so how does cynthia's mission play out if Chrom isn't the pops? Is the plot still
chrom imposter
so how does cynthia's mission play out if Chrom isn't the pops? Is the plot still?chrom imposter
So in the end who did y'all choose?
Mine time paradox waifu
Kinda lame that other confessions for other units don't get a cute pic.
0) No feet = it's just the chibi style that is seen in a lot of anime art. The feet are there, but very minimized because they are considered unimportant and makes the characters more "lithe" looking. Get used to it.Hey guys, I'm completely new to the series and I'm like... 4 Chapters into the game, I just have a couple questions I'd be extremely happy about if I could get them answered! Game is TONS of fun so far, the cutscenes are amazing. The only bad thing is WHY ARE THERE NO FEET. Anyway:
1) What are the red/green down/up arrows about that you see in the store, and that change from person to person for different weapons? I imagine it's something like "chemistry" between weapon&person and I'm aiming for an as big green number as I can get? Also, is there a way to see that number for already-purchased items? It seems hidden outside of the store screen...
2) Is there a way to "recharge" your weapons, or am I stuck buying new ones once their uses ran out?
3) What are some good hints to partying up? Like-and-like, or people with good chemistry? I imagine once I get "special" relationship status (I imagine that's what the "S" is for) those would be best and unlock special moves?
4) Sometimes I get an X2 and get to attack twice, is there something special that triggers that? Or just luck at turn-start? It can't JUST be the weapon triangle...
5) Should I try to keep my whole party levelling and swap people out from time to time, or focus on a small group of 7, 8 people that I use every time?
6) What, apart from crit-defense, is Luck for? I imagine opening chests with the character with the highest luck, but I'm not sure that's how it works...
Thanks a lot in advance, I'm sure I'll have other questions as the game goes on...
I'll answer what I can come up with as best I can...Hey guys, I'm completely new to the series and I'm like... 4 Chapters into the game, I just have a couple questions I'd be extremely happy about if I could get them answered! Game is TONS of fun so far, the cutscenes are amazing. The only bad thing is WHY ARE THERE NO FEET. Anyway:
1) What are the red/green down/up arrows about that you see in the store, and that change from person to person for different weapons? I imagine it's something like "chemistry" between weapon&person and I'm aiming for an as big green number as I can get? Also, is there a way to see that number for already-purchased items? It seems hidden outside of the store screen...
2) Is there a way to "recharge" your weapons, or am I stuck buying new ones once their uses ran out?
3) What are some good hints to partying up? Like-and-like, or people with good chemistry? I imagine once I get "special" relationship status (I imagine that's what the "S" is for) those would be best and unlock special moves?
4) Sometimes I get an X2 and get to attack twice, is there something special that triggers that? Or just luck at turn-start? It can't JUST be the weapon triangle...
5) Should I try to keep my whole party levelling and swap people out from time to time, or focus on a small group of 7, 8 people that I use every time?
6) What, apart from crit-defense, is Luck for? I imagine opening chests with the character with the highest luck, but I'm not sure that's how it works...
Thanks a lot in advance, I'm sure I'll have other questions as the game goes on...
Only the children and ugly people.
0) No feet = it's just the chibi style that is seen in a lot of anime art. The feet are there, but very minimized because they are considered unimportant and makes the characters more "lithe" looking. Get used to it.
1) The green means it's better than current weapon equipped in that area (might, hit accuracy, critical chance). Red means worse than current weapon equipped in that area.
2) No. Get used to buying new weapons after they break or limiting use of weapons that seem really powerful but rare/expensive. There is one staff in the game that can repair ONE weapon to full ONE time.
3) Do whatever you need for pairing! If you unit is really low defense and you need them to survive, then choose a tank (Like Kellam or Frederick). If you find your person gets doubled a lot/is slow, pair them up with a speedy unit that can add to that stat. Before battle, also check out their "support" list to see which characters they can build relationships with. Most males and pair with most females. But same-sex friendships are limited so check the list. upping support levels will up your chances of double attacks and guarding happening.
4) If you have 5 speed or more than your enemy, you will attack twice in a round. Same goes if the enemy has 5+ points in speed over your characters. Some weapons like Brave ____ weapons will also let you attack twice regardless of speed. Similar to pairing stat boosts, you can use this to your advantage and pair a speedy units together to make sure you always attack twice a round.
5) Do what you want. Trying to evenly level all your characters will take a LOT more time though, and you might find yourself having to grind to keep them strong enough for the next chapter. Picking a team to focus on is a smarter choice probably (not that I do that lol), and you will get double classes of characters (2 healers, 2 mages, etc) and can class change anyway, so you can bench members you find useless if you don't like how they are growing stats-wise.
6) lol.. I don't even know what luck is for besides dodging crits (I will have to look this up..) and possibly finding better junk on sparkly tiles, though I'm not for sure, but that's good enough for me, so I picked it as my avatar's strength.
I'll answer what I can come up with as best I can...
1. Arrows Up (Green) means stronger than you currently equipped with your other weapon. Arrows Down (Red) means weaker than you currently equipped with your other weapon.
2. I don't know to answer that question but "Reforge"? (I never touched Reforge though)
3. I believe S is for marrying and strongest chemistry rank.
4. Luck/Critical hits You mean? Sometimes, you have a weapon that enemy is weak to. Ex. Bows are 2x effective against flying horses and possibly dragons too.
5. It's everyone's preference. I tend to level all my units to be close to each other to live longer than focusing on one like Frederick to be lvled up and let my other units wiped out easily.
6. Luck is a ability that let you be missed by enemies. (It's very important for me since I play on Hard/Classic. I need a luck to keep my units alive!)
Also to add to the responses above:
3. Pretty much pairing up units that cover another's weakness. Whether it's a boost in STR, MAG, Speed, DEF or RES. In one instance I had a priest that was open for a double attack, though when I transferred over a Pegasus Knight to pair up with her, she only took 1 hit thanks to the speed boost.
S rank is the best for pairs of course. I don't think it affects the attributes, but rather just Hit, Avoid, Crit, and Dodge. Not all pairs are compatible, so check the support log to see who actually gets a pair up boost (which should also be indicated by the hearts that pop up).
Hey guys, I'm completely new to the series and I'm like... 4 Chapters into the game, I just have a couple questions I'd be extremely happy about if I could get them answered! Game is TONS of fun so far, the cutscenes are amazing. The only bad thing is WHY ARE THERE NO FEET. Anyway:
1) What are the red/green down/up arrows about that you see in the store, and that change from person to person for different weapons? I imagine it's something like "chemistry" between weapon&person and I'm aiming for an as big green number as I can get? Also, is there a way to see that number for already-purchased items? It seems hidden outside of the store screen...
2) Is there a way to "recharge" your weapons, or am I stuck buying new ones once their uses ran out?
3) What are some good hints to partying up? Like-and-like, or people with good chemistry? I imagine once I get "special" relationship status (I imagine that's what the "S" is for) those would be best and unlock special moves?
4) Sometimes I get an X2 and get to attack twice, is there something special that triggers that? Or just luck at turn-start? It can't JUST be the weapon triangle...
5) Should I try to keep my whole party levelling and swap people out from time to time, or focus on a small group of 7, 8 people that I use every time?
6) What, apart from crit-defense, is Luck for? I imagine opening chests with the character with the highest luck, but I'm not sure that's how it works...
Thanks a lot in advance, I'm sure I'll have other questions as the game goes on...
Yeah, support levels only increase the guard/double attack chances. Stat boosts stay the same as far as I know (I don't KNOW what makes the boost a boost in a certain stat other than stat difference between the two characters and possibly classes--I just look at the window that pops up when I am about to pair).Thanks guys! So I should try to pair up to complement each other, AND the better support rating they can get, the better? What exactly do the support increases do, just add the chances of guard/double attack or also increase the stat-gain from pairing up?
Thanks for the fast answersDamn at not being able to repair armor... So I should probably have a "weak" and a "strong" weapon on each character if possible, and only use the strong one if necessary?
It's a bit sad the partner from pairing up who doesn't attack gets no exp, I wish it would.. :x also Frederik seems soooo OP early game, but that might just be my impression. Guess it's the silver lance
Thanks, duly noted. Also I think the info about what allows double attack is great advice, I never considered speed for that.
Although this game allows more freedom to make the characters' futures, I still like the Tellius saga characters a ton more. I'm not sure if it's just because they had 2 games or not.
You know what, maybe it's because the world they are in is not interesting as politics and discrimination.
I'm pretty sure it's strength actually. Just do the math on the dragonstone's MT (it's 8 I think) and current attack power.
Although this game allows more freedom to make the characters' futures, I still like the Tellius saga characters a ton more. I'm not sure if it's just because they had 2 games or not.
You know what, maybe it's because the world they are in is not interesting as politics and discrimination.
"Go ahead. Sell my life. I'll be over here."I wish I could sell party members that I'm not using into slavery. I could really use the gold.
"Go ahead. Sell my life. I'll be over here."
Ha! I would never sell Kellam. He's a necessity to the team.
Ricken can go be someone's sex slave though. I'll take 1000 gold for him.
"Go ahead. Sell my life. I'll be over here."
This gave me quite the laugh, thanks
Fredrick just hit level 20 as a great knight, I imagine that I should now use a second seal to reclass him and then reupgrade him to a special class at level 10?
Once you hit level 10 in an advanced class you can use a second seal to switch to any class that character can be.
So in the end who did y'all choose?
Mine time paradox waifu
Kinda lame that other confessions for other units don't get a cute pic.
I think he's referring to how there's no dramatic pic when two non-MU units marry.Are you referring to the marriage proposals? Donnel got a similar pic when he hooked up with MU.
Is it too early to be sure that a game will be your GOTY? I don't think I've ever played a game this obsessively...
I would be absolutely shocked if I enjoy another game this year as much as I've enjoyed Awakening. It's basically my dream game. Of course, I'm only on Chapter 21 so there is still time for them to ruin it somehow!nope, in fact you're going to compare later games to that first game you played at the start of the year. My GOTY 2012 was released in Jan. No reason to hold back really.
Is it too early to be sure that a game will be your GOTY? I don't think I've ever played a game this obsessively...
I've only played FE 7 and 8 extensively (played a bit of 6, Shadow Dragon, and Path of Radiance) so my reference points are probably not as numerous as yours but compared to those games I think Awakening holds up very well. I think the story does a good job of balancing serious issues with the charm and lightheartedness of many of the characters (and their interactions) so I'm very pleased with it overall.I'm still in chapter 12 so it's too early to judge but story wise the game FTM seems to be weaker than FE4,9 and 10.
Hell even the gameplay lacks some refinements compared to these games (why weapons do no longer have weight? Why I can't choose a weapon after doing an action? and so on...).
I've only played FE 7 and 8 extensively (played a bit of 6, Shadow Dragon, and Path of Radiance) so my reference points are probably not as numerous as yours but compared to those games I think Awakening holds up very well. I think the story does a good job of balancing serious issues with the charm and lightheartedness of many of the characters (and their interactions) so I'm very pleased with it overall.
I'll be honest, I had completely forgotten weapons had weight in previous FE's until I read your comment. It was a fine mechanic but the game functions just as well without it, in my opinion. I do wish you could change weapons after performing an action but that restriction isn't necessarily a bad thing either as it just adds one more wrinkle to the strategic decisons you need to make throughout the game.
For the most part the game feels like classic Fire Emblem to me so it's hard for me to find much to complain about. The biggest addition is easily the pair-up mechanic which, in my experience, has a massive impact on the overall game (to the point where I basically have every unit paired up during most of my fights now). In fact, if I were really looking to complain about something it might be that pair-up plays too important a role, but I can forgive that for the most part because of how fresh it feels.
Weigh made sens because with a lighter weapon you had less penalty on your agility. Stronger weapons where not always better choice because they are heavier (less hits, less accuracy and dodge). You had to make decision every time you select a weapon.Taking out gameplay elements isn't always regression. Sometimes things just don't work. I personally am glad weight is gone and I hope if another console Fire Emblem is made, it doesn't return.
So how many chapters are there in the main story excluding side missions?
Are the Paralogues after the 4th one all DLC?
Or do they open up later on (at Chapter 12)?
I agree, Awakening does a better job in the story so far than the GBA versions. FE9 had a slow start but toward the end, the amount of shit and charismatic characters the game threw at you was mind blowing and FE10 was even better in that respect. FE4 is a special case since that one did every thing right IMO: a massive epic story, exceptional gameplay, very beautiful music, appealing characters and brilliant marriage/lineage system (which is present in Awakening).
I will put Awakening's story into perspective FTM because I'm only in chapter 12 but I'm starting to get worried. That's said the characters interactions are really awesome in Awakening.
Are the Paralogues after the 4th one all DLC?
Or do they open up later on (at Chapter 12)?
My problem with Awakening's story so far is what seems to me like a lack of significant world building.
I'm not too far into the game, but it feels like things are moving too fast in the story, without actually getting anywhere.
Anyway, I'm only critical like this because of how much I like the series. I'm still really, really enjoying the game, and it may have the most refined gameplay in the series.
I agree with this, I don't see why you can't cycle through characters without having to back out.I love this game, but the inventory UI is kind of terrible.
First, once you select a character in the inventory management screen, you shouldn't need to back out to select a new character. You should just be able to scroll through them, maybe with L and R.
I don't mind that the menus show all items (even those that are possessed by another unit) but a filter would be nice. It isn't too big of an issue though, since it shows a x1 or whatever when the item is in the convoy.Second, after you've selected a character and are scrolling through the inventory of weapon types, you should be able to filter for items in the convoy. Sometimes I want to quickly see what is available for a character (or just what's in the convoy) and there isn't a good way to do that.
When you're shopping you can select the convoy for buying and selling. It's on the bottom of the list so just hit 'up' once and you're there.There was a third, but I forget what it was. The inventory management system is pretty crappy overall IMO. Sometimes I just wish it were a more traditional system. I don't like how it really wants to tie everything to a character, for example. Like in a shop I have to pick the character I'm shopping for, even if I just want something for the convoy. Little stuff like that, and the feeling that I'm taking extra steps in the menus is frustrating.
I love this game, but the inventory UI is kind of terrible.
First, once you select a character in the inventory management screen, you shouldn't need to back out to select a new character. You should just be able to scroll through them, maybe with L and R.
Second, after you've selected a character and are scrolling through the inventory of weapon types, you should be able to filter for items in the convoy. Sometimes I want to quickly see what is available for a character (or just what's in the convoy) and there isn't a good way to do that.
There was a third, but I forget what it was. The inventory management system is pretty crappy overall IMO. Sometimes I just wish it were a more traditional system. I don't like how it really wants to tie everything to a character, for example. Like in a shop I have to pick the character I'm shopping for, even if I just want something for the convoy. Little stuff like that, and the feeling that I'm taking extra steps in the menus is frustrating.
My problem with Awakening's story so far is what seems to me like a lack of significant world building. FE9 did start out slow, but it did so in a way that actually built up the world, the countries, and the characters. There was also a lot more dialogue, and plenty of chances to get to know characters, even outside of support conversations. Travel also felt real. A problem that I felt FE8 and Awakening both have is that the world map kind of reduces the impact of travel on the world. Everything feels kind of small and consolidated, because our characters can just move around the world without a seconds thought. One chapter, Chrom is far to the north, and the very next chapter he's in the far south east, without so much as a mention of the impact of travel.