+Spd is by far her best boon and you have a bane that doesn't limit her bulk in any fashion so one could argue you actually have the best possible Nowi.
If you give her Fury 3 she becomes very hard to kill due to 33 Spd, effective 75 physical and 72 res bulk, along with a still very respectable 31 Atk that hits enemy res twice with QR.
There is little reason to be disappointed, especially if you use Ursula on cavalry teams.
funny thing is I think I suggested the fury/QR build to someone with this exact same Nowi before, lol. I certainly don't have a Fury to spare and at this point she has to get in line behind Ryoma and Camus - maybe even Cecilia as it'd allow her to tank quickened pulse, buffed and merged Reinhardt.
Not sure I'm following you about Ursula though.
I feel like I've finally got a good selection of 5* of all colors so I can go back to pulling on red like crazy trying to get more fury/TA fodder. It just so happens that one of the datamined upcoming banners is for Fury users...