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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride


Junior Member
Mayo got around to posting up the rest of their Fire Emblem Cipher illustrations on Pixiv over the weekend. Some choice favorites!

Chrom and Itsuki Aoi





Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I have continued on in Fire Emblem 6 for a bit, having completed mission 12.x last. The round requirement is quite bullshit, had I not read up on the requirements before, I would probably not have made it in 20 rounds through mission 12 and I have seen no indication that it is even required to do it that fast (though maybe there is an indicator if you fail to do it I just conquered the throne even though some enemies were still alive in round 20). Other than that the game is relatively easy so far. Rutger is really a strange unit, because he has no particularly high defense or offense, but his avoid rate is so freaking huge that at times he has like a 5% chance of being hit at all. I actually don't like using such a character, because it feels like lotto - if every hit went through as "projected" by the battle info, he would long be dead, but in actuality I can just put him in the middle of a huge group of pirates for them to slauughter themselves by attacking Rutger.

Also, after Fates it is strange to have all these low growths per level up and the comparatively massive class change growths. The fog of war gimmick is not one I like all too much, because enemies that are outside the visible range can attack in enemy phase and it is impossible to know beforehand what weapons they wield. I cannot find a 100% reliable strategy to deal with that. Blocking the path with Rutger or a high-defense unit is the only option I see and the latter one is quite risky because all my high defense units have low resistance.

If you think that's bad, imagine playing on Hard

There's this one enemy who's stuck on a throne with a Killer Axe

On a throne qith a killer axe is no problem for me, because that's not a ranged weapon. All bosses that do not feature a ranged weapon as their initially chosen weapon are trivial (when no round limits are in place) because they reliably fall to my "use magician ranged, then resuce magician" "strategy". That's the strange bit, the bosses are absolutely no threat because they cannot harm me, but it takes an eternity to defeat them (it has become better since my magic user promoted).


Rutger is really a strange unit, because he has no particularly high defense or offense, but his avoid rate is so freaking huge that at times he has like a 5% chance of being hit at all. I actually don't like using such a character, because it feels like lotto - if every hit went through as "projected" by the battle info, he would long be dead, but in actuality I can just put him in the middle of a huge group of pirates for them to slauughter themselves by attacking Rutger.

I wouldn't call that strange, that's exactly what Swordmasters are designed to do. Rutger just manages to do that far better than all the others thanks to things like FE6's lower hit rates in general, most enemies are axe users when you need him the most, a high hit rate in a game where thrones give a ton of avoid, a +30 crit on promotion and some good support options, and hard mode bonuses. He's a very reliable unit, especially on hard mode.

PK Gaming

On a throne qith a killer axe is no problem for me, because that's not a ranged weapon. All bosses that do not feature a ranged weapon as their initially chosen weapon are trivial (when no round limits are in place) because they reliably fall to my "use magician ranged, then resuce magician" "strategy". That's the strange bit, the bosses are absolutely no threat because they cannot harm me, but it takes an eternity to defeat them (it has become better since my magic user promoted).

The magic users you get that point are awful, Javelin has a WTD and hand axes are simply too inaccurate in FE6. Trust me, the enemy in question is very silly on hard.

Re: Rutger

He's an animal, straight up the best Swordmaster in the franchise. He's a ridiculously good dodge tank since his avoid so high and he has the durability to take at least one hit (which will be very rare since the 2RN heavily favors him). His middling offense isn't much of a concern since he has access to Killing Edges. Rutger carries you so hard on Hard Mode.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
(Fire Emblem 6 talk) Yesterday I have completed mission 16 and unlocked 16.x. The requirement of keeping Douglas alive while not being able to recruit him is quite the bullshit and I don't think it's all too obvious that this is required. Had I not looked up how to access the bonus missions, I would have had no chance to reach the true ending in my first playthrough. I abused the one-tile wide passage to the lower half of the level and the high evasion of Ruttger (stripping him off all weapons) to "capture" Douglas in safety. Other than that Fire Emblem 6 continues to be relatively easy, but the focus on random events (high crit rates, low hit rates) is not to my liking. Out of the games I have played (1, 2, 6-11, 13, 14) this really is the most RNG dependent game of the series I have played yet. Out of the remaining ones, 3-5 and 12, are there any that are even worse with hit probability?
(Fire Emblem 6 talk) Yesterday I have completed mission 16 and unlocked 16.x. The requirement of keeping Douglas alive while not being able to recruit him is quite the bullshit and I don't think it's all too obvious that this is required. Had I not looked up how to access the bonus missions, I would have had no chance to reach the true ending in my first playthrough. I abused the one-tile wide passage to the lower half of the level and the high evasion of Ruttger (stripping him off all weapons) to "capture" Douglas in safety. Other than that Fire Emblem 6 continues to be relatively easy, but the focus on random events (high crit rates, low hit rates) is not to my liking. Out of the games I have played (1, 2, 6-11, 13, 14) this really is the most RNG dependent game of the series I have played yet. Out of the remaining ones, 3-5 and 12, are there any that are even worse with hit probability?

*waits for you to get screwed by Thracia staff misses and/or hit floor/ceiling*


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
*waits for you to get screwed by Thracia staff misses and/or hit floor/ceiling*

So Thracia is even worse with hitrates, including basic staffs, I take from this? Well, since I'm waiting for the new translation, I'll have quite a while to prepare my nerves for that. After 6, I plan to play the remaining games in the order 12, 4, 3, 5, due to localisation status. And then I cry because of the phone Fire Emblem. Silently, because I don't want to be banned again ^^.
So Thracia is even worse with hitrates, including basic staffs, I take from this? Well, since I'm waiting for the new translation, I'll have quite a while to prepare my nerves for that. After 6, I plan to play the remaining games in the order 12, 4, 3, 5, due to localisation status. And then I cry because of the phone Fire Emblem. Silently, because I don't want to be banned again ^^.

Here's all the RNG in Thracia:

1. Like the other Kaga games, it's 1 RN.
2. Hit rates have a floor of 1 and ceiling of 99, you can imagine what happens as a result.
3. Non-status staves can miss (hit rate is 60+skill*4 I believe, see 2).
4. Enemy stats vary way more than in any other game, including move, luckily enemy stats are pathetic in general.
5. Speaking of movement, some enemies have movement stars, which essentially RNG Galeforce. (so do some of your units tbf)

welcome to Kaga's Wild RNG Ride


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Here's all the RNG in Thracia:

1. Like the other Kaga games, it's 1 RN.
2. Hit rates have a floor of 1 and ceiling of 99, you can imagine what happens as a result.
3. Non-status staves can miss (hit rate is 60+skill*4 I believe, see 2).
4. Enemy stats vary way more than in any other game, including move, luckily enemy stats are pathetic in general.
5. Speaking of movement, some enemies have movement stars, which essentially RNG Galeforce. (so do some of your units tbf)

welcome to Kaga's Wild RNG Ride
1. Is OK by me, I can handle "true percentages", in fact, if it has to be random (and I hate randomisation), I prefer percentages that really expres the likelihood something happens.
2. So everything is probabilistic, well thanks....
3. That's adding potential for more shitty restarts of the crit-hit-kind. I really don't get why the team at IS thinks and thought that this is a good idea. If every action can fail, there cannot exist a 100% reliable strategy, no matter how flexible it is.
4. This is nothing random though, right? Do you mean enemy stats are pathetic in all Fire Emblems or in Thracia in particular?
5. So if an enemy has a movement star and kills a unit in his turn, he can possibly move again? This should not matter too much, because usually you will restart when a character dies anyway.

Was Kaga a particularly big fan of randomisation? I actually think FE6 feels more like gambling than either of Fire Emblem 1 & 2, which should have Kaga involved.

I have just reached Chapter 20.x by the way in FE6. The last few chapters were extremely easy, because the enemies are way too weak for my promoted units, but chapter 20 was quite annoying, because its turn limit together with two sleep-inducing enemies and one berserk inducing one (berserk absolutely always hits, right?) meant I had to "wait" through most of my 25 rounds. I could have restartet and optimised towards that to get at least some treasures, but I really didn't care since I never use any items I cannot get in the shop in the preperations screen anyway (other than promotion items and I don't need any more promotion items).


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Oh, that's truly annoying and it is of the same one-sided nature as crits. On your side you always have to plan as if it did not exist for your units, since the probability it happens is lower than that it does not happen, whereas on the enemy's side, one instance where it happens out of numerous chances can be devastating. I can see I might not like Thracia all too much. Are there things to look forward to that Thracia actually does better than most or all other Fire Emblems [keeping in mind that I hate randomisation, so if you consider randomisation fun or good, then please don't list this ;)].


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
regarding enemy stat variation in Thracia, found dondon's post on it

tl;dr enemies have massive stat variance compared to any other game, also 10% chance of extra +1 move!

edit: this isn't RNG but weapon triangle is super important, it's +/-5 hit

This seems to be the most inoffensive way of using RNG to me, at least if the developers made sure that even with the strongest configuration possible for all units, all maps have a reliable victory strategy. I always check each individual enemy anyway and different from the bs crits and hit probabilities, this is something you can account for with absolute certainty in your strategy.

I'm now in mission 21 of Fire Emblem 6 and it is the last one with the hidden round limit. I'll need a second try though, because my Roy was killed. This mission, with its enormous reinforcements on top of a turn limit, is the first one where Roy not seemingly unpromotable bites my ass, because in this mission, most enemies can double him. Thinking of maybe rescuing him with Bors who gets zero damage from most enemies (sans magicians) right now and seems to have a broken speed value, doubling a lot of enemies (WTF, a General doubling...).


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
(Fire Emblem 6) Mission 21 was really tight with its enormous number of flying enemies swarming from everywhere. I now have reached mission 23, which reminds me of mission 21 a lot. It will probably be a bloodbath again. I'm running really low on money as well, I cannot buy any weapons anymore without selling others before, I hope the game does not last too long from here, otherwise I might run into a Game Over due to inability to act.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I don't buy boots, ever ^^. I'm done now with Fire Emblem 6 and I'm not really happy with it. It had some really great maps, but also some that are nothing more than timesinks. The finale was very weak - the two final levels were just boring - and the amount of dodging involved is bs. In the third to last mission I had my Pegasus Knight just stand in the middle of the map, never being hit (5% probability of being hit....), while I was sitting out the Berserk and Sleep staffs by letting my healer be attacked with them from a distance. That may qualify as a strategy (it worked fine), but it is also boring busywork. Maybe it was not a good idea to play this after the sublime Fire Emblem Fates. Now I'm pondering whether to start FE12 right afterwards or to give it some rest. How is FE12 with its RNG?


I don't buy boots, ever ^^. I'm done now with Fire Emblem 6 and I'm not really happy with it. It had some really great maps, but also some that are nothing more than timesinks. The finale was very weak - the two final levels were just boring - and the amount of dodging involved is bs. In the third to last mission I had my Pegasus Knight just stand in the middle of the map, never being hit (5% probability of being hit....), while I was sitting out the Berserk and Sleep staffs by letting my healer be attacked with them from a distance. That may qualify as a strategy (it worked fine), but it is also boring busywork. Maybe it was not a good idea to play this after the sublime Fire Emblem Fates. Now I'm pondering whether to start FE12 right afterwards or to give it some rest. How is FE12 with its RNG?

Restore staves do exist. If you don't want to wait it out, take the hit and heal.
Yeah, the game has lower hit rates, but with how much you've been complaining about it it sounds like you just didn't want to plan around it. It's funny you call Fates sublime though, because one of the reasons I loved my Lunatic Conquest run was that the hit rates reminded me a bit of FE6. Oh well, it's not for everyone.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Restore staves do exist. If you don't want to wait it out, take the hit and heal.
Yeah, the game has lower hit rates, but with how much you've been complaining about it it sounds like you just didn't want to plan around it. It's funny you call Fates sublime though, because one of the reasons I loved my Lunatic Conquest run was that the hit rates reminded me a bit of FE6. Oh well, it's not for everyone.

Well, I'm a bit strange with item usage as in: Before the final mission I use only what I can get in unlimited quantity easily ^^.

It was fine planning around it, but the high evasion led to only being able to come up with strategies that likely work. For instance with these wyvern rider swarms using a high evasion character to stomach all attacks was an OK strategy, but it could also go wrong due to the sheer mass of the wyvern guys. Maybe there are strategies that can guarantee 100% certain wins, but at the very least the not 100% certain strategies are often so obvious and tempting that I did not come up with them.

EDIT: Regarding Fates: I have played it only on Hard/Classic, but, using only the weapons I get automatically with my units, the hitrate was 100% or almost 100% with almost all my units. The few units that were not like this, like the Axe guy in Conquest, went to the bench immediately (exception: Rinkah, because she was my wife in Hoshido, but Hoshido is so easy that it does not matter if you have a unit on the battlefield you always only use as an exp sponge). The enemies sometimes had lower hit rates (but not that low), but it was feasible to plan around them as if their hitrate was always 100%. Which I did. Doing the same in FE6 is probably impossible in the maps you have to finish within a certain time limit.

Also, it's not like I thought FE6 was total trash or something. I had a lot of fun with it, I still was a bit disappointed and consider it one of the weaker, if not the weakest Fire Emblem I have played so far. Being put in contrast with the imo best FE so far (Conquest) may have damaged my opinion of the game a bit as well.
The most reliable strategy in FE6 is to have Milady kill everything with maybe some help from Perceval and Shin.

Before her it's just the Marcus and Rutger Hard Carry Power Hour.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
You forgot about the important part: Equiping Milady with the arrow-protecting shield you can steal from one of the flying bosses :D.


That Mia cipher art makes me feel a bit bad about choosing Zihark over her for my first playthrough of PoR, sassy confidence is so appealing in art. Maybe if I can get through PoR and RD before my friend leaves with his wii I can do another run where I use her.

Working my backwards through the series with the games I can get my hands on is certainly an interesting experience, while the core stays the same there are so many changing mechanics, skills and rules from game to game.


I liked Soleil's introductory chapter, but then all of her supports are cringe-worthy afterwards. I've enjoyed Fates' supports in general, most characters seem to get a fair amount of conversations that aren't just about showing off their gimmick, in addition to those comedic interaction ones, but all of Soleil's supports seem to be just jokes. Also, her supports can't even seem to decide if she's supposed to be popular with girls or not and she seems to have no relevant backstory at all.

They seemed to consider her being embarrassed about her dancing or singing to be enough to give her something beyond her surface, which really isn't, especially with that being basically more Inigo rehashing. She easily has the worst support set out of any FE.


I liked Soleil's introductory chapter, but then all of her supports are cringe-worthy afterwards. I've enjoyed Fates' supports in general, most characters seem to get a fair amount of conversations that aren't just about showing off their gimmick, in addition to those comedic interaction ones, but all of Soleil's supports seem to be just jokes. Also, her supports can't even seem to decide if she's supposed to be popular with girls or not and she seems to have no relevant backstory at all.

They seemed to consider her being embarrassed about her dancing or singing to be enough to give her something beyond her surface, which really isn't, especially with that being basically more Inigo rehashing. She easily has the worst support set out of any FE.

I'd go as far to say that hers are among the worst in the entire series, which is a shame because the localization team did their best to, for lack of a better word, fix the worst parts surrounding her, which clearly wasn't easy given the garbage they had to worth with.
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