Did dancers take any hits? Trying to decide which of the two dancers to bring. It seems double dancer BB combo is a new favorite to beat GHBs because the same setup made infernal Legion trivial.Damn just tried Rein+BraveBower+2 Dancers; obliterated infernal.
if this ghb taught me anything it's that i need a brave bow archer
Mine didn't. You need 1 WoM at least.Did dancers take any hits? Trying to decide which of the two dancers to bring. It seems double dancer BB combo is a new favorite to beat GHBs because the same setup made infernal Legion trivial.
Damn just tried Rein+BraveBower+2 Dancers; obliterated infernal.
Yep, this strategy that was posted on /r/fireemblemhereos is rock solid if you have the units and skills.
They don't mention this but it seems important that Rein has Lancebreaker for their strategy. I tried it with my Rein who has even higher Atk then theirs with DB3 and he can't kill the cavalry lancer in one round.
Lancebreaker is one of his best B slot skills if not the best. Lots of high res lancers in the game.
Lets him eat a single lance hit in case of emergency too.
You don't need two dancers. I did with the one dancer and BB you can see my builds in the vid I posted earlier.
Why are you surprised? A handful of just stat changes can alter the movement.yeah, I've tried doing exactly what you did multiple times, and the archer does not behave the same way for me. He always walks up instead of left. What.
yeah, I've tried doing exactly what you did multiple times, and the archer does not behave the same way for me. He always walks up instead of left. What.
I hope that strat can work: my only Brave Bow archer that's ready to go is a 5* -Atk Klein and I've got Ninian instead of Azura.
No Bridelia? Have a Struggle Taco:
The key was to rush the bottom left and take out Valter and all the troublesome reinforcements as they spawned. Desperation Linde did all the heavy lifting, although Olivia had to whack the axe reinforcement a couple times. Things started looking up once I got rid of that mounted red mage. Meanwhile, Takumi took out all the flier reinforcements one by one by himself up top.
The Rally Speed on Takumi was for one purpose, and that was to give Linde just enough speed to double the red mage reinforcement. Otherwise it would've killed her on the counter.
Pretty happy that I was able to beat it without using any feathers as they are in short supply right now. I only had one brave bow too, and Takumi was my only leveled archer.
shoutouts to Escape Route and Axebreaker Alfonse for my Valter Infernal clear
Holy crap lol and here I am trying to get at least a 4* +5 NinoGot my first level 50 character.
Would have done it sooner but I was distributing feathers evenly most of the time with my arena team.
They'll be coming back tomorrow.Are we supposed to be getting 2 free orbs a day? Stopped yesterday.
Holy crap lol and here I am trying to get at least a 4* +5 Nino
I just did this, thanks.Horse Emblem dominated infernal. Rein takes out red mage, Camus repositions. Xander bait kills axe and arrow. Rein gets attacked by Lance and survives. Rein kills valter, Camus repositions, Titania kills lance. Xander comes back to the group. Rein kills armor, keep Xander low left to deal with axe. Move entire group to the right and take care of the two axe with Xander and Rein can be help/finish off mage.
Took me two tries, was the same strategy as Lunatic. Lost the first time to the final mage showing up killing a very weak Rein. Next time I just made sure Camus was in range for Goad.
Made a video, this is why I like Titania over Cecilia and that's coming from someone that just spent 46k feathers on Cecilia.
So what's a good build for Valter? I was thinking since he has Fury 2 built in to his weapon I would go cheap and equip Life and Death 2 and maybe Vantage for his B skill to proc from Fury and keep panic ploy at his C. The penalty of Life and death is halved by the Fury 2 bonus of his weapon so he would still have 32 def and there's no saving his res anyway so what's 17 vs 21.
Going to wait and see what Lady Luck brings me on my next banner but I think Valter is going to be my next bonus unit.
Well heck, I kind of figured I'd never have a reason to replace my +atk/-hp Tharja, since the only IV that might be superior is +spd/-hp, and what are my chances of pulling one of those? But sure enough, I now have a +spd/-hp Tharja from the blade banner.
What a horrible dilemma, the +atk version has been a faithful ally of mine for a long time, and is currently level 44. Which direction do I merge in? Not sure I can make the choice...
If you merge the +atk one into the +spd one, she will inherit everything and be at +5, so you won't lose anything.
His Cursed Lance does not have Fury 2 though, it only grants atk&spd +2.
Yeah, the horrible dilemma is mainly which IV I want to keep. I feel like the +spd could be a nice improvement, but the atk has really come in handy in the past.
Maybe the solution is to keep both and merge them both up to level 50 over time![]()
Oh I thought you didn't know that lol. Personally I prefer +spd especially with a lot of merging, need more consistent doubling to kill those stat inflated baddies in PvE.
I just noticed your character's icon becomes shiny if you get them to level 50. Assuming this only applies to 5*.
Edit: Here you can see it: (Nino is at level 50)
Edit: Finally beat Infernal Valter... used all infantry units.