I dunno why but this dragon stuff is really turning me off from this game, granted i'm only like 5 chapters in so i'm not far from the beginning and just got to the birthright side? playing the special edition. Hoping the story doesn't get too much wackier.
That's the thing, the nutty dragon stuff kind of seeps into the gameplay too, with corrin turning into some op dragon thing, and the dragon veils. granted, it's still pretty early in the game, I just feel so disconnected even at a gameplay standpoint.
I'll try and let it sink in more, I really enjoyed awakening.
I'm playing Conquest on Hard/Classic and been enjoying the game a lot so far. Finished all Western released FE games in the series so far with the exception of Shadow Dragon which I didn't enjoy. I loved Chapter 10 and I'm hoping for more chapters of this nature. Defense maps are some of my favourites in the series. PoR and Radiant Dawn were great for these.
I'm currently on Chapter 17 of Conquest and getting destroyed. I'm getting overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of enemies on the map. Mobs of 5 ninjas swarming all over me at once are pretty rough even when tanking chokepoints with Effie since those defense-reducing attacks turn her into paper. I thought 16 was pretty rough too but managed to survive after multiple restarts. I'm wondering if I'm under-leveled for 17.
So far the only promoted units on my team are Corrin (Nohr Noble), Elise (Strategist), Leo and Xander (who I'm trying not to rely on too much). All my other units are around level 18 or 19 so quite close to promotion. It feels like if I could promote a few of them, mainly Arthur, Silas, Effie and Beruka I might have better luck with this chapter. I'm also using Azura, Niles, Mozu, Kaze and Felicia (for added healing and Niles support grinding) I'm fighting against a lot of promoted units in this chapter and the master ninjas in the centre of the map in particular are giving me trouble. Obviously I want to wait until level 20 before promoting and I'm trying not to resort to grinding, although I did run through the Before Awakening map a few times to max supports between Azura/Arthur and Effie/Silas.
I've got the 3 kids' paralogues opened up, so I could do those to level my main team but I'm trying to wait until I finish chapter 18 before tackling them so that they have their Child Seals.
I think I'll just try a different strategy for 17, maybe keeping all my group together rather than splitting at the beginning of the chapter.
It's nice to return to a difficult Fire Emblem after Awakening was so easy. Feels like Conquest is kicking my ass more than even RD did.
I dunno why but this dragon stuff is really turning me off from this game, granted i'm only like 5 chapters in so i'm not far from the beginning and just got to the birthright side? playing the special edition. Hoping the story doesn't get too much wackier.
The story is pretty bad in this game, though I'm surprised the dragon veins and turning into a dragon thing are what turns you off. It's one of the few things the FE does that's actually pretty interesting, but probably only because of how it contrasts with some of the more ridiculous plot points.
The Wolfskin Chapter on Hoshido side was easy. Scarily so, I can see it now that Conquest is going to crush me when I get to it. Having just about everyone promoted could have something to do with it though. Once the game throws promoted things at me it'll probably bring the resets back.
I'm playing Conquest on Hard/Classic and been enjoying the game a lot so far. Finished all Western released FE games in the series so far with the exception of Shadow Dragon which I didn't enjoy. I loved Chapter 10 and I'm hoping for more chapters of this nature. Defense maps are some of my favourites in the series. PoR and Radiant Dawn were great for these.
I'm currently on Chapter 17 of Conquest and getting destroyed. I'm getting overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of enemies on the map. Mobs of 5 ninjas swarming all over me at once are pretty rough even when tanking chokepoints with Effie since those defense-reducing attacks turn her into paper. I thought 16 was pretty rough too but managed to survive after multiple restarts. I'm wondering if I'm under-leveled for 17.
So far the only promoted units on my team are Corrin (Nohr Noble), Elise (Strategist), Leo and Xander (who I'm trying not to rely on too much). All my other units are around level 18 or 19 so quite close to promotion. It feels like if I could promote a few of them, mainly Arthur, Silas, Effie and Beruka I might have better luck with this chapter. I'm also using Azura, Niles, Mozu, Kaze and Felicia (for added healing and Niles support grinding) I'm fighting against a lot of promoted units in this chapter and the master ninjas in the centre of the map in particular are giving me trouble. Obviously I want to wait until level 20 before promoting and I'm trying not to resort to grinding, although I did run through the Before Awakening map a few times to max supports between Azura/Arthur and Effie/Silas.
I've got the 3 kids' paralogues opened up, so I could do those to level my main team but I'm trying to wait until I finish chapter 18 before tackling them so that they have their Child Seals.
I think I'll just try a different strategy for 17, maybe keeping all my group together rather than splitting at the beginning of the chapter.
It's nice to return to a difficult Fire Emblem after Awakening was so easy. Feels like Conquest is kicking my ass more than even RD did.
I'm currently on Chapter 17 of Conquest and getting destroyed. I'm getting overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of enemies on the map. Mobs of 5 ninjas swarming all over me at once are pretty rough even when tanking chokepoints with Effie since those defense-reducing attacks turn her into paper. I thought 16 was pretty rough too but managed to survive after multiple restarts. I'm wondering if I'm under-leveled for 17.
I have been noticing this especially when using Xander to hold a chokepoint. Enemies will just crowd around him and do not attack. Makes me miss the days of enemies running into Titania's jaws of death in PoR.
Yeah the cave chapter. I'll probably end up doing the same but slightly concerned about the allied unit going ahead and mopping up a bunch of experience.
I'll probably approach it like I did Chapter 11, glacial pace.
Yeah the cave chapter. I'll probably end up doing the same but slightly concerned about the allied unit going ahead and mopping up a bunch of experience.
I'll probably approach it like I did Chapter 11, glacial pace.
The Ally is weak enough that they will eventually die (retreat). Also they seemed to focus on clearing the paths they could instead of bumrushing enemies. They pretty much only engaged (for me) when it was tactically advantageous for them, which helped more than hurt imo.
That's the thing, the nutty dragon stuff kind of seeps into the gameplay too, with corrin turning into some op dragon thing, and the dragon veils. granted, it's still pretty early in the game, I just feel so disconnected even at a gameplay standpoint.
I'll try and let it sink in more, I really enjoyed awakening.
Equipping the dragonstone gives a pretty nice defence boost though which helps make Corrin a bit more tanky. After mistakenly picking HP as my bane, my Corrin certainly needs it. Dragonform isn't great for attacking though. Yato almost consistently does higher damage.
Anyone know if there's an order to which enemies strike you first if you're in the range of a couple of them? I know ninjas attack first, but after that it's kind of random to me. Makes accounting for which attack Dual Guard blocks kinda difficult.
Speaking of which, it seems like such a damn waste of effort to fantranslate a game that's already going to be localized in months while Genealogy and Thracia still remain without a decent, complete translation.
Beat Conquest chapter 12 after many attempts. That one was fucking hard, and even though I cleared with no deaths, I feel like a wasted a lot of xp since a ton of enemy units were left and I didn't open any of the treasure chests
The translation itself is pretty rough, ending isn't watchable and I heard it's a little unstable overall/has some bugs. If you only want to play exclusively for the gameplay and can overlook some issues and a dry script that's good enough I suppose, but I'd rather my first experience with one of the most acclaimed entries of a franchise I really like be held to higher standards.
Apparently some people are retranslating it but I haven't heard anything about progress and I don't know where to follow this kind of stuff so my best bet right now is to wait a few years until they're done.
Beat Conquest chapter 12 after many attempts. That one was fucking hard, and even though I cleared with no deaths, I feel like a wasted a lot of xp since a ton of enemy units were left and I didn't open any of the treasure chests
I managed to get both chests on hard mode, but I had to miss on the flaming shuriken, since I attempted to get it 3 times, but it takes too much time, and ended up making my run end with me running out of turns.
I managed to get both chests on hard mode, but I had to miss on the flaming shuriken, since I attempted to get it 3 times, but it takes too much time, and ended up making my run end with me running out of turns.
making Mozu an archer makes a huge difference since you can use the second ballista, also giving your frontline temp. Def+2 for 300 gold helps a lot, especially because of the shurikan guys.
some enemies will have green items appear in their inventory, these are dropped upon death. some will carry door keys or chest keys.
the alternative is to have lockpicking, on a ninja or something.
Beat Conquest chapter 12 after many attempts. That one was fucking hard, and even though I cleared with no deaths, I feel like a wasted a lot of xp since a ton of enemy units were left and I didn't open any of the treasure chests
Just started Birthright and picked "excitable" (res) as my bane thinking it wouldn't be no thing. Then I got to the first map with enemies wielding tomes and realized they could easily 1-shot me. How screwed am I? Should I start over and re-roll my avatar?
What? My experience has been the complete opposite. In fact i've had tons of times when enemies with 2-5 health that I was saving for Mozu just throw themselves at my strong units.
Maybe I brought too many Armorslayers. At this point I've promoted a few people so I have new cornerstones of my frontlines while I have ranged units abuse Attack Stance. Training Hinoka as a Basara for some skills and her defence/resistance in Guard Stance negates all damage.
About to promote Saizo, Orochi, Kagero, and Setsuna (not Rinkah because she's been terrible).