Look at the level of the enemies and the force composition beneath the stratum number, also the colour of the star suggests how elite they are (just like your units silver ones are stronger than bronze at the same level). It can change, just because your level 21 force can take the fifth stratum when it's full of level 23 melee infantry doesn't mean it can take the fifth stratum if it's full of level 25 troops of colours and classes and spells designed to take your team apart!OK, I've got a Beruka but she's only level 21, I'll see if I can level her up some more. In order to do that I just need to bung a few similarly levelled other characters plus my healer in there I guess, and go to thesixth stratum? fifth stratum?fourth stratum?
Look at the level of the enemies and the force composition rather than the stratum number. It can change, just because your level 21 force can take the fifth stratum when it's full of level 23 infantry doesn't mean it can take the fifth stratum if it's full of level 25 mages of colours and spells designed to take your team apart!
Beruka is a very specialised unit, but good at what she does- she's a highly manouverable bit of heavy armour that's vulnerable to magic and archers but can stand in for a heavy when you need it. Good skills too, quite tough as long as you are aware of her weaknesses.
Is there a possibility they add new abilities to existing characters in future updates?
That's about all you can tell, but colours are important tooHow do you tell from the icons which type of units it is? I can tell the difference between mages, healers and arrow/shuriken people but what about the others?
Is there a possibility they add new abilities to existing characters in future updates?
Huh, healers don't get XP for healing in this version? Don't they in the normal version? That's a shame.
Oops, never mind. I guess it went away cause she died perhaps?
Is there a possibility they add new abilities to existing characters in future updates?
Promote Sharena. She's really good.Here's the team I've got right now. I need to get a team together to beat 9-2 on Hard which is what I'm stuck on right now and these are the highest level people I have.
The problem is that Anna and Shareena tend to die to anything and everything, while Tharja just wrecks everything without leaving anything for Anna/Shareena to defeat.
Should I swap them out for someone else? If so, who, and what level of the training tower should I be aiming at?
Come to the dark side. We have a merry band of Ests.Nino is a better choice, hands down
Here's the team I've got right now. I need to get a team together to beat 9-2 on Hard which is what I'm stuck on right now and these are the highest level people I have.
The problem is that Anna and Shareena tend to die to anything and everything, while Tharja just wrecks everything without leaving anything for Anna/Shareena to defeat.
Should I swap them out for someone else? If so, who, and what level of the training tower should I be aiming at?
I'm seriously considering not upgrading my Marth to 5* and just hoping I pull a better red unit at some point. He's not bad, hell pivot plus escape route has made for some hilarious moments and he's the best red I've got but I dunno that I can justify 20k feathers just for the Falchion and a slightly better escape route. On the other hand my 4* fem Corrin is going 5 star because upgrading her improves not just her but the whole teams performance. As it is Corrin into Merric = dead anything. Olivia is doing Olivia things, sometimes she kills a dude and is up to level 31 or 32 but she's no frontliner naturally.
Would a fem corrin plus young tiki ( if I can ever pull one) Olivia and Merric team be viable? I'd go Corrin and Tiki and Fae ( also don;t currently have) plus Merric but I love Olivia too much.
Promote Sharena. She's really good.
Use those feathers to promote Sharena and Anna to 4 stars. They're lacking skills at 2*/3*. You are teaching them skills right?
Or just replace them with your other 4* units.
Does Olivia even benefit much from getting promoted? She's such a weak character outside of her dance ability. Mine's at 3* for Dance, but gets oneshotted by pretty much everyone of similar level.
Iote's Shield is so handy against archers, if only enemy NPCs from training tower weren't the only ones to have it...
At 4* she gains Hone Attack 3.Does Olivia even benefit much from getting promoted? She's such a weak character outside of her dance ability. Mine's at 3* for Dance, but gets oneshotted by pretty much everyone of similar level.
My 4* Olivia has reached level 37+1. Yet, it will probably take all week to level her to max.
Iote's Shield is so handy against archers, if only enemy NPCs from training tower weren't the only ones to have it...
I'll probably drop the game when training tower stamina doubles. The game generates stamina way too slowly to allow much play, unless they start getting way more generous with stamina pots.My 4* Nowi, fCorrin and Selena are already level 36 but that's clearly not enough for them to support my A team on Lunatic 9-2. Man, what a chore leveling up your characters is, I've spent like 3 days doing this. Don't want to think how it will be when the training tower stamina costs double X_X
I'd say that's pretty likely considering they bothered to implement a skill list filter.
Guessing a year from now, due to power creeping, maybe some can be evolved to 6*, which will unlock new skills.
This is the biggest sin of all.Yea. Was mainly wondering because Roy not having a special attack is bizarre. Especially since he has so much left over SP.
I feel like you are restating exactly what I said.
The only functional difference is one costs you a sword and the other does not.
Does Olivia even benefit much from getting promoted? She's such a weak character outside of her dance ability. Mine's at 3* for Dance, but gets oneshotted by pretty much everyone of similar level.
I think they'll eventually do this too- maybe with elite classes like with FE Radiant Dawn.Yea. Was mainly wondering because Roy not having a special attack is bizarre. Especially since he has so much left over SP.
I'm running a similar team (Corrin, Tiki, Olivia and Kagero). I think with your set up, you run the risk of being weak to Falchion lords, since even though Corrin has a surprisingly good matchup against them, she loses a ton of HP taking down (if she can even manage it). Meanwhile if Corrin goes down, pretty much nobody on your team will be able to take them down.
If you can get a strong neutral unit like Kagero or Takumi or someone like Robin to replace Merric, your team could work.
Pulled a 5 Star Lyn this morning, Happy Valentine's Day to me![/url]![]()
Does anyone know what happens if I open up a summoning table by spending 5 orbs, but close the app without choosing a summon? Do I lose the 5 orbs?
I'm trying to summon a green unit, but no joke, I'm on my eigth table without a single green orb appearing, and I'm obligated to spend 5 orbs to even see the table...
You cant beat a 5* CamillaPulled a 5 Star Lyn this morning, Happy Valentine's Day to me!
It'll probably boot up to the summon screen again, until you choose one.
Of course the second you choose to spend 5 orbs, you're locked in, or else people would just keep backing out until they get all the colors they wanted.![]()
I didn't think I would ever get a 5* Robin having already rolled dozens of 3 and 4 ones. XD
Lucina was just the icing on the cake. ^__^
Wow. She is serious waifu material, haha.
I didn't think I would ever get a 5* Robin having already rolled dozens of 3 and 4 ones. XD
Lucina was just the icing on the cake. ^__^
I can't wait to get mine built up and ready to go too. XDRobin is such a beast. Bout crapped my pants when I saw two Takumi and a Lucina on the other team, especially since I entered with Camilla. I was able to get Olivia to do a little tango with Robin and made it without losing anyone.
Can't wait to promote him to 5 stars.
This would be like my dream board to roll.
Self control is overrated. ;Dmust... save... orbs...
I'm guessing they'll hand out an item that grants a single unit Iote's Shield as an ability. Could be a gamechanger for some units.
Unlikely. They'll just add new characters with new abilities.
I don't think so, the fact that you need stamina to reassign abilities even though most of the time you don't need it clearly means something
So I just figured out that the auto-battler is probably not that much worse than me for the purposes of the training tower. Turned off combat and support animations and now the grinding is (in theory) going much quicker.