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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


The opening doesn't mention it, but at least in the Japanese version, you could get an extra accessory (a replica of Awakening's Fire Emblem) if you have an Awakening Streetpass team registered when you start Fates.

Are they legit Jeigans in that they start out great but don't have good growths, or are they more like recent Jeigans where they end up being extremely good units anyway?

They aren't actual Jeigans, although they also fall behind many units that appear later. They start in a promoted class, with promoted base stats thanks to that, but their own personal stats are basically unpromoted level - although they'll stand out initially thanks to being in a promoted class. They gain experience like unpromoted units though, and also can level up to 40, rather than 20.


Are they legit Jeigans in that they start out great but don't have good growths, or are they more like recent Jeigans where they end up being extremely good units anyway?

They aren't worth keeping for endgame. Mostly to tank hits earlier on.

Their base stats are high enough to keep early but really they are support fodder for better units.


The opening doesn't mention it, but at least in the Japanese version, you could get an extra accessory (a replica of Awakening's Fire Emblem) if you have an Awakening Streetpass team registered when you start Fates.
Augh, I think I deleted my Awakening Streetpass...


Are they legit Jeigans in that they start out great but don't have good growths, or are they more like recent Jeigans where they end up being extremely good units anyway?

They're more like Oifeys, yeah like Frederick. Not amazing like a Seth or Titania but they'll get the job done early on and stay relevant (mostly Jakob in this case). Jakob's a great support bot for Corrin because of his evade and Def bonus skill.


They give you the option to make a new Corrin and skip right to the choice.

I've been wondering how exactly this works. Does the game keep a save state of where you were at in Ch6 and then just sub out your Corrin? If someone dies on, say, Ch5, will they be dead on a second play through when you skip to the choice?
Mine too! I won't be able to try to pickup until the end of the day so please report back if they let you grab it.

Good luck!

As the BB lady was handing it to me, another worker came over and started panicking about me getting it a day early. I still have to wait till tomorrow, but you may be able to get it.


posting for new page

For those playing Conquest on Lunatic or even Hard, a tip is that Female Corrin is generally a lot easier in the beginning of the game than if you were to pick Male Corrin.

Male Corrin is the harder route in Conquest because of the different character you get depending on your gender. Jakob is the superior unit. You will get the other maid/butler eventually.

Jakob for Female
Felicia for Male.

I've been wondering how exactly this works. Does the game keep a save state of where you were at in Ch6 and then just sub out your Corrin? If someone dies on, say, Ch5, will they be dead on a second play through when you skip to the choice?

The second save that you make that starts right from chapter 6 is clean.
I literally don't get Amazon sometimes. Just got off the phone and they told me the game was set to arrive tomorrow because of release date shipping. But when you choose release date shipping it's defaulted to two-day shipping and it hasn't shipped out yet and to top it all off it's coming from fucking California to Texas? Correct me if I'm wrong but the logic is flawed. If it's set for two days then this isn't guaranteed to come tomorrow especially considering the distance. The hell? Why would you promise release day shipping and let this kind of dumbass shit to happen?

they could always overnight the package, it's not completely unheard of

amazon still hasn't shipped out my game yet, but I guess I have blind faith in them I'll get it tomorrow
unless they ship it via UPS then I'm screwed, cause I'm not going to wait until 8 PM at work for them to get their slow ass in


Tragic victim of fan death
they could always overnight the package, it's not completely unheard of

amazon still hasn't shipped out my game yet, but I guess I have blind faith in them I'll get it tomorrow
unless they ship it via UPS then I'm screwed, cause I'm not going to wait until 8 PM at work for them to get their slow ass in

The issue is that it's designated for two day instead of overnight...


There's an accessory shop, but any unit can use that, it's just stuff like glasses, hats or shoulder pads, no actual full outfits... aside from swimsuits, which were removed from the localized version, apparently. Those swimsuits only appeared in the hotsprings or after armor break anyway (the game uses the default for those now, with no extra options in the store apparently).

So it's official they're gone?


'enry 'ollins
As the BB lady was handing it to me, another worker came over and started panicking about me getting it a day early. I still have to wait till tomorrow, but you may be able to get it.
I actually just came back from a lunch detour and they wouldn't give it to me haha. Tomorrow it is then!
they could always overnight the package, it's not completely unheard of

amazon still hasn't shipped out my game yet, but I guess I have blind faith in them I'll get it tomorrow
unless they ship it via UPS then I'm screwed, cause I'm not going to wait until 8 PM at work for them to get their slow ass in
Don't give up hope, Amazon just charged me and it says my order is 'Shipping Now' and still says it will be delivered tomorrow. There is a warehouse relatively close to my town so I'm pretty confident it will arrive tomorrow. May be the same case for you.


Have Birthright pre-ordered. Been here since Sacred Stones, and I can't wait to play this title. It's not hitting me all at once just yet since I'm playing a lot of Street Fighter V this week, but when it hits, it's gonna feel like candy and heaven.

Also, LOL at Sakura's face. I'm a huge sucker for the timid healer archetype, since Natasha was my favorite character in Sacred Stones, so I'm sure I'll end up S-ranking Sakura.


Is Best Buy still the best venue to get all three campaigns at the best price? $60 for the Physical+Digital Bundle, $5 off the Revelation DLC?

How long does that discount for the 2nd campaign last (when you buy either Conquest or Birthright)?
Ordered Birthright last night but still no shipping info from Amazon. Kind of surprised by that. Must have a backlog of these sending out
I hope for you it's not like FF Explorers was. I ordered a week prior to release from Amazon and they ran out of copies, was gonna take a month for them to send me a copy. I canceled and bought it locally at Hastings (they get everything and no one buys games there).
Man, I think it's finally starting hit me that a new game in arguably my favorite series is coming out tomorrow. I have the special edition pre-ordered and I can't wait to play it! I do have a question though, I remember hearing they changed the weapon durability system, can someone tell me how it's changed?


Secretly hoping Amazon will smile on me and I'll be one of the lucky ones to get a game early.

Been thinking about this for the past week, watching trailers over and over. I'm super excited for the traditional FE campaign on Nohr's side.

Gonna go Hard Classic (Lunatic if on possible on a fresh cart).


Interesting. How do they factor in EXP from the prior 5 chapters? Is there just a general base level up for all available characters?
Like with children characters they give you base stats in line with what your level is supposed to be at that point as well as the stats buff and debuff you choose when making your character.


it's becoming painfully obvious to me that best buy will not have my FE:Fates collectors edition delivered tomorrow.

It still hasn't even shipped yet. :(


I'm honestly terrified of what would happen to the game if IS were to remake it.

They'd just pull an Awakening, which in itself was already kind of a "what if you could undo the tragic end of FE4's first half?" Scenario. You'd be able to go back in time and save everyone or something. Related note: I don't know why I never connected the entire alternate universe plotline of awakening to FE4 before. It's very similar.

Real answer: It's never getting remade. Whole thing is a little taboo with Kaga out anyway.


Wow, didn't know Revelations came right on the game card for the Special Edition. Now I'm sorta salty, I had a chance to get one. 8(


They'd just pull an Awakening, which in itself was already kind of a "what if you could undo the tragic end of FE4's first half?" Scenario. You'd be able to go back in time and save everyone or something. Related note: I don't know why I never connected the entire alternate universe plotline of awakening to FE4 before. It's very similar.

Real answer: It's never getting remade. Whole thing is a little taboo with Kaga out anyway.

I mean it's why I love Awakening as there's so many call backs to 4, but yeah I don't think it's getting remade.


No bald cap? Lies!
Like with children characters they give you base stats in line with what your level is supposed to be at that point as well as the stats buff and debuff you choose when making your character.

Makes sense. Guess the only reason to not skip those chapters is if you either want to get used to a higher difficulty or specifically want to beef up and/or starve a particular unit of EXP during those missions.


I'm honestly terrified of what would happen to the game if IS were to remake it.

I don't think they'd change the story too much. The biggest difference would likely be the addition of an avatar character that probably would be turned to stone or something and then would rejoin in the game's 2nd half without even having aged (allowing the avatar to marry 2nd gen children without it being weird).

I think the biggest problem would actually be the various gameplay systems, like no direct item swapping. The game probably would have to be heavily changed and rebalanced to be closer to a modern FE.
They'd just pull an Awakening, which in itself was already kind of a "what if you could undo the tragic end of FE4's first half?" Scenario. You'd be able to go back in time and save everyone or something. Related note: I don't know why I never connected the entire alternate universe plotline of awakening to FE4 before. It's very similar.

Real answer: It's never getting remade. Whole thing is a little taboo with Kaga out anyway.

FE4 Spoilers:
honestly, they could maybe put in the mystical part 3 of rescuing all those who didn't die in the first half's battle and were turn to stone

And then insert paraologes letting you re-recruit all the ones that did die!
I don't think they'd change the story too much. The biggest difference would be that they'd add an avatar character that probably would be turned to stone or something and then would rejoin in the game's 2nd half without even having aged (allowing the avatar to marry 2nd gen children without it being weird).

I think the biggest problem would actually be the various gameplay systems, like no direct item swapping. The game probably would have to be heavily changed and rebalanced to be closer to a modern FE.
Sigurd's beeeeeest friend Cliff the Master Knight.

I mean it's why I love Awakening as there's so many call backs to 4, but yeah I don't think it's getting remade.
It was fun replaying Awakening after I beat FE4 for this reason. I even reclassed Chrom to paladin so that he could be just like Sigurd! There wasn't an Ares stand in though...
I hope for you it's not like FF Explorers was. I ordered a week prior to release from Amazon and they ran out of copies, was gonna take a month for them to send me a copy. I canceled and bought it locally at Hastings (they get everything and no one buys games there).
Ughhhhh that would be the worst. I paid almost nothing because of some gift cards so I don't feel like canceling.
Is Best Buy still the best venue to get all three campaigns at the best price? $60 for the Physical+Digital Bundle, $5 off the Revelation DLC?

How long does that discount for the 2nd campaign last (when you buy either Conquest or Birthright)?

I think it still is and theres also another $5 you can save on map pack 1, as well as 20% off the physical game if you have GCU. Looks like this promo will run to Saturday since its in their flyer



Sigurd's beeeeeest friend Cliff the Master Knight.

It was fun replaying Awakening after I beat FE4 for this reason. I even reclassed Chrom to paladin so that he could be just like Sigurd! There wasn't an Ares stand in though...

The lack of a good Camus in Awakening was it's biggest fault for me.


Unconfirmed Member
Still no sign of Best Buy shipping my special edition.

Maybe if they ship it late like they did with the Smash bundle they will give out $10 credit again.


Hype! It's been a long wait...and I spoiled myself silly of everything aside from the actual maps.
I don't have particularly good thoughts on FE4 outside a couple things but one thing that I truly enjoy from that game that forms a huge piece of lore for the whole series is the Miracle of Darna (even if there's a pretty huge time contradiction made by the game).
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