole genre followed. I've kind of come to loathe it but you can't exactly swing a game away from a trinity role to a dual one in the middle of its existence.

Still, I do think that placing a burden of 25% tanks onto a group is just excessive. Especially when OT mechanics are diminished to the non-event they are. Easier just to bake a role option taunt and some enmity to a secondary ability into SAM/MNK/DRG/BST*/etc

*It's my post, I can wish for whatever I want
I tried clarifying myself in the edit.

I get where you're coming from, I just don't think that the current situation can be fixed just like that without getting work done in the role itself, and if its not gonna fix it then, well, I'm not sure there's more room in the game for half-assed bandaid shit.


Enforcing one tank won't solve anything. Parties that are hurting for one tank will still not find any

Having one less tank will make fights less interesting as well. Can't have split adds if there's only one person to handle them.

Honestly, I would tank more if I was the only tank in the group. The other tanks I'm paired up with mess up a lot usually and that affects me too. Like, not stacking with me for Ahk Morn in the menagerie, not doing tank swaps properly, not picking up the adds, not even having shirk, etc.

The one I hate the most: can't decide if they want to OT or MT. I've had tanks pop their tank stance out of nowhere and decide they want to MT now like a minute into the pull.
I would tank more honestly if I was the only tank in the group. The other tanks I'm paired up with mess up a lot usually and that affects me too. Like, not stacking with me for Ahk Morn in the menagerie, not doing tank swaps properly, not picking up the adds, not even having shirk, etc.

The one I hate the most: can't decide if they want to OT or MT. I've had tanks pop their tank stance out of nowhere and decide they want to MT now like a minute into the pull.
Bad tanks is something the whole party has to deal with.

Besides, I'd rather have a safety net in case the healers mess up than having to wipe because the tank died and the boss just went on to cleave the entire party.


Bad tanks is something the whole party has to deal with. I'd rather have a safety net in case the healers mess up than having to wipe because the tank died and the boss just went on to cleave the entire party.


If the time trade off for waiting on 2 tanks is wiping more often, I'll take it. At least you're actually playing then.


We're actually going to need a rep tank for a few weeks while our PLD is off on vacation, I wonder how hard that is going to be. Traditionally and later during expansions, finding suitable specific DPS (like... ninjas) has been a lot more difficult for us than finding tanks.

I have a feeling I'm totally going to end up tanking for my group


I don't know why tanks are so rare, I think it's great. It's not too difficult to play, being a party leader is fun in dungeons and fits your story role as the WoL, tank swapping is fun and engaging in raids, and being an OT is a mostly pressure free way to learn a fight and let's you be a hero if the MT dies.

Plus, 6 fell cleaves will never not feel cool.
We're actually going to need a rep tank for a few weeks while our PLD is off on vacation, I wonder how hard that is going to be. Traditionally and later during expansions, finding suitable specific DPS (like... ninjas) has been a lot more difficult for us than finding tanks.

I have a feeling I'm totally going to end up tanking for my group
I legit don't know what happened to all the NIN players but I'm gonna go ahead and blame it on Sacramento anyways

Fuck you, Sacramento


Finally finished the Stormblood story!

And big props to the team of Gaffers who helped both my protagonist Nozomi Dunan, along with the beautifully-named Udon Quixote, get through the final battle. We had plenty of practice in some PUGs before, but add six more Gaffers, and it's an easy win.

Great expansion, lots of fun to play; can't wait for more!

And with the story done, I turned back to what I love to do with every video game I play: decipher the writing system. They made one for the eastern continents, you see. And I think I've got it.

It's an alphabet, though not quite in the sense that you might be expecting.

If you're familiar with Korean Hangul, on the other hand, everything will be perfectly logical and natural (which is nice to see, because there didn't seem to be much Korean influence in the eastern continents' cultures).

So, progress report #1, way back at the beginning:

Seeing what looked like a pictograph of a house on Gosetsu's collar when he comes on the scene in Vesper Bay, I couldn't stop thinking about how Doma means house in Greek and Latin -- and that maybe we were going to get an Asian-style writing system to decipher when we visited the Eastern continents!

Then again, maybe it's just an emblem or logo. We shall see.

Well, when we got to the House of the Fierce, home of Doman warriors in exile, we saw it again, looking like a written character, all the way on the right on this banner:


And the name of the location contained the word "house"! In Japanese, too; it's called Resshi-an, with an 庵 meaning house. What could be going on here? What do those other letters say?

We'll get back to them in a few minutes -- I had been hoping they would say fierce or resshi or something like that. Now I think they say something else, but let's go back to Kugane for now. Here are two screenshots from the Shiokaze Hostelry in the center of town, and the Sekiseigumi Barracks in the northeast.

Looking at these two, we see the same three characters at the top of the left column on the Shiokaze Hostelry sign, and the top of the right column on the red Sekiseigumi banner. We also see that the first and second characters contain a similar element -- an S-like squiggle with a dot to the left of it and that the second one has two dots in its upper right corner, just like Japanese phonetic kana do when expressing "voiced" sounds. Those dots make K, S, T, and P into G, Z, D, and B. (Today, the P of ancient times has become F or H, and so P sounds have a circle there.)

Perhaps these first three letters spell out ku-ga-ne?

If we accept Kugane for those three, we can take a good guess at what's on the rest of the red banner, because we see another gu second from the bottom in the left column. And the character immediately following Kugane appears again in that left column: we have that character, then something with a k, then that one again, then something new, then a gu, then another new one. ??-k_-??-gu-__.

Look at the people practicing in the barracks and the answer presents itself: that character appearing twice is a se, and the word is Sekiseigumi. The red banner thus says, starting in the top right Asian-style, Kugane Sekiseigumi.

Adding to how sure we can be about this is the fact that both se and the ne in Kugane have a hook on the right side with a dot inside.

We can associate that squiggle with E and the S-with-dot squiggle with K. Let's keep those shapes in mind as we look at some more characters and try to read those as well.

(TL;DR: we're going to decipher the Kugane alphabet. Two more posts to follow!)


Part II: let's go to the Kugane dungeon!

In the budokan or martial arts hall, you will see two pieces of calligraphy on the walls:

The one on the right has three characters. We don't have any hints for the top one (that looks like an A) or the bottom one (which looks like Japanese ろ "ro"), but look at what's in the middle: it's the same as the ga in "Kugane", only without the dots that change a K into a G. So it's probably the syllable ka. __-ka-__.

How about the one on the left? Two syllables, and it ends with a voiced sound. The 3-like squiggle resembles the se that we saw earlier, and the big diagonal slash appears in ka/ga[/o]. The dotted version of S sounds are Z sounds; could it be za? That could make the whole word waza, which means "technique". We see the diagonal stroke starting on the top right just as with other a sounds.

I want to make the right one into chikara, "strength", which is very likely to be hung up on a wall alongside "technique", but then the ra doesn't follow the rule of having a diagonal slash to indicate -a.

Thing is, if we let that be ra and then go back to the sign over the House of the Fierce, we see it again third from left, along with what we presumed to be wa all the way on the left:

And in between those we have something that looks just like our ra, so it probably shares a consonant (or vowel). And in fourth position, just before that Doma logo, we get one that looks close to the ne in "Kugane", so it probably shares a consonant or vowel there.

One possible four-syllable word that would fit here is warera no..., which means "our". Attach it to the "Doma" ideograph and you just might have "Our Home"!

This is so amazing; it's like a mixture of Chinese ideographs, Japanese kana, and Korean alphabetically-created syllables. I can't wait to see more of it. There are some more street signs that I took pictures of in Kugane, so tomorrow I'm going to have a look at those, then post the parts of the alphabet that I think we've figured out.
Last edited:


The one on the right has three characters. We don't have any hints for the top one (that looks like an A) or the bottom one (which looks like Japanese ろ "ro"), but look at what's in the middle: it's the same as the ga in "Kugane", only without the dots that change a K into a G. So it's probably the syllable ka. __-ka-__.

i'm 99% certain the "kanji" on the right is supposed to be 参る
People keep saying this, but there's literally nothing preventing new players from watching the cut scenes, and equally a whole lotta nothing happening in said cut scenes of Castrum Meridianum outside of showing the WoL breaking in to reach The Praetorium. While certain fights are significant for the point in the story, what little mechanics are present in them is completely ignored in favor of MAXIMUM DPS so everyone can get their tomes/exp and gtfo. If killing trash in dungeon sounds exciting to you, then you might be better of with a pre-made that will wait for you.

If they feel hard pressed to improve new player experiences in story related content, their efforts would be better spent, going back to Steps of Faith. That's just awful for new and veterans alike.

So I'm a new player who just hit 50 and did Castrum and Praetorium over the weekend.

It's not just the pressure to skip cutscenes, its the fact that the speedrunny culture that has arisen around those dungeons made the experience utterly confusing to me. I barely have an idea what we were meant to be doing, since I spent the run just desperately trying to keep up with the team, with no idea when I should stop to heal the tank or anyone else who got hurt, and when to just keep running.

Praetorium was even worse. I got lost following two other players who also turned out to be new, and no one in the team waited or helped us find our way. Literally the first time we managed to fight something was in the boss battle with the knight guy with the gunsword.

I have to admit that I'm not terribly invested in the story of XIV so far, but even for someone who can't name half the principal characters, the way my Praetorium run went made the story feel like it ended on a wet fart.
They're INT; Vercure scales off of INT as well.

Dualcast is basically just cast a spell? If you cast something instantly via Dualcast, you don't get Dualcast again; so the flow of combat is spell with cast time -> instant cast -> spell with cast time -> instant cast. There's not much else to getting Dualcast going, though.

Thank you. I have this guy spec'd with MND since it was a WHM before. This has been a fun weekend.

Also that hard Leviathan fight is amazing. In combat and visually.
Can the Susano QTE be mashed with a button and if so what would it be on a standard keyboard layout. I dont think space worked but I was just mashing mouse click on the circle anyways.

Is there a guide/comprehensive list for Markers? Like stack and get away, ect


Can the Susano QTE be mashed with a button and if so what would it be on a standard keyboard layout. I dont think space worked but I was just mashing mouse click on the circle anyways.

Is there a guide/comprehensive list for Markers? Like stack and get away, ect
Any button works for the active time events. You can just mash all over your keyboard like hackers do in Hollywood and it works.

Stack is the orange marker with arrows pointing in, a purple eye means look away, etc. Red marker pointing down at you generally means something is going to strike in an aoe around you. Just pay attention during fights and you'll generally see all of them, and they're consistent in fights now since the end of Heavensward.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I just do 123 for that segment, or 1234 with both hands if I'm feeling anxious.


I feel like with MCH i'm working much harder than my dps counterparts for less damage overall. This in comparison to BRD feels lacking.

I feel really terrible because anytime I get a roulette party with a Machinist, I cringe a little. Trash mobs and bosses go down noticeably slower with a Machinist in the party. I actually really want to level one up, but I can't until they get patched. I feel sorry for MCH now. :(
Any button works for the active time events. You can just mash all over your keyboard like hackers do in Hollywood and it works.

Stack is the orange marker with arrows pointing in, a purple eye means look away, etc. Red marker pointing down at you generally means something is going to strike in an aoe around you. Just pay attention during fights and you'll generally see all of them, and they're consistent in fights now since the end of Heavensward.

Thanks for making me remember about the hacker jargon generator: "They're inside the bandwidth, use the unicode UDP internet to disconnect their transistor!" haha

And as for the marker guide, I'm just curious is their an actual guide? I feel like that run down might actually be enough though lol


Suffering From Success
I feel really terrible because anytime I get a roulette party with a Machinist, I cringe a little. Trash mobs and bosses go down noticeably slower with a Machinist in the party. I actually really want to level one up, but I can't until they get patched. I feel sorry for MCH now. :(

Oh boy here we go, this is how inane preconceptions are born.
Machinist does good damage right now. The buff... was a buff.
The problem is not with its damage, it's that its playstyle isn't very fun and that class mechanics don't match up super well to current endgame content.
In dungeons in particular MCH should have no real issues doing damage.

Likely you were getting machinists that don't know what they were doing, or what's even more likely, the other DPS was bad as well and you're having hell of a confirmation bias.


What's the trick to efficiently lock onto/switch between targets? I'm on console.

When there are multiple enemies attacking me.. I hit X to highlight a single enemy, DPS, but once that enemy is dead I'm no longer locked onto anything & have to hit X again & repeat. Is there an easier way?

I play a healer & im having trouble locking onto PCs, I always lock onto an enemy rather than the player I'm trying to heal. With this as well, am I missing something?

EDIT - also, any good reads/YouTube videos on healing in general? All this is new to me, so I want to make sure I'm doing it right.

EDIT2 - thank you to the lovely person a few pages back for the info you provided. It turned out to be VERY valuable as I had picked the wrong starting class, so I'm thankful to have found that out sooner rather than later.


I feel that if I would play anything else than a Tank I wouldn't touch MMOs. Its the wait. Simple as that. Which is kinda sad because it locks me out from one type of gameplay that I might actually enjoy.

This is something that kinda bothers me.
Found a Machinist parse in June for 3963 DPS on a dummy. Comments say that the parser doesn't take into account a few moves so it should be over 4000.

Is this supposed to be low damage?

I see people peddling low damage Machinist around and this doesn't seem to be bad. Other stuff for melee jobs like NIN and DRG were in the 3000 area as well IIRC.

While I feel like tanks have become a chaff role in an MMO in general, I do sincerely wish they'd just reduce 8 person groups to one tank.

Such a waste of time recruiting for anything when the mechanics barely utilize an offtank half the time and no one in this game wants to play a tank. Should just bake basic OT responsibilities into a section of DPS in order to build additional utility.

PF on Primal at any given moment usually looks like this:

Playing offtank is more like playing a sub par DPS most of the time. I remember for some things like Zurvan I saw groups with only one tank slot because you didn't need another if the party was good enough.

I don't think I would mind if they designed future 8 mans with just one tank. Should see an increase in DPS/Healers getting into content faster with probably no noticeable change for tank queue times.


What's the trick to efficiently lock onto/switch between targets? I'm on console.

When there are multiple enemies attacking me.. I hit X to highlight a single enemy, DPS, but once that enemy is dead I'm no longer locked onto anything & have to hit X again & repeat. Is there an easier way?

I play a healer & im having trouble locking onto PCs, I always lock onto an enemy rather than the player I'm trying to heal. With this as well, am I missing something?

EDIT - also, any good reads/YouTube videos on healing in general? All this is new to me, so I want to make sure I'm doing it right.

EDIT2 - thank you to the lovely person a few pages back for the info you provided. It turned out to be VERY valuable as I had picked the wrong starting class, so I'm thankful to have found that out sooner rather than later.

For enemies, hold down L2 or R2 and press L1 or R1 to tab through them.


hi. are RDM Mind or Int? im leaning on Int, but see them healing at higher levels. currently 52. also any guides? like an explain it to me like i 5 guide. cause i cant seen to get dual cast to show up constantly.

Every job or class in the game scales off of a singular stat for its output. RDM shares gear with BLM and SMN, so everything it does scales off of INT.

Vercure is kind of a special case that's shared with Clemency (a PLD spell) in that it's a healing spell that doesn't scale off of MND - it scales off of your primary stat instead. It's a little unintuitive since MND is otherwise established as the healing magic stat, but it's done this way because gear design is done in a way so as to make this the only real option if healing magic as a utility is to be brought to something without substantial MND in the first place.

As far as Dual Casting, it operates on a very specific principle: Whenever you cast a spell that uses a casting bar, Dual Casting triggers, removing the casting bar from your next spell that would have one.

This means that Dual Casting will not trigger on a spell that has had its casting bar removed by Dual Casting, or a similar effect such as the role action Swiftcast.

This means that you would want to make the most out of it by making sure that you never utilize the casting bar on spells that take a long time to cast - you can cast a spell with a short casting time in order to remove the casting bar from a spell that would normally have a long casting time.

Your spells are basically divided up into two categories with regards to this: Fast spells and slow spells. Look over your spells - if it has a cast time of 2.5s or lower, it's a "fast" spell, if it doesn't, it's a "slow" spell.

So basically, you save time and are able to cast more spells by doing normal casting of your "fast" spells, and using Dual Casting to instantly cast your "slow" spells instead of using their long casting times.

Conveniently, all spells that come up via a proc (e.g. Verstone and Verfire) are in the "fast" category, alongside Jolt. So, if you ever don't have Dual Cast, cast one of these spells; and if you do have Dual Cast, cast either Verthunder or Veraero (your slow spells). Which one you cast should be in accordance with whichever type of mana you have the lowest on, as you should try to keep them relatively close in value - if one gets too high above the other, you hamper your ability to generate the lower kind until they become more balanced. At 80 of both types, go do your melee combo on enemies, and then go back to casting.

The wording can be a bit haphazard for dual casting, but it's really quite simple; finishing a spell with a casting bar, removes the casting bar for your next one. Once it clicks, the job is actually pretty straight-forward.


my biggest complaint about MCH right now is hot shot not getting a heated version or animation. looks so dull between heated moves.
So I'm a new player who just hit 50 and did Castrum and Praetorium over the weekend.

It's not just the pressure to skip cutscenes, its the fact that the speedrunny culture that has arisen around those dungeons made the experience utterly confusing to me. I barely have an idea what we were meant to be doing, since I spent the run just desperately trying to keep up with the team, with no idea when I should stop to heal the tank or anyone else who got hurt, and when to just keep running.

Praetorium was even worse. I got lost following two other players who also turned out to be new, and no one in the team waited or helped us find our way. Literally the first time we managed to fight something was in the boss battle with the knight guy with the gunsword.

I have to admit that I'm not terribly invested in the story of XIV so far, but even for someone who can't name half the principal characters, the way my Praetorium run went made the story feel like it ended on a wet fart.

It's disheartening the first time through, there's no doubt, but after you've run Castrum/Praetorium over 20 times on DF within the next month, you'll see why people speed run it.

It's really just a poorly implementated series of missions that should be the most impactful in the game but end up a limp dick. Watching the CS at an inn afterwards does little to remedy this. Fortunately SE learned and there are no equivalents in the rest of the game.

HW is where the story really takes off, hang tight til then.

I feel that if I would play anything else than a Tank I wouldn't touch MMOs. Its the wait. Simple as that. Which is kinda sad because it locks me out from one type of gameplay that I might actually enjoy.

This is something that kinda bothers me.

"The wait" meaning queues? I mean, healers get instant queues also.

I wouldn't let that put you off playing a DPS to see if it's for you regardless.
I don't know why tanks are so rare, I think it's great. It's not too difficult to play, being a party leader is fun in dungeons and fits your story role as the WoL, tank swapping is fun and engaging in raids, and being an OT is a mostly pressure free way to learn a fight and let's you be a hero if the MT dies.

Plus, 6 fell cleaves will never not feel cool.

Tank swapping is fun...when there's tank swapping. Most of the time OT will be a wannabe DPS for 80% of the raid, sometimes more.That's no fun, If I'll ever do as tank is dps most of the time, I rather be a DPS.

They need to rethink their raid design if they want to have 2 tanks. The only fight they used both tanks in engagung way was T4.
Don't get MCH often in groups. Most have been crap damage, but pretty sure that's a player issue. I've had one MCH in Ex roulette that I assume knew how to play his class and was outdpsing the shitty SAM, doing 3k-3.5k which for a 4man dungeon is pretty high.

Their damage look alright but they look complicated(might not be especially after the 4.05 rework, but haven't paid attention).

Bards are the same to a certain extent, 90% of the bards I get in random roulettes are awful damage wise, and a lot don't use their support abilities either. Since I'm now leveling it, I kinda see why, it's some frantic cooldown/proc/buff tracking nonsense and for some curious reason, while they felt the need to tack on stupid shit on some of the class gauges, the bard gauge only tracks songs, not the dot or the procs or the crit buff or anything else. Meanwhile the BLM gauge tracks 50 different things even though the only thing you need is the astral fire duration and to a lesser extent the foul cooldown.


I don't know why tanks are so rare, I think it's great. It's not too difficult to play, being a party leader is fun in dungeons and fits your story role as the WoL, tank swapping is fun and engaging in raids, and being an OT is a mostly pressure free way to learn a fight and let's you be a hero if the MT dies.

Plus, 6 fell cleaves will never not feel cool.

I think it all comes down to responsibility. You can do a dungeon 20 times as a DPS and still not really understand how to tank it, and since tanking is binary if you fail your whole group wipes. As a DPS if you fail you just take some damage or you die and the fight takes a bit longer. Same binary system goes for healer, but you have less of an ability to actively kill everyone like tanks can if they turn a boss the wrong way, don't pick up adds or don't do mechanics right. Lots of players don't like being the sole point of failure in a group.

Myself, I love tanking. I'm a control freak so I like being in charge, knowing mechanics and marking targets and such (not to mention quick queues). I will say though jumping in to tanking a dungeon you don't know in this game is very unforgiving, especially in the lv ~30 ARR dungeons while levelling. Plenty of "wrong" ways to go and mechanics that aren't clear what you need to do until you mess up on them, versus DPS where you almost can't fail hard enough to wipe the run.


It does not matter how many times I see it, Almagast will never stop stressing me out.

Found a Machinist parse in June for 3963 DPS on a dummy. Comments say that the parser doesn't take into account a few moves so it should be over 4000.

Is this supposed to be low damage?

I see people peddling low damage Machinist around and this doesn't seem to be bad. Other stuff for melee jobs like NIN and DRG were in the 3000 area as well IIRC.

As noted in the video you linked, that's a catered SSS parse and not really representative of where MCH was at the time. That largely means the CD rotation used there isn't what would be used in a normal fight for various reasons, and catered SSS parses rarely resemble the real deal.

The MCH problem is/was also a lot more complex than just terrible dps 1/10 would not run. There's the whole gameplay issue Frumix mentioned, which prevents people from wanting to try it in things, and then that after the skill strip down all MCH has for unique utility anymore is Dismantle and the possible math edge on Hypercharge. Not enough to make it wanted for its own sake.

I dunno; I stand by the job being a platypus.


PotD sucks now

everyone just runs through as fast as possible without killing much and actually almost gets pasted at the floor boss

If you are running floor 50+ why wouldn't you speed through it?

You are already capped at 60 so killing more mobs then is needed to open the next floor is a waste of time.


I've been playing for a few weeks now and only today have a noticed a constant stream of bot-like named players suddenly appearing around npcs and disappearing while questing. I'm guessing there's some botting ring with a teleport hack out there.
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