Finally got around to doing spotpass maps. I seriously wish I could reject marriage and/or get a divorce. I already, begrudgingly, gave Chrom away, and now I'm stuck on B/A ranks for the men. Why are they all so perfect?
That's because her Morgan is the "original" and the creation of the alternate timelines have significantly weakened her daughter's health. She is on a mission to end all Morgan suffering.
I... wouldn't mind seeing that. Especially with someone like Sully who was going to straight up skin/maim/kill Lucina when she saw her with Chrom. Though I'd throw the army into absolute chaos since I'd marry like 5 different people. Just imagine if Henry and Walhart got into it.
It could basically be that every time you want to change partners, you'll have to subjugate your old partner and his/her merry friends in some grand battle.
Huzzah, I finally finished playing matchmaker with the non-future characters! And now I have a ton of paralogues to do. Good thing everyone in my army is a murder machine. I'll just list my pairings and a short reason why I paired them because I'm in a chatty mood and I feel like sharing. Apologies in advance for the wall of poorly formatted text, bad jokes, and poor thoughts.
MaMU x Lissa: Bestest family, Owain and Morgan are angels and are perfect, my OTF, etc. I could go on forever about them, but I won't. Fair warning though, I won't shut up about them as long as I keep posting here. </doting father mode>
Chrom x Olivia: This pairing happened completely by accident, I swear. Chrom and Frederick were pretty much stuck together for the first half of the game and were my main murder machines along with the Avatar. When Olivia came and I noticed her Dance command, I paired her up with Cordelia and had her act as a taxi so that Olivia could give Chrom an extra turn. Next thing I know, Olivia and Chrom get hitched. Wowza Chrom, show some restraint man.
Tharja x Gaius: This one was more of a min-max pairing and it shows. Noire is a speed and skill queen right now! I didn't feel that Gaius and Tharja had any real chemistry with each other in their supports. The parent supports they have with Noire are really sweet though.
Stahl x Cordelia: Ridiculously average guy hooks up with the genius ace. It's like something out of a cheesy Hollywood romance! Seriously though, I enjoyed their interactions with each other and I especially liked their little exchange about natural talent vs. effort in their A support. I would've loved to hear the duet though.
Vaike x Nowi: The Vaike is officially a lolicon. I'm calling the police. I chose this pairing purely because their supports with each other are really, really sweet. It was just so refreshing and pleasant to see Teach not act like a cocky jerk for once and see the nice side of him and Nowi promising to fulfill Vaike's dream. Vaike's confession to Nowi was also really well done.
Gregor x Miriel: At first I wanted to pair them off because they were the older characters in the Shepherds and someone as cool as Gregor deserves to be married. I ended up really liking the dynamic between them by the time the A support popped up. I can also see a happy marriage between them what with Gregor teaching Miriel about how to be more emotional and Miriel teaching Gregor about SCIENCE because Gregor is smart pastry, yes?
Frederick x Cherche: I really like this because it's really classy. Two very classy and loyal knights hooking up just seems natural. Besides, Freddy-bear deserves the best looking girl for all the help he gave me during the beginning.
I can't say no to Cherche's back. Baby got back.
Lon'qu x Maribelle: This one was also more for gameplay reasons. The A and S support they had together was really sweet though so this pairing also made me happy for story reasons too so yay for that. I am gonna be sad that I won't have Kanji Brady with this pairing though. :<
Panne x Kellam: Probably the only support in which what's-his-face was actually noticed right off the bat and Panne keeps giving him the attention he wants. I think they make a good combat couple too, so yeah. Also, I kind of wanted Kel to get paired because I feel sorry for the poor guy.
Donny x Sully: I think Donny's the only man man enough to handle Sully besides Gregor. I also really dug the fact that they ended up sharing their life story with each other, which I really would've liked to hear. Farm girl Sully sounds like a lot of fun too.
Henry x Sumia: This one happened because it was either this or Sumia would be FOREVER ALONE. Their supports together did make me laugh though. It's really weird seeing them as a couple though. It's kind of jarring.
Guys I have no idea what I'm doing and I feel like crying
I feel so dumb.
Had the game since it came out in Europe and I'm enjoying it. Love the soundtrack and art style and story and all that. I'm on chapter 12 right now. I've been playing slow and have been busy with uni exams so I'm not as far as I thought I'd be at this point.
In terms of battles I feel like a pro lol. I have good strategy and placements and all that. But I have no idea what to do with seals and all that stuff. You know, the stuff that matters.
My avatar is tactician level 20 and he's been there for a while lol. Chrom level 19 Lord, Lisa level 6 cleric, virion level 14 archer, Vaike level 14 fighter, cordelia level 15 Pegasus Knight, Sully level 17, Tharja level 12, Sumia level 20, Lon'qu level 13.
Thats pretty much my main team and they are all default class I think. I know your all thinking I've messed my team up beyond belief or something lol. It's the first time I've played Fire Emblem and I enjoy it a lot! And in battle I don't struggle but I have no idea how to progress my team.
I'm planning on playing again once I finish but is there any tips on salvaging this mess? Sorry for the huge post. I've been embarrassed to write this in here in front of you pros lol.
We experienced a couple with really long item names in the Fire Emblem 12 translation. Because of that experience, I always roll my eyes at the really names (eg. Exalted Falchion).
In terms of battles I feel like a pro lol. I have good strategy and placements and all that. But I have no idea what to do with seals and all that stuff. You know, the stuff that matters.
I wouldn't worry about it, honestly. You can get by with minimal class-changing. Just make sure to use Master Seals to upgrade to the higher level classes when the enemies start getting stronger and you'll be fine. (In this case, you should class-change your tactician soon.)
Extensive Second Seal usage is mainly for grinders or when you want an extra skill or too.
I wouldn't worry about it, honestly. You can get by with minimal class-changing. Just make sure to use Master Seals to upgrade to the higher level classes when the enemies start getting stronger and you'll be fine. (In this case, you should class-change your tactician soon.)
Extensive Second Seal usage is mainly for grinders or when you want an extra skill or too.
I guess I just feel dumb and feel like I'm missing out on a part of the game. I love it a lot! My favourite game of the year so far!
But then I feel stupid for saying things like that when I haven't even experienced the game fully due to this Seal business and when I'm playing the game like a baby
Ha I never use her! I just use her for relationship purposes lol. If I click on support one more time it'll activate S support and I'm married to her lol.
I actually got married to her by accident because I didn't realise I was already on A already and I quickly pressed L+R and start. I want to get all the girls Just before S support before deciding lmao. So weird :$
Ha I never use her! I just use her for relationship purposes lol. If I click on support one more time it'll activate S support and I'm married to her lol.
I actually got married to her by accident because I didn't realise I was already on A already and I quickly pressed L+R and start. I want to get all the girls Just before S support before deciding lmao. So weird :$
You're a smart player and you know what you're doing.
But anyway, there's always the end of the game or a 2nd playthrough if you really want to mess around with Seals. Plus with the way the relationship system works, you'll probably want to play again regardless.
I feel like I'm lagging behind on the whole marriage thing maybe?
I'm on Ch. 11 and my closest pair is at C rank. The female healers are always in the back and the pegasus knight girls are always far away from everyone else so they haven't really ranked up in relationships I guess.
1: What's the best way to gain supports?
Just pair up and fight lots of enemies? It's pretty easy to get it to C or even B but I think I'll have to actually put some effort in to get it to A or S.
2: Are there any drawbacks to "hiring" spotpass characters?
I'd love to use some of my favorite characters from past games but I feel like the playthrough wouldn't feel "pure" anymore, if that makes sense.
1: What's the best way to gain supports?
Just pair up and fight lots of enemies? It's pretty easy to get it to C or even B but I think I'll have to actually put some effort in to get it to A or S.
2: Are there any drawbacks to "hiring" spotpass characters?
I'd love to use some of my favorite characters from past games but I feel like the playthrough wouldn't feel "pure" anymore, if that makes sense.
Risen battles. Just pair up the two you want and throw them all alone in into the fray.
Generally if there is a decent amount of enemies, one battle will be enough for C and two battles each will be enough for B and A.
You could also try Summer Scramble, the DLC map, as it has a bunch of sparkling tiles and you get at least three Seeds of Trust there. The only negative is that it has sand and Chrom is forced to bother your happy couple.
SpotPass characters lack supports and dialogue. Depends on how you feel about that. There is also a hard limit of how many you can hire as well.
Risen battles. Just pair up the two you want and throw them all alone in into the fray.
Generally if there is a decent amount of enemies, one battle will be enough for C and two battles each will be enough for B and A.
You could also try Summer Scramble, the DLC map, as it has a bunch of sparkling tiles and you get at least three Seeds of Trust there. The only negative is that it has sand and Chrom is forced to bother your happy couple.
SpotPass characters lack supports and dialogue. Depends on how you feel about that. There is also a hard limit of how many you can hire as well.
I guess I'll try the risen fights. I'm only at chapter six though so I'll have to wait until I get the characters I want to pair off with.
Funny how I have the two other scrambles but not summer Harvest scramble isn't useful for supports and hot spring is straight up too hard for my low leveled characters.
I guess I'll try the risen fights. I'm only at chapter six though so I'll have to wait until I get the characters I want to pair off with.
Funny how I have the two other scrambles but not summer Harvest scramble isn't useful for supports and hot spring is straight up too hard for my low leveled characters.
I just finished crafting my team of super kids, so I thought I'd pull a Markun and post my pairings here:
Algernon x Nah: I'll admit that this one was pretty weak (3 rankings of tasting food innocently swiftly followed by "I NEED ALL THE SEX NOW, ALGY"), but it was worth it for the absolutely beastly Morgan I got out of it (62 Attack, 76 Defense, Aegis, Pavise and Armsthrift WHAT UP). So I guess I just committed video game eugenics. IF THE FEDS COME, I'LL TELL 'EM I DID IT FOR THE STATS!
Kellam x Nowi: I originally did this just so I could get Kellam!Nah (ich bin ein Nazi, I guess), but it turned out to be both incredibly sweet and heartbreaking as Nowi treated Kellam like a big (little?) brother and the tragic reason for Kellam's inconspicousness was revealed (go check it out yourself if you're curious). I just felt so happy for them at the end when the big ol' lugnut pulled out a ring and proposed; they really are a great pairing.
Chrom x Olivia: I'm just gonna say this: Chrom!Inigo is the best thing ever. As a Hero (his destined class) with Ragnell and Armsthrift, he can gallantly go off protecting maidens with one hand and slaughtering Risen with the other thanks to his mother's Galeforce. Olivia!Lucina is great too, as the pair have some adorable mother-daughter moments together.
Vaike x Cherche: The proud parents of Wyvernman go really well together, and the gradual growth of warmness and companionship between them as the relationship went on was enough to bring a smile to my face. The aforementioned Wyvernman also totally wrecks shop as a Brave Axe-equipped Berserker (dat 66 Attack), and it was unbelievably satisfying to shout "WHERE ARE THEY?!" at enemies IRL while playing Five-Anna Firefight.
Donnel x Sully: Markun already covered this one, so I'll just talk about how awesome Assassin Kjelle is instead. Ragnell, Armsthrift, Luna, Galeforce and Swordfaire let her carve a path of destruction whilst simultaneously dodging dang near every attack thrown her way. It's kind of funny to consider that a woman who was once a slow, bulky knight turned out to be arguably the best assassin in the game.
Gaius x Sumia: So much hilarity! Seriously, if you haven't seen Sumia and Gaius' supports yet, go check them out right now. The beehive incident and its aftermath are both funny and sweet (pun entirely intended), and it's pretty easy to see how Stumbles won Gaius' heart (hint: it involves lots of sugar).
Lon'qu x Cordelia: It's nice to see a relationship in which both sides seem to have mutual respect for each other from the start, even if their love comes sort of out nowhere. The main reason I did this pairing, Tsunvera the Tsorceror, was well worth the while though.
Ricken x Lissa: I don't even care about this support. Pink-haired Owain, suckers.
Gregor x Panne: Good grieving! I was hoping for great things out of this pairing, but all in all it was a little disappointing. Gregor's in top form as usual and his attempts to teach Panne about human culture were humourous, but I just didn't see the love in the end. At least I got a brawny Yarne (whose interactions with Gregor are hilarious BTW) out of it!
Stahl x Miriel: I still can't get over how remarkably bland Stahl is. His lack-of-personality doesn't bounce off of Miriel too well, and even though their dialogue is humourous, I just don't feel it. Laurent's backstory is still incredibly tragic though, so at least it didn't screw with that at all.
Libra x Tharja: Aw, they wuv each other inside. Aw, they bonded over the pure evil blackness that resides in both of their hearts. Aw, their daughter is a teenaged bride. How... Sweet?
Henry x Maribelle: The actual supports for this pair were really good, but that's not what you're here for. What you're here for is Balls-To-The-Wall Brady. Balls-To-The-Wall Brady shows no remorse. Balls-To-The-Wall Brady leaves none alive. Balls-To-The-Wall Brady will break into your house while you're asleep, tear your wife in half, and then use Galforce to kill you too. Balls-To-The-Wall Brady looks like Kanji from Persona 4, and that's awesome. Balls-To-The-Wall Brady is vitriolic best buds with Pink-Haired Owain. Balls-To-The-Wall Brady has the most insane sustain ever with Lifetaker hax, since no one escapes Balls-To-The-Wall Brady's wrath. Balls-To-The-Wall Brady is the second-best unit in my army, and he is simply incredible. That is all.
Forever Alone Tier:
Virion: Sorry, buddy. I guess your royal line ends here. Maybe you could've prevented that if you, y'know, had good modifiers and skills and all.
Frederick: You were great in the early chapters, pal, but your outright detrimental manseed was of no use to me. It's not like you'd have anyone to marry though since Chrom is automatically wed as part of the story though ;P
Virion: Sorry, buddy. I guess your royal line ends here. Maybe you could've prevented that if you, y'know, had good modifiers and skills and all.
Frederick: You were great in the early chapters, pal, but your outright detrimental manseed was of no use to me. It's not like you'd have anyone to marry though since Chrom is automatically wed as part of the story though ;P
Ha! Though I don't want Ricken to breed in general. Poor Frederick will never have a wife because of my own personal tastes. I like him as the celibate guardian who already has kids... aka Chrom and Lissa. I married off Virion to Miriel on my first playthrough, but the guilt of accidentally killing Giaus before I got him caught up. So oh well.
I just finished crafting my team of super kids, so I thought I'd pull a Markun and post my pairings here:
Gaius x Sumia: So much hilarity! Seriously, if you haven't seen Sumia and Gaius' supports yet, go check them out right now. The beehive incident and its aftermath are both funny and sweet (pun entirely intended), and it's pretty easy to see how Stumbles won Gaius' heart (hint: it involves lots of sugar).
I don't even care because I have 60 skill Lethality Cynthia ripping holes in the enemy line. In retrospect I probably should've wed him to Tharja for Galeforce Noire, but she's a support Bride so it's not that big of a deal. There are only three members of my child army who can't Galeforce through everything (Yarne, Noire and Gerome), and Noire's the only one whom I could've feasibly given it to.
Avatar x Aversa: I could tell you I just did this to get a Dark Magic-wielding Sage Morgan with 63 Mag...but that would be a lie. I'm a sucker for redemption stories, and also boobs.
Chrom x Sumia: It's the canon pairing, plus this means I didn't have to worry about Sumia's limited pool of potential suitors.
Lissa x Libra: Lissa's such a sweetheart, I just wanted to pair her up with someone sensitive and gentle.
Sully x Donnel: Galeforce pairing, but it also makes sense thematically for Kjelle, who is obsessed with becoming stronger, to inherit Aptitude.
Miriel x Vaike: The opposites attract/odd couple factor won me over.
Maribelle x Ricken: It seemed obvious that he liked her, and there wasn't anyone else I particularly wanted with her, so why not?
Stahl x Panne: I thought it would be fun to pair up the most ordinary guy with the most outlandish girl.
Cordelia x Lon'qu: I felt bad for Cordelia's unrequited feelings, so I made it up to her by giving her the (in my estimation) hottest bishie in the army next to Chrom.
Gregor x Nowi: Gotta try to minimize that ~1000 year age difference!
Tharja x Gaius: This is just a Galeforce pairing.
Frederick x Olivia: Another study in contrasts, I thought Frederick's unflappable seriousness balanced out well with Olivia's shy artistry.
Cherce x Virion: They've already got history, and she's committed to serving him for life anyway. There would be...questions, if either was married to anyone else.
That means leaving Henry forever alone. He probably shouldn't be raising a child anyway. Good thing there aren't any other guys I'm leaving unmarried!
Man this game is really fun, never played a Fire Emblem title before. I only really started playing this type of game with that Ghost Recon game at the beginning of the 3DS life cycle.
I am a little pissed off with myself at the moment since
I accidentally killed Gaius on the royal raid level where he shows up as an enemy. I really wanted a thief.
I did not realize that Kellam could become a thief though. I have not really been training him at all so I got to figure out a way to grind a bit it seems! Trying to keep a bunch of characters leveled up has been difficult, probably since I have been spoiled by other games that level up all characters together and not just the ones in the fighting.
Any recommendations on how to grind some levels? I don't really want to spoil myself on the game too much so I want to try to get most of the characters to lvl 10 so I can see their upgrades at least before deciding on my main team. I have a Reeking Box but it seems pretty expensive to use to grind since I will need to do a bunch of battles and I want to save money to buy and forge weapons! I also am nervous about loosing characters by battling too much since I am playing on classic with permadeath as well.