Ike's likely to even be below Amelia and Minerva. They are just faster and much more threatening units that also carry his huge bulk and can run the same hyper-accelerated triggers.
Hell, Beruka will be a better physical wall and she too can run Steady Breathing + Slayer Axe + QP. She doesn't need to worry about missing out on the legendary because (a.) she has even more absurd defenses and (b.) she has even more health and res than Ike. She can already weather near everything in the game, Ike's skills make her better at it.
There's a long way to Hector from where Ike is as a slow-ass green axe.
I disagree, Hector isn't even that uncontested now imagine after Ike comes.
Hector is largely uncontested. He has monstrous BST, a good spread (no wasted speed like Ike), huge defenses, and Armads. Armads remains an axe that continues to remain one of the best legendaries in the game with what it offers. Ike's 28 speed is the definition of useless stats which makes his large BST less worthwhile unlike, say, Lyn's or Roy's or Lucina's (the latter two thanks to their buffs from their legendaries).
You have to actually compete with Amelia and Minerva before you even start wondering about Hector, and Amelia has even more absurd of a BST and spread, and Minerva flies.