The way they get children in this game is so outrageously dumb. Yikes.
The next game, should they choose to have children again, absolutely must have a significant time skip. One, because that would actually make sense, and two, because it'd be real fun to see what characters look like when they're older. That was one of the cooler parts of Radiant Dawn...although that wasn't a whole lot of time in between it and Path of Radiance.
Either way, ditch the children or figure something else better out. I also don't really like the fact that you stop getting new units at a certain point and then it's just all children from there on out, it annoyed me in Awakening too.
Seriously. You realize just how dumb it is when the moment you marry two units together, they immediately have a child stored away in some alternate dimension. How do these women go through 9 months of pregnancy during a goddamn WAR? (Not to mention mere moments after marrying...) It's like this is stork rules and not actual childbirth rules. Otherwise it just doesn't make sense. Also, it's disturbing how these children age so fast, by the time they leave their "deeprealms", they're just about the same age as their parents. What. It at least works in Awakening because they're FUTURE children, but here, they're existing in the present. Eugh, I could go on and on about why I dislike the reasoning for children units existing in Fates, but I'll stop here, lol.