Roy's not important enough to return.
He'll return as a palette swap.
Roy's not important enough to return.
Why is my Gaius such shit?
Second. My army is female-heavy, and it's killing me that I can't get S ranks between them.
I think i'm going to just roll with the way the devs intended classic mode to be...and if a character passes on (unless it's someone like Lissa), then i'll just let them rest. Seems like resetting over and over cheapens the intended gameplay.
He should have high Str, Skill and Speed.
Oh Gods no, was he RNG screwed? GODS!
So far the only pairing I'm set on is Frederick and Miriel. They both seem like the stoic type. It's too bad, because they're my two best units so combining them is annoying lol
You shouldn't be resetting THAT much, unless you're playing a higher difficulty on classic.
Roy's not important enough to return.
Why is my Gaius such shit?
Now that I'm unemployed and no longer sulking about it I'm finally going to get my teeth into this. So far the only system I'm not sure how to use properly is the pairing up. It feels like a paired unit is a wasted opportunity to level up, but maybe I would just need to learn to switch them when appropriate. I haven't noticed but do they gain "points" for support convos when paired up? That affects the percentage of a paired unit attacking I'm assuming?
This game has so much to offer it's overwhelming!
I want Sully to be the Smash Bros character. And I want her on her horse. Smash needs a lance user.
Now that I'm unemployed and no longer sulking about it I'm finally going to get my teeth into this. So far the only system I'm not sure how to use properly is the pairing up. It feels like a paired unit is a wasted opportunity to level up, but maybe I would just need to learn to switch them when appropriate. I haven't noticed but do they gain "points" for support convos when paired up? That affects the percentage of a paired unit attacking I'm assuming?
This game has so much to offer it's overwhelming!
Noire is stalking Inigo. Like mother, like daughter. Not as good as Tharja stalking MU though.
I have a question about Armsthrift. Does it apply to Spells as well, or just Weapons? I'm not sure since you "equip" Spells jsut as you do Swords/Axes/etc.
I am not certain, but I believe it should apply to both. I know for sure that it works for stones, so it ought to work for tomes as well.
So without realizing it until it was too late I got the Tactician and Lissa to S rank, thus bonding them together for lifeDoes that mean my avatar's relationship with every other woman is limited to A? Guessing the S Rank is marriage in every case.
Further emphasis: Damn it I married Lissa ;-;
I think I've been overdoing it on the skirmishes - when one pops up I can't leave it be. Now I'm ridiculously overpowered for the main story, haha.
On the plus side this lets me swap in units I'd have otherwise kept benched to make things interesting. Love that crazy-ass Henry, wish he'd shown up earlier.
Btw how do you make money? Just selling stuff, or do battles eventually start netting you gold?
The common way to make money is to defeat enemies with Bullions on them, usually from the neverending Risen.
Give someone with high Luck the Armsthrift and Despoil skills. Works great too.
Do the Risen randomly pop up on the map by just walking back and forth? I'm only in chapter 5 and so far i've only run into them once, and two more streetpass units that were just a little stronger than I was.
Do the Risen randomly pop up on the map by just walking back and forth? I'm only in chapter 5 and so far i've only run into them once, and two more streetpass units that were just a little stronger than I was.
Do the Risen randomly pop up on the map by just walking back and forth? I'm only in chapter 5 and so far i've only run into them once, and two more streetpass units that were just a little stronger than I was.
Do the Risen randomly pop up on the map by just walking back and forth? I'm only in chapter 5 and so far i've only run into them once, and two more streetpass units that were just a little stronger than I was.
The common way to make money is to defeat enemies with Bullions on them, usually from the neverending Risen.
Give someone with high Luck the Armsthrift and Despoil skills. Works great too.
some town sells you this item that spawns Risen (500 gold normal, I think 4000 on hard). Grinding that free dlc map is nice for prepromotion levels and for support levels. You can also summon spotpass teams at will.
They can randomly pop up or you can buy a Reeking Box and summon them.
I'm not entirely sure how they appear, but I feel confident in saying that simply moving around on the world map won't do.
His str isn't good but his skill and speed are.
Lon'Qu andbro.Lucina
I'm not entirely sure how they appear, but I feel confident in saying that simply moving around on the world map won't do.
lol she's cute, thats who i'm going after so far anyway. Btw how do you make money? Just selling stuff, or do battles eventually start netting you gold?
Cordelia with Lon qu is probably the best (as in Cordelia not gonna NTR the guy in a week after marriage), also their growths work really well together to make you a fast lethal severa :3
I'm an idiot to not realize the best couple ever.
Most of my money has come from selling off enemy bullions, they drop quite frequently and I've never been short on cash.
I was exaggerating about Lissa to some degree, she is amusing and the playful interaction with the avatar cute but some of the other potential "waifus" were a bit more interesting. Plus her youthful nature is rather prevalent and marrying her off made me feel a bit uncomfortable.![]()
I made her a War Cleric (got lucky in regards to her STR) though and her stats are insane so it was a good decision in the end. Together they really just destroy everything in their path. Tempted to knock the difficulty up to hard as with all of my units being in some form of relationship now there are so many stat bonuses and I haven't had anyone die in a while. Perhaps on the next playthough as I am playing classic mode, suppose hard would only increase the time I have to grind.
Guys do Manakete's really run off magic? Their stones dont mention if it does.
EDIT: Enemies might be time dependent too, since sometimes i'll open the 3DS from sleep and get an updating map message.
something i just noticed, but it seems like the framerate is higher in 2d, especially when you have a lot of flying horsies and lizards in play.
which one of you...