Could just be a 'covert' (lol) Azura/Shigure banner rather than anything associated with Halloween. Whatever it is, I doubt I'll care enough to pull since every seasonal banner so far has been trashy and I never liked Azura. Hopefully it'll give some good orbs to spend on something I'm actually interested in.
Arena and arena assault continue to be hell after the introduction of Brave Heroes. Brave Lyn and Reinhardt seem to be in almost every battle. Brave Ike being hard to kill with Elincia also doesn't make matters any easier for the flier emblem team I've been running for these weeks. I live jumping between tiers 17 and 19 but that's fine by me so long as I get my feathers.
There are a lot of possible counters to both of these. I don't think I have to get into Reinhardt checks but for Lyn:
- Dragons
- Raven tomes, especially on less commonly used bulkier mages like Boey, Henry, Sophia.
- bulky archers using Bowbreaker like Gordin, Leon, Virion
- for AA another good option is simply making a lot of cheap Brave weapon Fliers and/or Cavalry, like Shanna, Catria, Est, Peri, Abel, Cain, Berkut, Clive etc.
You could make Elincia reliably kill Brave Ike with QP Pavise in your regular arena core. Another way is giving her Vantage and letting him crash into her twice.