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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down

I'm re subbing and at still only level 33. Pardon my ignorance, but what are daily leveling roulettes?

In the Duty Finder, the first tab has roulettes, it unlocks automatically when you complete the first 2 dungeons in the story so you should have it. It's basically a random dungeon, leveling roulette is leveling dungeons(anything that's not 50, 60 or 70), trial roulette trials etc, pretty self explanatory. The first time of the day you do a roulette, you get a bonus. They go from meh(Guildhests, lvl 50-60) to very substantial(leveling), so you should do leveling and potentially trial, and expert once you're at level cap. Leveling roulette will generally give almost a full level worth of xp. It resets at the usual daily reset, which is indicated on the DF window itself now iirc.
Euro folk — my static's looking for a good Bard or Machinist for weekly clears of O1-4S, speed kills, parse runs and Super Savage (Unending Coil) prog. PM me if you're interested. Want to trial asap.
do you need to earn xp to get medals? yokai medals arent dropping with the minion out, but i do get weapon medals

edit: didnt have watch on wrist


Yokai watch is back huh? I hardly remember the first round but I'll probably just pick up a few weapons and grind some FATE xp with other jobs. Hey SE! Bring back the Lightning event. I'll even take it a step further, make the next Omega raid based on 13. 😈


Saint Nic
In the Duty Finder, the first tab has roulettes, it unlocks automatically when you complete the first 2 dungeons in the story so you should have it. It's basically a random dungeon, leveling roulette is leveling dungeons(anything that's not 50, 60 or 70), trial roulette trials etc, pretty self explanatory. The first time of the day you do a roulette, you get a bonus. They go from meh(Guildhests, lvl 50-60) to very substantial(leveling), so you should do leveling and potentially trial, and expert once you're at level cap. Leveling roulette will generally give almost a full level worth of xp. It resets at the usual daily reset, which is indicate on the DF window itself now iirc.

Gotcha. Thanks!

Also, what are the "best sites" to keep bookmarked for references on XIV? Especially for things like leveling DotL/DotH?


Had two subs for v4s today. Man the attitude of the Monk that we PF'd. First he leaves voice comms like three minutes into Exdeath because reasons. Then he dies numerous times in Neo because he's not in discord to hear how we do mechanics

We finally clear and then he starts making a fuss about the loot. He knew going in that he could roll on anything except the coffer - yet when we get to it, he rolls anyway and posts some petty comments in the chat (Coffer was going to me as we are a static and I'm the last to get my weapon). Luckily I rolled an 80 and got the AST weapon regardless, but ugh.

I dunno about anyone else, but if I'm looking to get a weekly clear with a static, I don't try to steal their loot. Just seems like common courtesy?

And that's why you always put lootmaster when you pick up randoms as replacements.

My static did the same last week, picked a replacement and loot rules were explained before going in, yet we put lootmaster nonetheless.


FF14 fashion question: is there a dress and dye combination that will result in a nice fire-engine red dress?

I bought a bridesmaid's dress and crafted some dalamud red dye but it looks awful :/ comes out a different colour when applied than the little circle shows in the dye's item description.


FF14 fashion question: is there a dress and dye combination that will result in a nice fire-engine red dress?

I bought a bridesmaid's dress and crafted some dalamud red dye but it looks awful :/ comes out a different colour when applied than the little circle shows in the dye's item description.
you can preview all the dyes in the window even if you don't have the dye


Gotcha. Thanks!

Also, what are the "best sites" to keep bookmarked for references on XIV? Especially for things like leveling DotL/DotH?

Cheap Stormblood crafting leveling

I don't remember how I leveled in Heavensward lol

For gathering, you only need

After 50, plus the clear method for gathering the collectables for exp. Pre-50 it's going to be leves and grind.

Fishing is more complicated, but the accepted source of fishing info is


you can preview all the dyes in the window even if you don't have the dye

None of the red dye colours look like what I want when previewed on a bridesmaid's dress, that's why I'm asking what dress I'd need to get a result that will be a nice fire-engine red colour.

Also, my highest class level is 55, so it can't be level 60/70 gear either unfortunately.


Saint Nic

Cheap Stormblood crafting leveling

I don't remember how I leveled in Heavensward lol

For gathering, you only need

After 50, plus the clear method for gathering the collectables for exp. Pre-50 it's going to be leves and grind.

Fishing is more complicated, but the accepted source of fishing info is

Thanks! Going to bookmark this stuff now.


I just can't find a good group for V2 savage. It's driving me insane... there's always something and people just can't do the mechanics. Such an easy fight...


I just can't find a good group for V2 savage. It's driving me insane... there's always something and people just can't do the mechanics. Such an easy fight...

I took my alt into a random clear party last night to see what it was like, and it wasn't that bad? We went in once with a DRG who couldn't read and was like "no bonus, right?" and bailed after one wipe while lecturing us all on how we'd learn what hard was in o3s when we got there, causing half the party to drop.

So we sat in PF waiting for refill, got a bunch of people, and one-shot it. Lots of mechanics failures (I died to stupidity, I know we had raid-wide vuln at least once, a couple of other deaths to standing in dumb) and it was a long kill but it went pretty well all things considered.

Which is super unhelpful I guess aside from: Keep trying! There's something to be said for people who have adjusted to 'bad' groups and will keep going when stuff goes pear-shaped/actually have utility stuff cross-classed and will pop it to save runs.


I took my alt into a random clear party last night to see what it was like, and it wasn't that bad? We went in once with a DRG who couldn't read and was like "no bonus, right?" and bailed after one wipe while lecturing us all on how we'd learn what hard was in o3s when we got there, causing half the party to drop.

So we sat in PF waiting for refill, got a bunch of people, and one-shot it. Lots of mechanics failures (I died to stupidity, I know we had raid-wide vuln at least once, a couple of other deaths to standing in dumb) and it was a long kill but it went pretty well all things considered.

Which is super unhelpful I guess aside from: Keep trying! There's something to be said for people who have adjusted to 'bad' groups and will keep going when stuff goes pear-shaped/actually have utility stuff cross-classed and will pop it to save runs.

Yeah I'll keep trying. It's a fun fight after all.

What pisses me off is the fact that it's always one or two players that just suck and don't learn from their mistakes, and that's enough for the whole group to crumble. Most have zero patience too and 3 wipes is enough after 20 minutes waiting at PF.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Yokai watch is back huh? I hardly remember the first round but I'll probably just pick up a few weapons and grind some FATE xp with other jobs. Hey SE! Bring back the Lightning event. I'll even take it a step further, make the next Omega raid based on 13. 😈

Lightning event items are mogstation items so it won't happen. The reason Yokai Watch was likely to happen again is because those items probably can't go on the mogstation easily. They'd likely have to give Level 5 a cut of every Yokai item sold.


I'm almost out of leve allowances. I wish they would lower the timer. It takes forever to build them back up when you run out.


I just can't find a good group for V2 savage. It's driving me insane... there's always something and people just can't do the mechanics. Such an easy fight...

V3S isn't any better. I've only ever reached the Library because people keep joining Library progression parties when they clearly don't know the mechanics that come before it very well.


Yesterday Matsuno tweeted the original photo of the exclusive look at Return to Ivalice ingame!!!!



V3S isn't any better. I've only ever reached the Library because people keep joining Library progression parties when they clearly don't know the mechanics that come before it very well.

Oh god. I thought V3 was better... I might be done with Savage then since pugs suck so much.


if dad of light is meant to take place during 2.0 why is the son's character using elixir field

show is unwatchable now

i mean, that Japanese CM for stormblood about our good memories of titan HM with a RDM and SAM in group established the canonical patch timeline already


There were Au Ra around, at one point one of their FC members is wearing the All Saints Wake 2016 cape, and in the last couple of episodes
Dad goes to fight Twintania wearing the ironworks chest and the Ebony Bow which kid c'mon at that point get your dad a Bahamut carry.

The show takes place in the timeline that exists in all our hearts where all the best parts of the patches are there at 2.0. Which is also the timeline where
all the young women at your work quit because their uniforms aren't pink.


Does anyone know of any good guides for DRG melds? I've been putting it off for awhile, but I'm starting to become a DPS liability so I figure I need to bite the bullet.


basically when the combined total of your crit and dh is 3500 and above, having more crit than dh is better, that's the 1 thing i remember from some graph someone made on reddit


I finished Dad of Light.

This is inaccurate, Bard has a damage LB3. It'd have actually been better if they kept it the same and he saved the raid with old Bard LB3. <_<


I like when the person who formed the party keeps telling everyone what they're doing wrong and what needs to be done, but they're the one constantly failing mechanics.


Got to the library phase of V3S. We might have been able to get further if the WHM could have stayed alive. I've pretty much got the first two phases down. My biggest problem is having the cooldowns for Critical Hit.


Dad use the Hilibrand Emote at really low levels too.
That's just the Midlander flex, the only difference between it and the /gentleman pose is the gentleman pose has the tooth grin at the end.

Got to the library phase of V3S. We might have been able to get further if the WHM could have stayed alive. I've pretty much got the first two phases down. My biggest problem is having the cooldowns for Critical Hit.
What tank are you? If you're Warrior, you can basically alternate Holmgang and Awareness. If you're another tank, you can pop awareness pre-pull (don't remember the exact timing for it to last, though) and it'll be up for the first critical hit and be up again in time for the second.


all fights in the game (currently) basically come down to familiarity imo
just keep practicing and sooner or later you'll clear it, you just have to be willing to spend many hours on it


Neo Member
Pretty much. I cleared O3S using PF and the first time I saw enrage I died like 3x to Blizzard III because I didn't know when to anticipate it. As long as you remember boss' attack rotation you'd know when to anticipate stuff. Just need to be more patient esp using PF because of the easy disbands and getting used to diff strats (seen 3 diff strats for O3S already).


I have lazy and bad memory so most of it is reflex/muscle memory for me but yeah, practice is key especially if you're learning things on your own in PF.

I couldn't tell you how more than 20 seconds of any given fight's rotation goes.
So due to unfortunate events my static cant raid this week so I've been trying to get my O3S weekly since like yesterday and the parties are absolutely horrid. Sch can't shield for their life WAR suicide main tanking in deliverance in a PUG.... we made it to 1 percent enrage just now and it was all because people had to die to stupid things. Lol, there was one bonus though *shrug*


I spent a decent chunk of my day today getting the Whisper-Go and it's such a goofy little mount
I love it
. My super tall Roegadyn looks really silly riding it.


just a reminder that there's a glow in the dark version of the yokai ghost mount
not 100% sure but afaik it was all minions and you get the normal ghost mount, but all weapons for the secret version


Suffering From Success
If your party is the one that would give up on A4S (Gordias Savage 4th floor), then you might as well give up at Ultimate Bahamut phase 1.

Do not challenge me, Sudo


just a reminder that that's a glow in the dark version of the yokai ghost mount
not 100% sure but afaik it was all minions and you get the normal ghost mount, but all weapons for the secret version

I'm considering going for the all weapons mount since there's still 2 months for the event, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not dreading the legendary medal grind.
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