Feels bad, man. The only unit I have ATM that isn't bothered by -ATK is +DEF/-ATK Brave Lucina. Reaches 50 ATK with negative nature (w/ Fury 3) and is tanky AF.An enemy unit survived an attack from my -Atk Brave Lyn. BY 3 HP. OH MY GOD.
Yeah he's OK...the problem is i really want neph...but i pulled 3 oscars, 1 abel and 1 roderick. The latter two are good fodder...but wtb waifus pls.Oscar is actually a pretty good pull. His default kit is solid out of the box; decent offensive stats, TA against reds and Lance Breaker against lances. In terms of SI fodder, he has 300SP assist skill and 240SP C skill for arena score boosting.
He's uninspiring (as in not bring much new to the table) sure, but that doesn't mean he's a bad pull. He certainly is better than Seliph.
Yeah he's OK...the problem is i really want neph...but i pulled 3 oscars, 1 abel and 1 roderick. The latter two are good fodder...but wtb waifus pls.
I guess its best to look for silver linings in such situations ;-;Oscar is also great fodder. A dual rally, Lancebreaker 3, and a dual spur is nothing to scoff at. Helps that Oscar himself is a solid unit.
These are my flier emblem members, mostly done except sp farming for 1-2 skills. I can build. +atk cherche but damn @ that 40k feather investment. Also wtb hinoka.
I guess its best to look for silver linings in such situations ;-;
Impressive fliers. I'd recommend Hit and Run over Desperation for arena though.
Elincia-free master race here. Don't even have an -atk one to be disappointed about.
What about Flier Formation for her B skill?
Yeah too moeElincia-free master race here. Don't even have an -atk one to be disappointed about.
This is nice.
I need him on my team now IntSys. Why are you making us wait?
This story chapter seemed like the perfect time to have him join though. The secret has been revealed. The whole "I might kill Alfonse & Sharena" stuff is a bonus IMO.Plot reasons. We just now made nice with him in the story. We'll probably not get him until they actually join forces against the real big bad. Same for Veronica.
Nah, got to find the cure for his CURSED BLOOD first. I'm betting it'll take another 12 months before Alfonse pats Veronica on the head and she joins the party.This story chapter seemed like the perfect time to have him join though. The secret has been revealed. The whole "I might kill Alphonse & Sharena" stuff is a bonus IMO.
I'm fine with no Veronica for the extended future.
This story chapter seemed like the perfect time to have him join though. The secret has been revealed. The whole "I might kill Alphonse & Sharena" stuff is a bonus IMO.
I'm fine with no Veronica for the extended future.
Nah, got to find the cure for his CURSED BLOOD first. I'm betting it'll take another 12 months before Alfonse pats Veronica on the head and she joins the party.
I sure hope you appreciate how highly we placed Frederick on the new tier list!
Is there a write up for why everyone rates him highly? I've used him in a second horse team for Arena Assault and he is good, but that speed and resistance is a killer. Same thing for Cherche. They seem like liabilities on enemy phase.
Some units doesn't need good enemy phase to be good. Rein and brave bow users come to mind.
Is there a write up for why everyone rates him highly? I've used him in a second horse team for Arena Assault and he is good, but that speed and resistance is a killer. Same thing for Cherche. They seem like liabilities on enemy phase.
True true, those units have the advantage of striking from range. Melee units have to get in closer causing them to be in more danger.
You can give them draw back or hit and run, add in some repositions to your team and you hardly have to worry about enemy phase for them.
Obviously the Dark God is the inevitable big boss, but I'm okay with Veronica being his avatar for awhile. She needs other people to interact with though, and Bruno needs to join the heroes and shake things up.Nah, got to find the cure for his CURSED BLOOD first. I'm betting it'll take another 12 months before Alfonse pats Veronica on the head and she joins the party.
I'd use him regardless of his perceived worth, but I'm glad more people are understanding what he has to offer.I sure hope you appreciate how highly we placed Frederick on the new tier list!
More original characters are very sorely needed.Sölf;249106876 said:If this continues it may take 12 months for her to actually appear as an enemy in a map.
But I would really like a few more story units, be they playable or not. A bigger cast for the plot would be nice.
You can give them draw back or hit and run, add in some repositions to your team and you hardly have to worry about enemy phase for them.
Cherche in particular can even abuse her free movement to draw back to unattackable positions
Well it isn't very problematic with dancers and reposition everywhere. In the end of the day you need to reposition both, at least melee units are less likely to die in the enemy phase.
This too.
Is there a write up for why everyone rates him highly? I've used him in a second horse team for Arena Assault and he is good, but that speed and resistance is a killer. Same thing for Cherche. They seem like liabilities on enemy phase.
Smoke Dagger is kind of like Dark Breath.Do you guys think that IntSys will ever do anything about the Colourless Dagger users? I'd love to have a low Atk, high Speed "Dark Breath" debuff style unit...
Do you guys think that IntSys will ever do anything about the Colourless Dagger users? I'd love to have a low Atk, high Speed "Dark Breath" debuff style unit...
So, now that this game has been released a while ago, how does it hold up? I want something to keep me occupied while in transports (including subway with no internet connection): will it do the trick? I'm trying to avoid gacha games (really hate gacha), but I'm OK with them as long as it is free-to-play enough to not necessitate buying anything (never spent money on such games, and I don't plan to do so now or later).
So, is it fun? I think the game was so-so at release. Did it improve significantly?
Veronica needs to join so we can have our inevitable hotsprings chapter where Alfonse and Bruno peep on their respective sisters + Anna.
Alfonse: Why did we do this, there was absolutely 0 benefit to doing this!
Bruno: It was almost as if we were compelled by a higher power, with the express purpose of pandering to a specific, intangible audience.
Summoner: [...]
She can OHKO basically anyone, including Hector and BIke which blue horses have trouble with (Leo sucks.) People will say 4* with non-upgraded Gronnblade is sufficient, but if you intend to play FEH for a long time, you'll hit a wall some day when you have a 4*+10 Cecilia and wish you had a 5*.Is Cecilia worth the feathers to upgrade her to 5 star? Having a green tome user would fill in a hole in my 5 star roster. I liked having Olwen as my horseback mage, but she fails to do any damage against anyone with decent Res. I like that M!Robin can bait and destroy colorless units, so I like the idea of a green version of him on horseback. Is she able to come together despite her unimpressive stat spread? Her low speed worries me, and I wonder how well she can tank colorless hits with that Def.
Veronica needs to join so we can have our inevitable hotsprings chapter where Alfonse and Bruno peep on their respective sisters + Anna.
Alfonse: Why did we do this, there was absolutely 0 benefit to doing this!
Bruno: It was almost as if we were compelled by a higher power, with the express purpose of pandering to a specific, intangible audience.
Summoner: [...]
So, now that this game has been released a while ago, how does it hold up? I want something to keep me occupied while in transports (including subway with no internet connection): will it do the trick? I'm trying to avoid gacha games (really hate gacha), but I'm OK with them as long as it is free-to-play enough to not necessitate buying anything (never spent money on such games, and I don't plan to do so now or later).
So, is it fun? I think the game was so-so at release. Did it improve significantly?
Impressive fliers. I'd recommend Hit and Run over Desperation for arena though.
Oscar is a great unit in his own right, if you compare him to Roderick it is almost a strict improvement, except that Roderick comes with the best weapon for himself.
In other news, we have published our tier list update and the reception is a lot more positive than last time. The "F2P" list is particularly appreciated.
What is the reasoning with Elincia not being S plus?.
Brave Ike exists and is one of the primary Axe units used on defense teams. He utterly breaks Brave weapon users and Swords are the most affected because it is their role to take on Greens.
Compared to Tana and Cordelia, their best builds are actually carrying Firesweep Lance to render enemy sets almost irrelevant - no Firesweep Sword exists.
If her main build (Amiti) wasn't hard countered by a prevalent Axe unit and/or a Firesweep Sword existed she would have been S+ without a shadow of doubt.
Isn't Oscar better than Nephenee? Why people are so sad of pulling him?
Isn't Oscar better than Nephenee? Why people are so sad of pulling him?
A 3 CD special will proc on BIke after his counter meaning it will hit for full damage and kill him. No? I've one round KO'd him with my -Atk Elincia. Its when BIke is on a defensive tile that changes the ball game but you could say that for any high def character. Also wouldn't a Wo Dao+moonbow build take down BIke?
Isn't Oscar better than Nephenee? Why people are so sad of pulling him?
waifus, also in fairness Nephenee is a lot more complete right out of the box whereas Oscar needs pretty big overhauls
Yes, he is a lot better. In fact he powercreeps Roderick.
Running +Atk Death Blow 3, Elincia has trouble quading +Spd Brave Ike and even if you do this with buffs, the Ignis build obliterates her, he doesn't even need QP to do that, it deals approximately 50 damage to her - no defensive terrain needed.
Wo Dao is safer but can still die against the QP Ignis build and isn't an S+ tier build regardless.