Three star.Guessing the one star and two star version like it has been for the other characters?
Three star.Guessing the one star and two star version like it has been for the other characters?
Oh did they announce that?
Guessing the one star and two star version like it has been for the other characters?
Oh did they announce that?
Some of them can be pretty good depending on what you're missing and feather costs aren't out there until you start promoting into 5*s.Is there anything better I can do with the 1* daily characters other than just convert them into 5 feathers? It feels like a waste.
Is there anything better I can do with the 1* daily characters other than just convert them into 5 feathers? It feels like a waste.
How much do you get off of this? I wouldn't say all 4 of my units are amazing but I think I still finished with a decent score.So with the way Arena is currently set up, people without 4 excellent units (but whose units are mid 30s or higher) are better off just taking their best 3 and a low level healer with a decent heal skill.
Yeah, but I'm already getting the 2* version of that character. Why bother keeping both?Some of them can be pretty good depending on what you're missing and feather costs aren't out there until you start promoting into 5*s.
U WOT M8Sölf;230035403 said:You could hold onto them, it seems we can only recruit each version once even after it resets after 12 days. To do anything useful with that character you have to upgrade him to 4* or 5*, which of course takes time and feathers.
Yeah, but I'm already getting the 2* version of that character. Why bother keeping both?
Where are you getting this from? That's a pretty significant piece of information.
Make a low level team and level them up when you're low on stamina. It also doesn't cost that much in the way of crystals and feathers to just level/promote them straight away.Is there anything better I can do with the 1* daily characters other than just convert them into 5 feathers? It feels like a waste.
So with the way Arena is currently set up, people without 4 excellent units (but whose units are mid 30s or higher) are better off just taking their best 3 and a low level healer with a decent heal skill.
I am also seeing you get more points if everyone survives?
How much do you get off of this? I wouldn't say all 4 of my units are amazing but I think I still finished with a decent score.
Hey guys, any pc-only players here? What program do you use to play?
That's pretty good. My score was a bit higher but I had risky points lol. Might give this a try.It depends on the level of your characters, but between 4000-4100 for an average level of 32.5 on a 7 level advanced run.
I was basically getting 565-585 a match on advanced, with full survivorship, and usually near full health. I haven't experimented with how high you can bring up the character average before you start seeing the return of the Takumi, Lucina, M Robin, and Azura Level 40 super teams, but the trade off of a lower point cap is worth it for me, since I was getting lower scores on at least 2-3 battles of 7 each round. Occasionally significantly lower.
Of course, if your team is amazing, there is less need to take a point hit.
That's pretty good. My score was a bit higher but I had risky points lol. Might give this a try.
I hope they add some daily/weekly my nintendo missions. I need more stamina potions. ;_;
I want to buy stamina potions with my Nintendo Points... but i'm also hoping for AMAZING deal when Switch launches...
quite the predicament
Getting a 3 star version of a banner card is a real kick in the teeth. It's so difficult to get them to 5 star. I've never seen a gacha this stingy with their awakening materials.
If you have a 3DS/Wii U there is a weekly 70 coins (connecting to Miiverse/eShop +30 each, clicking the coin next to your Mii on +10 iirc) and another 10 coins monthly for subscribing to the newsletter.
I kinda expect some nice MyNintendo missions with the Switch, dunno about deals.
I want to buy stamina potions with my Nintendo Points... but i'm also hoping for AMAZING deal when Switch launches...
quite the predicament
I only bought ALTTP on Wii, but quite a few VC games on UYour amazing Switch deals with be 10-20% off a few virtual console titles that you have already purchased twice.
Hector really isn't all that good for arena defense is he? Whenever a hector pops up in my fights, I focus on killing the other three characters, then make him chase me in circles until I have all my characters back to full health. I can let him spend an attack on Chrom to avoid his defensive double, heal up most of that damage (Thanks to the favorable weapon triangle, Hector against Chrom is usually 10-15 HP), and then finish him off in a second hit.
Given that half of the 5 star units seem to be Red, I would imagine that most players have some counter to a single Hector.
As far as I've seen it's random. I don't know if the game tells you but you definitely don't get them every time.Question, to get a Greater Verdant Badges, I need to beat the training tower at level 6 or above. I have cleared it like 7 times, but still just get the reguar badges. What do I need to do to get the higher tier ones, is it just a % chance I will get the Greater badge?
Question, to get a Greater Verdant Badges, I need to beat the training tower at level 6 or above. I have cleared it like 7 times, but still just get the reguar badges. What do I need to do to get the higher tier ones, is it just a % chance I will get the Greater badge?
I love my Azama so much. He can take many hits despite being a healer and his upgraded attack skill is amazing for training lowbies quickly and safely
I should promote him to 5
Question, to get a Greater Verdant Badges, I need to beat the training tower at level 6 or above. I have cleared it like 7 times, but still just get the reguar badges. What do I need to do to get the higher tier ones, is it just a % chance I will get the Greater badge?
Still haven't pulled a 5 star hero yet.
Finding it tough a little later on without one.
What level should i play arena?