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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't

Note that if you order the game to arrive at a Amazon Locker location, it's delayed by 4 days even with prime.
This the case for most locker locations.

This is what happened with my order, since it's arriving for me on Tuesday. I also tried several items to test it out and everyone one of them delayed shipping by 4 days


we dont know the block size for revelations as it wont be available for 3 weeks but thanks to leaks its less than 2000 blocks for the other version as DLC or 234.6 MB if ya wanna be specific.
Thank you for this. I've been wondering how much space the additional path as dlc would take up and wasn't willing to believe they would make you download the whole game again. The main reason I wanted the SE (which I didn't get before it sold out) was that I don't have much space on my SD card.


I'm just super stoked to know that IS went through the trouble to address so many of the issues long-time fans of the series had with Awakening's gameplay, even in Hoshido. They really could have just pumped out a sequel to Awakening without listening to that crowd, but they really did a great job looking into and balancing a lot of elements while still retaining basically everything everyone loved about Awakening. That's not even including the fact that Nohr is way more traditional, which is something they really didn't have to do.

I enjoyed Awakening and was prepared for the series to move forward under what that established. To see that they still keep all fans in mind feels really good.

Don't get me wrong, I really liked Awakening, but you could tell that alot of the game was really rushed to get it out early for the 3DS life cycle (when it was pretty barren initially).


Looking again what happened to elise's portrait o_O

I like Peri's design...but haven't heard good stuff about her actual character.
And I'm not looking forward to dealing with Takumi lol.


A few questions about my least favorite parts of Awakening...

Does reclassing still involve essentially uncapped levels, like Awakening?

Also, what has IS done to properly balance the pair mechanic this time around?

Do reinforcements come at the beginning or end of enemy turns?

Thanks for any insight!


Oh, was gonna do Nohr/Male and Hoshido/Female cause I thought the covers were reversed.
Now I can get all the good husbandos.


Note that if you order the game to arrive at a Amazon Locker location, it's delayed by 4 days even with prime.
This the case for most locker locations.

This is what happened with my order, since it's arriving for me on Tuesday. I also tried several items to test it out and everyone one of them delayed shipping by 4 days

Mine is arriving tuesday even with prime two day shipping. So I'm guessing there is a delay on these some where. Maybe they all got stacked to one warehouse rather than distributed properly.


I played maybe 5-10 hours of Awakening and really enjoyed it, but just never found time to play. Wondering if I should stick with the Classic gameplay on Normal or maybe drop down to one of the non-permadeath modes. Any input for someone who isn't a total newbie to the series, but still green overall?


A few questions about my least favorite parts of Awakening...

Does reclassing still involve essentially uncapped levels, like Awakening?

No, you continue in the same level (and gets past skills from your new class or class tree at a rate of one per level up). There's a separate item that increases level cap though.

Also, what has IS done to properly balance the pair mechanic this time around?
Support defense and dual strike aren't based on random chance anymore. Dual attacks only happen when you aren't using pair up. Enemies can use pair up and dual attack too.

Do reinforcements come at the beginning or end of enemy turns?

They come after the enemy's movement, so the enemy doesn't get to appear and act before the player can move anymore.
Mine is arriving tuesday even with prime two day shipping. So I'm guessing there is a delay on these some where. Maybe they all got stacked to one warehouse rather than distributed properly.
Lockers also have limited spaces, they maybe spread out shipments to accommodate sometimes.


No, you continue in the same level (and gets past skills from your new class or class tree at a rate of one per level up). There's a separate item that increases level cap though.

Support defense and dual strike aren't based on random chance anymore. Dual attacks only happen when you aren't using pair up. Enemies can use pair up and dual attack too.

They come after the enemy's movement, so the enemy doesn't get to appear and act before the player can move anymore.

That is WONDERFUL. One last concern. Can I assume the stat boosts from pairing are a bit more muted with this game?


Welp, really hoping that with all the shipping nonsense with this game, I actually get my SE.

Pre-ordered from Gamestop during the announcement. Moved to a new address. Called gamestop to update shipping address, but they can't do it until a certain date since it's a pre-order. Call back on that certain date, can't change the shipping address because the game is already at the warehouse/shipping place, the solution is to go on UPS' website and ask them to ship the game to the new address.

I did complete mail forwarding, so hopefully that helps (its worked on everything else so far), but still. I guess this is the last time I pre-order from gamestop's website... Would've pre-ordered from Amazon, but it was already gone by the time I got to the site.


This is always one of the weirdest design choices in so many games.
Like do developers not expect people to get better.

Nah, it's gaming the system, I completely understand it when clearing harder modes is considered a badge of honor in these games.
So I understand this game has the
(basic info but probably has a tie to the story) mechanic like a few of the previous games...Also you can apparently
reproduce with your little sister
in Birthright. Welp clearly I should play Birthright first because that sounds like some hilarious shit.

Can you use the original 3DS amiibo reader to get the amiibo bonuses?


I'm a little disappointed enemy turn reinforcements are gone, but no one wants to learn to deal with them. I hear Conquest is hard enough as is though, so I guess free exp reinforcements aren't so bad.

Everything I'm seeing on Conquest makes it look great, I can't wait to start playing it tomorrow.


Few questions.
Not sure if answered or if its common knowledge of previous Fire Emblems but how many units can you take into the field assuming you have enough characters. I have only played Awakening and can't seem to remember but was it 15?

There's a set number of spaces for each mission.

Going to kill Amazon. Paid for one day shipping for my CE, said it was going to be here Friday up until last night. Checked this morning, it's saying Monday.

It's shipping from VA (I'm in NC). How does it take three days to get here? USPS that's how. Goddamnit Amazon.

Yeah, I've got Prime, and it stated when I pre-ordered that the game would ARRIVE on the 19th. But it's telling me now it will arrive on the 22nd. Fuck those fucking fuckers!

I played maybe 5-10 hours of Awakening and really enjoyed it, but just never found time to play. Wondering if I should stick with the Classic gameplay on Normal or maybe drop down to one of the non-permadeath modes. Any input for someone who isn't a total newbie to the series, but still green overall?

I would really recommend sticking with perma-death. Not saying that to be all dudebro. I just think you will appreciate the experience more that way, even if you lose a unit or three. It just makes Fire Emblem...well, Fire Emblem. Take the bitter with the sweet. These games feel more like a true adventure that way, for me at least.


Well screw that.

You want to beat the game on Lunatic, do it from start to finish.

If you've played the series, sure?

But assuming that people know the differences between difficulties before they've even started playing the game is kind of insane.

And Lunatic can be an exception to regular tweaking, like Atlus has started doing in the Persona games with their highest difficulties.

It is completely unreasonable to expect new players to know what kind of differences or difficulty curve to expect in series they haven't played before. And it also assumes that Fire Emblem games have smooth and reasonable difficulty curves on all difficulties, which is... lol.
If you've played the series, sure?

But assuming that people know the differences between difficulties before they've even started playing the game is kind of insane.

And Lunatic can be an exception to regular tweaking, like Atlus has started doing in the Persona games with their highest difficulties.

It is completely unreasonable to expect new players to know what kind of differences or difficulty curve to expect in series they haven't played before. And it also assumes that Fire Emblem games have smooth and reasonable difficulty curves on all difficulties, which is... lol.

You act like people only get one chance to play this game to the end, then their game spontaneously dissolves or something.

That's what multiple playthroughs are for, maybe for someone their first playthrough will be on normal and their second one will be on hard.

Andrew J.

My copy of Conquest is schedule for delivery on Friday. As soon as I get home I'm...well, Friday's laundry day for me, so I'll do that first, probably have dinner too. But I'll start playing as soon as that's done!


You act like people only get one chance to play this game to the end, then their game spontaneously dissolves or something.

That's what multiple playthroughs are for, maybe for someone their first playthrough will be on normal and their second one will be on hard.

Have you never played a game that became extremely easy on the normal difficulty when you're like halfway through the game? That's been the norm for many recent RPGs, the previous Fire Emblem included.


You act like people only get one chance to play this game to the end, then their game spontaneously dissolves or something.

That's what multiple playthroughs are for, maybe for someone their first playthrough will be on normal and their second one will be on hard.
If this game was a couple hours, that's one thing, but this is a 40+ hour game.
Most people aren't even gonna play all 3 stories, let alone a replay.


Downards but not upwards.

I'm a little disappointed enemy turn reinforcements are gone, but no one wants to learn to deal with them. I hear Conquest is hard enough as is though, so I guess free exp reinforcements aren't so bad.

Everything I'm seeing on Conquest makes it look great, I can't wait to start playing it tomorrow.

This is probably the only new information i know about the game and wow. They actually removed enemy turn reinforcements. I cant sleep a little easier at night now. Hah


If this game was a couple hours, that's one thing, but this is a 40+ hour game.
Most people aren't even gonna play all 3 stories, let alone a replay.

It's a change that would alienate a good amount of old school players, and there's little pay off for doing so (unlike other changes).
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