I think a lot of strategies are leading with Nino and Olivia to land an early hit, then have Olivia dance Nino to let her escape, pulling Olivia back to safety in the process.How are people surviving the initial onslaught? You can't move an axe user in range of the blue lance or the red cavalry unit will wipe you. You can't put a red sword to survive the blue lance since it'll drag you back and Michalis' will attack.
I think I need to either level Narcian or Beruka to survive the initial Michalis' attack. I'm hurting here cause my best Axe user is Bartre at level 30 and then Beruka/Raven are next at level 22.
I have an Abel and Sophia near level 40 so I could run that strategy with Olivia but there's gotta be another way to survive that initial beating.
Another strategy is to put Lancebreaker on any flying green to replace Narcian.