Current team after initial 4 orb reroll. Gonna roll more because why not. Should I be rolling only colors I don't have set or should I just do a 20 roll everytime?
1: Marth 4*
2: Fir 3*
3: Gwendolyne 3*
4: Gaius 4*
5: Matthew 4*
6: Felicia 3*
7: Lissa 4*
8: Wrys 3*
9: Catria 4*
10: Oboro 4*
11: Barat 4*
12: Eliwood 3*
13: Shanna 3*
14: Frederick 4*
15: Frederick 4*
16: Sophia 3*
17: Stahl 3*
18: Matthew 3*
19: Raigh 3*
20: Hana 3*
21: Marth 4*
22: Setsuna 4*
23: Est 4*
24: Sully 3*
25: Camilla 5*
26: Hector 5*
These were all of my rerolls:
So last night I finally got a 5* base, in fact two, in Camilla and Hector. I assume these are good enough and I can continue without doing anymore rerolls?
These were all of my rerolls:
So last night I finally got a 5* base, in fact two, in Camilla and Hector. I assume these are good enough and I can continue without doing anymore rerolls?
That's a great start.These were all of my rerolls:
So last night I finally got a 5* base, in fact two, in Camilla and Hector. I assume these are good enough and I can continue without doing anymore rerolls?
Have 1k+ Nintendo points... I guess better to spend on stamina potions?
I feel like my 4* Florina is a huge hole in my team. Would Sheena be a better replacement?
what is expert arena like? only been doing intermediate
what is expert arena like? only been doing intermediate
No one in my party is lvl. 40 yet and I still get lvl. 40+ opponents even in Intermediate.If your party is already 40 you'll probably hit nothing but whales, which will make things difficult.
If you're below 40 it's more reasonable but will probably still require you to exploit the dumbness of the AI.
I think I broke the game. My 20 pull after Hector and Ryoma were Young Tiki and 4* Cordelia. Barely in Chapter 4 on Normal so I have a ton of stones still coming. This account is blessed.
Don't jinx urself there bruh. U don't want to end up like my pals here lol.O_O
Just started playing, are these five star characters rare or something? I used the free orbs.
I ran into 20+ units in intermediate on day . Lucky people and whales are scary.No one in my party is lvl. 40 yet and I still get lvl. 40+ opponents even in Intermediate.
Just started playing, are these five star characters rare or something? I used the free orbs.
Azura has a 0.08% droprate. She is superrare since she is a nonfocus 5* only. Best dancer in the game. Marth is more common but a good unit regardless.
lol Oh I am no stranger to 80 stones full of 3*. Just stunned at the moment. Glad to finally have an account to focus on. I'm gonna spend some stones on my castle and maybe do one more pull then start hoarding,
I see i see.^^ I am just currently in huge dilemma.T_T I wonder whether i should pull again or not here.T_T
with Catria, Cordelia and Camille as my 5 star......i am getting raeped by the almighty Takumi lol.T_T 3 five star fliers.... what is the odds lol.
I see i see.^^ I am just currently in huge dilemma.T_T I wonder whether i should pull again or not here.T_T
with Catria, Cordelia and Camille as my 5 star......i am getting raeped by the almighty Takumi lol.T_T 3 five star fliers.... what is the odds lol.
I pulled a second *5 Tiki and just merged her with my already leveled *5 Tiki right away. Was that dumb? Are you supposed to level them both and then merge?
I pulled a second *5 Tiki and just merged her with my already leveled *5 Tiki right away. Was that dumb? Are you supposed to level them both and then merge?
Leveling them doesn't do anything for merging. The merge benefits are fixed.
Thanks! GladI didn't waste anything. (Don't have the patience to lvl two of themto 40Leveling then merging has no extra quantifiable benefit on the final unit, but leveling both units to 40 would help determine which unit's stat spread you liked better.
My whole cast is a B team.Whenever my stamina is low, and while it's cost is currently halved so you can play quite a few beginner maps, I've been working on a 'b' team (and now a 'c' team!).
I teamed up Gunther, Lissa, Donnel and The Fonz, all 2* and level 1, as I thought it would be fun to have Gunther shepherding a bunch of young 'uns in a kind of Fire Emblem daycare. It ended up exactly as expected, with Lissa doing good work as Donnel and Alfonze couldn't win a fight without being greviously wounded in the process, and Gunther bailing everyone out time and again. He's pretty well rounded for a weak unit, I like him.
Anyone else having 'b' team adventures?
Roll takumi, feel skilled.
Most Taks have low res, on robin has high hp and defence, robin also gets advantage vs grey units and if they happen to knock him under half health he get's plus 7 speed at the start of every turn so they lose the ability to double shot and he gets to half the time
Need to put a harpoon in robins hand
My robin kills more heroes than Takumi ever does lol
Most people play robin these days, Takumi is about to get benched here soon
But I need a F.Corrin or Azura
Magic damage is too good atm and a majority of the stronger heroes have shitty res
Idk my robin cant kill a takumi and takumi one shots him back. Probably mine is bad stated like all my heroes.