I'd say that's fine. What's the rest of your pulls?Rerolling done. Can confirm I can still pick Brave Lyn.
Got a 5* Nephenee. Worth it or not so much?
I'd say that's fine. What's the rest of your pulls?Rerolling done. Can confirm I can still pick Brave Lyn.
Got a 5* Nephenee. Worth it or not so much?
I'd say that's fine. What's the rest of your pulls?
Been playing since the game released and I still have 0 rein, so not *that* easy either!Reinhardt is super easy to roll and you need a +atk to it really be worthy.
Didn't pull anything after this. Still have 32 orbs and counting (as I am doing the story battles absentmindedly in auto-combat).
- Hinata 3*
- Oboro 3*
- Wrys 4*
- Azama 4*
Also got a free Narcian 4*, for some reason.
I never had problems with Bridelia, I think Nino is more problematic than her.
And lol, with the proper setup almost every unit can kill everything.
Narcian was a free unit because of some contest. Make you sure pull on your free summon on the other banner with Ephraim, Peri and Raven. The first summon won't cost any orbs.
Except Nino requires far more setup than Bridelia and the AI almost never stays in formation. The fact that you have more trouble with Nino is surprising, considering how much her kill potential dips when she's not buffed.
Unbuffed Bridelia only fails to kill 5 heroes and loses to 6. Fully buffed Nino fails to kill 6 and loses to 6.
The optimal strategy for both units will always be to kill in PP regardless.
Nino can actually tank Reinhardt depending on the build while bridelia dies to everything.Except Nino requires far more setup than Bridelia and the AI almost never stays in formation. The fact that you have more trouble with Nino is surprising, considering how much her kill potential dips when she's not buffed.
Unbuffed Bridelia only fails to kill 5 heroes and loses to 6. Fully buffed Nino fails to kill 6 and loses to 6.
The optimal strategy for both units will always be to kill in PP regardless.
bridelia is better because firesweep is stupid good.
bridelia is better because firesweep is stupid good.
Is firesweep kit similar to quad set?
Nino can actually tank Reinhardt depending on the build while bridelia dies to everything.
Isn't Faye a 5* only unit. The likelihood of running to a firesweep Bridelia is pretty low.
I have one, I should use her more.
It still relevant. Nino is a high tier unit that can be used to check one of biggest threats. Bridelia is almost useless in the enemy phase.Irrelevant. The player won't use a unbuffed Rein to engage on a defensive Nino.
Players will always be at an advantage vs. defensive setups. In most engagements, the player should be winning out, since they won't be engaging sub-optimally nor are they bound by certain AI rulesets.
It's not really that low. The higher up you go, the more likely you are to see FS variants of Bridelia vs. her BB+ counterpart. The same goes for BLyn really. You'll start to see her running FS and CA at certain points as well. It's why hard counters should shy away from TA Raven, since it is a legitimate possibility.
She needs a Hone Cavalry to reliably 2HKO most non-bulky units. Mages are easy targets because of their low defense, fliers are even easier and melee units can't attack back. Use Moonbow or Luna since you get higher damage than Draconic Aura off Brave Bow since your attack will be lower than with Mulagir.I did something I'll probably not do for a while: I allowed BLyn to eat my 5* Klein for the Brave Bow+ and.....I'm just not seeing it. I actually feel as though my ability to kill things is weakened going the brave bow route.
It still relevant. Nino is a high tier unit that can be used to check one of biggest threats. Bridelia is almost useless in the enemy phase.
I am just saying that from my experience Bridelia isn't hard to deal with.The biggest threat won't be running without some kind of buff, which functionally makes it an irrelevant comparison, especially since a player controlled Rein won't engage on her under unfavorable terms to begin with, if he doesn't have a buff.
Bridelia's role on a defense isn't to do any EP regardless. I'm not sure why you think that's relevant. Having a marginally better EP isn't that useful on defense when the player has the absolute choice in how to engage and when to engage on the first turn.
I have atk- Elincia, atk- S! Camilla, atk+ Cordelia, Michalis, Camilla, spd- S!Corrin and Valter(?)
What would be a good flier team? I don't have any horn flier but 2 goad and 2 fortify flier.
I am just saying that from my experience Bridelia isn't hard to deal with.
Pull back or hit and run for Cordelia?
Pull back or hit and run for Cordelia?
Hey, I only lurk here usually, but I was wondering if someone would mind giving me some advice on a build:
I have a Clive whom I want to give a Firesweep L+, but it seems all the usual Firesweep builds prioritize speed where I plan on prioritizing his defense with Fortress Defense since Clive has fairly shit speed. Is this a mistake? I want to do something fun with Clive but I'm not sure what.
Hit and Run is highly recommended as the pure survival choice. I put it on my Cordelia. Drag Back is good as a second choice, I have that on Cherche where it usually is the same as Hit and Run. Other strategies like with Roderick (where Drag Back is standard) might assume the enemy survives at times and is brought in towards others to kill. That can be fun too.
Goddammit! I merged my Clairs!
You need to play her next to someone with Hone Cavalry, then proceed to murder everything.I did something I'll probably not do for a while: I allowed BLyn to eat my 5* Klein for the Brave Bow+ and.....I'm just not seeing it. I actually feel as though my ability to kill things is weakened going the brave bow route.
Ummmmm Sophia is pretty legit.
Go on...
But yeah, you could put R-raven+ on her and Bow/R-tome breaker and she'll tank and take out colourless units and some mages just fine.
That's basically it. Put together a cheap build of Raven (not even +) and Bow Breaker and moonbow and she destroys Lyn and has enough in the tank to go after greens as well. Great arena assault unit.
Who should I make the 4th member of Horse Emblem B? Right now it's B!Lyn, B!Roy, Blade Cecilia and...
5* Mathilda, Peri, Clive or 4* Abel.
I love Ridersbane+ and Mathilda's resistance but I can see that Peri has better overall stats.
I'm willing to invest just about anything besides my only Hector for Distant Counter.
Just finished Armor emblem with 5* Effie, Zeph, Hector, and Amelia, so excited. Spent 40k bringing up Effie and Zephiel but need to spend another 20k getting Effie a Brave Lance+.
I use the same team and Azura with WoM3. Sometimes Roy goes all the way so it's nice to have a dancer who can reach him and finish the last unit off. BLyn only needs Hone buff so you can give her Fortify. Roy can live without Fortify cav buff, so I give Azura Fortify Def 3 and Fortify Res 1 for that extra boost. Hone Atk is overkill when you have two Hone Cav.Who should I make the 4th member of Horse Emblem B? Right now it's B!Lyn, B!Roy, Blade Cecilia and...