Just started, pulled a 5 star lady, Azura. Is that good enough or should I be rerolling?
I also got 2 donnells, Eliwood, and Barst.
5* spear user w/ unit reactivation. Unless you're looking for a specific waifu I'd keep the account.
Just started, pulled a 5 star lady, Azura. Is that good enough or should I be rerolling?
I also got 2 donnells, Eliwood, and Barst.
Just started, pulled a 5 star lady, Azura. Is that good enough or should I be rerolling?
I also got 2 donnells, Eliwood, and Barst.
I (finally) got a 5-star camilla too. She's a beast: she gets an attack bump for initiating attacks and does residual damage to anyone who attacks her. Between her and my 5-star marth i basically steamroll through everything.
Cool I will keep her. Dokkan Battle's my main game anyway. I'd like to have a character I know better, but it's no big deal.
Also what do I do with this lower star dupe Donnell I got? It won't let me merge them.
The lower one is probably a favourite (marked with a heart). Click on their portrait then on the heart.Cool I will keep her. Dokkan Battle's my main game anyway. I'd like to have a character I know better, but it's no big deal.
Also what do I do with this lower star dupe Donnell I got? It won't let me merge them.
Am I stupid for expecting "Restore 8HP to target and all allies within 2 spaces of target" to be AoE heal?
no thats what it is.
Oh wow, there is hard mode arena quests *-*
Well it's the description of Physic and it doesn't do it at all. Only heal one character from 2 range away...
It's a translation error. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
It's supposed to read that it heals a single ally from 2 range.
Sölf;230031369 said:I saw that on Reddit. Since we have them for the whole month, I probably won't use duel swords this week. Will just do the dailies. I am pretty sure we will also get Lunatic quests... xD
Oh wow, there is hard mode arena quests *-*
Ah yes, there is also lunatic quests "win 80 arena matches", gotta use those sword I guess.
Well it's the description of Physic and it doesn't do it at all. Only heal one character from 2 range away...
Sell for feathers. You won't get a lot, but every little bit helps.
The lower one is probably a favourite (marked with a heart). Click on their portrait then on the heart.
Cordelia is a much better unit, S Tier.Would I be better off swapping my Satsuki off for Cordelia? Or would that not make much of a difference?
Spent 40 orbs in order to get Takumi, I failed. So much for hoarding...
She is a low speed character. You get a bonus as the initiator though and Brave Axe will always strike at least twice.Anyone else use Cecilia? Don't know if mines average or just hella slow. 22 speed at lvl 32, 4*.
Missions clears should be rewarded if you cleared them already before unlocking a new mission set - its not like the game isnt keeping track of the stuff you have done up to this point. Hope they add that in a future version.
She is a low speed character. You get a bonus as the initiator though and Brave Axe will always strike at least twice.
Missions clears should be rewarded if you cleared them already before unlocking a new mission set - its not like the game isnt keeping track of the stuff you have done up to this point. Hope they add that in a future version.
They should just give you all the missions at once.
She's been my go-to since I got her, mostly because I didn't have any other greens for a while, but yeah. Mine is the same speed as yours, same level, same stars. I don't think it's usually too bad since you mostly just want her to assassinate tanks (which she still outspeeds) or other mages (which she can usually outspeed), and she has the movement to position well enough for that.Anyone else use Cecilia? Don't know if mines average or just hella slow. 22 speed at lvl 32, 4*.
That part seems deliberate. You have to do everything if you want the new set. Otherwise, people would just do the orb, stamina potion, and arena sword missions and leave the rest.
Can someone link me the max stats for Chrom? the Google Doc I was using doesn't have him filled in. I am level 39, so I should be able to get an idea of my final level up
Almost identical to my starting pull. Nice.
That's a great starting team just by itself!
That is a very nice starting pull. Congrats!
This site seems to have stats for a bunch of units:
No idea if it's accurate for all of them, but it was for the ones I checked.
Hope they get fast and furious with content for this thing. Been pretty boring since the release window.
Isn't there a special event tomorrow?
There it is.
80 any
40 intermediate
20 advanced.
Hope they get fast and furious with content for this thing. Been pretty boring since the release window.
Narcian (a character that cannot be summoned currently, as far as I know) will be in the special maps for recruitment tomorrow
Narcian (a character that cannot be summoned currently, as far as I know) will be in the special maps for recruitment tomorrow