7-2 Hard has 2 armored.
9-2 Normal has 3 armored units over Lv. 20 for 11 stamina.
7-2 Hard has 2 armored.
9-2 Normal has 3 armored units over Lv. 20 for 11 stamina.
Hector is awful for defense. Everyone leave him behind. When I replaced Hector with Olivia my defense went from 1 to 10. My square is takumi, Robin and Young Tiki.May Gasha god watch over me, just pulled 5* Takumi today.
Time to level him up to join Hector in my Defense team. Combining them with Healer(s) and Reindhart should be pretty solid for defense.
Where's a good place to farm level 20 Armored?
Any of these 4 worth getting to 5 star over Kagero?
I do need a green.
I don't have any either. I don't know what's going on.One more day to go and still ZERO defense win; now you are getting me worried, game.
One more day to go and still ZERO defense win; now you are getting me worried, game.
I had three last week, and seven the week before. And to make matters worse, it looks like now my offense score of 4502 might not even be enough to help me stay in top 10k any more. Guess people are really getting good...
I mean, I know my defense team of Marth, Nino, Nowi, and Takumi isn't particularly stellar, but still, not even causing people to make some mistake and losing a unit or two that leads to surrender? Not even once?
Well, what should I do? I don't have any good cavalry units to materialize a "cavalry shock" team. Maybe I should substitute in my Olivia (only 3* lv20 though) in hope of getting at least a lucky win? What do you guys think?
This happened to me too. No defense wins for a few days and just got my first one yesterday. I usually get most of my defense wins in the last couple days of a season, presumably because that's when people use crests to try to improve their score, but still I usually have more than 1 by now. It's possible people are just getting better at manipulating the AI. It's also possible that people are completing games even when they lose a hero because they want to hurry through the monthly quests.
Honestly your defense team seems pretty solid. I do think that the best defense teams are unbalanced, though. Like, everyone is going to be able to deal with two reds, one green, and one blue - that's what you have in mind when you put together an offense team. What some teams just won't be able to handle is a team of 4 blues. Your team is good because you have two ranged and one melee that can counterattack at ranged, but I think it'd probably be better if you replaced Marth with a blue or green. Olivia is probably a good addition too; she works really well with mages like Nino.
Haven't played in a while (just been logging in for daily orbs), just did a pull on the new banner and got:
5* Ephraim
4* Effie
4* Gordin
4* Niles
3* Olivia
My only 5* was a Julia so I'm pretty happy to get another one! I already had a 4* Niles and IIRC he's pretty garbage, but how are Ephraim/Effie/Gordin? Alternatively does anyone have a link to a good tier list or something similar I can just look at instead. Having not played the game much skimming the thread it's a lot of really character specific questions/setups and I don't know who most of these characters are so it's a bit over my head at times
I reallllly need to sit down and spend some time with the game and clear everything (I haven't finished all the story content or touched Arena even) so I can just play the game on maintenance mode without it being a huge time commitment >_>. Every time I sit down and play the game at all it just kinda makes me want to play Fates since I still haven't touched that yet.
This one is pretty solid and updated regularly. Ephraim is good but a 5* Effie would give you a higher arena score due to higher total base stats. Gordin is not really worth using in the arena.
If you have any more specific questions, the OP has a link to our FE GAF Discord server.
That link is fantastic and exactly what I was looking for, thank you! Surprised to see Selena so low (relatively), she does goddamn work for me lol. I'll hop on the discord later, I have a few questions about how to progress a bit and my team. Thanks!
I still have a hard time articulating why I haven't been all over this game more. Like I just burnt through all my Stamina for the first time in probably like two weeks, got my Castle maxed out and knocked out some of the special event maps out (none of which I had touched) and had a great time while actually playing. But I have the hardest time finding motivation to actually sit down and play until I actually do. Maybe it's something with how the Stamina works in this game? I dunno, it's weird.
Hector is awful for defense. Everyone leave him behind. When I replaced Hector with Olivia my defense went from 1 to 10. My square is takumi, Robin and Young Tiki.
When I face a Takumi and MRobin team I always lose
When I face a Takumi and MRobin team I always lose
Should put you in be high 30k's. you need 4,600+ to get up top 5k. Still that's impressive to do that with seemingly an inactive team member.Finally got a perfect run and my best arena score yet of 4226! Hopefully that pushes me up the ranking somewhat (was at rank 60,201 with 4076). Anyways, I can't get any farther up without leveling up 3* Narcian from lvl 22 (my other 3 are lvl 40, 5* Takumi, 5* Sharena, 4* Olivia).
When's the new content ? Only played the three new maps these last 2 weeks because there is litterally nothing to do for me. When's Ike.........
I am really wondering if it's worth 5 star m robin. My team is Hector, Takumi and Young Tiki. Don't have manu other options to 5 star but I am hoarding about 100 stones.
Should put you in be high 30k's. you need 4,600+ to get up top 5k. Still that's impressive to do that with seemingly an inactive team member.
I am screwed if the next arena is based on sibling bonds. Maybe they will throw F Robin in there (I should level her up)
Should put you in be high 30k's. you need 4,600+ to get up top 5k.
Seems exaggerate as with 4542 I'm currently ranked 3862 and it dropped less than 500 in the last two days.
I blowed 65 orbs on this banner and the only 5* I got was a dupe Eirika :/
I really wanted Eldigan, I loved him in FE4 and he got two of the best music in the entire serie, Disturbance of Agustria and Lion King Eltshan.
Guess I'm back on hoarding, I only pull when I have enough orbs to take advantage of the pity counter, being stuck with a >9% chance just before the end of a banner is a sure way to end up putting some $$ in the game.
There should be a new special launch map tomorrow, and the voting tournament thingy starts on Tuesday.When's the new content ? Only played the three new maps these last 2 weeks because there is litterally nothing to do for me. When's Ike.........
Knowing my team make up (Hector, Takumi, Young Tiki is there anyone else who can deal with what robin deals with? The only thing like you said is he is basically a Takumi killer.To me he is worth it as he single handedly counters Takumi and any other potential colorless that rises up, and can smack a red pretty good while keeping distance. The major down side is that he gets melted by green mages and he cannot one shot anyone because of his speed.
That said Robin has won me many matches, and it will take a lot to replace him in my lineup.
Btw, I've got to wonder, why is MCorrin considered a better character than he's ranked?
38/42/45 45/48/51 29/32/35 27/31/34 21/24/28 if defending
38/42/45 45/48/51 33/36/39 27/31/34 21/24/28 if attacking (+4 Spd when attacking)
37/41/44 44/47/50 31/34/37 25/29/32 20/23/26
40/43/46 47/50/53 33/36/39 22/25/29 16/19/22
MCorrin seems like basically a tankier Lucina without the dragon-advantage when attacking, and a bit worse when defending?
Btw, I've got to wonder, why is MCorrin considered a better character than he's ranked?
38/42/45 45/48/51 29/32/35 27/31/34 21/24/28 if defending
38/42/45 45/48/51 33/36/39 27/31/34 21/24/28 if attacking (+4 Spd when attacking)
37/41/44 44/47/50 31/34/37 25/29/32 20/23/26
40/43/46 47/50/53 33/36/39 22/25/29 16/19/22
MCorrin seems like basically a tankier Lucina without the dragon-advantage when attacking, and a bit worse when defending?
Male Corrin is absolutely underrated and will likely rise at some point. That said, dragon slaying is a pretty important utility, Lucina has Luna on top of that, and the healing Marth/Lucina get isn't too shabby. His Speed on enemy phase is also pretty concerning.
His skills stink compared to Lucina's. In my opinion, the maps are too small and cramped for Obstruct to usually have an effect on the battle.
Any opinions of Eirika?
Any opinions of Eirika?
I have a +def / speed one, and she is really good. Her stats - 42/42/32/30/28
Surprisingly tanky with a +def nature , and even with -speed she won't get doubled by much. Excellent buffs and pivot make her pretty mobile, and make it easy to stay with a partner and get in front to take a hit (Nino/Tharja love her). She won't hold up well against blues, but she can eat greens well, and holds up against other reds.Draw back is really nice for separating enemies and re positioning as well. Once skill inheritence comes in, she will have a free A slot, which is pretty rare, so keep that in mind.
I believe so, that way at least you dont end with every unit having the same skillsetQuick aside: are we sure that inheritance will only allow a unit to obtain one skill?
And yeah, Eirika is v. good
I believe so, that way at least you dont end with every unit having the same skillset
Farming Tacos for Close Counter sounds like a pain.
I don't know if Close Counter or similar skills will be inheritable. The error messages that were data mined had errors for unique skills (can't be transferred because it is a unique skill). The current thought is any skill with a white border is probably unique. Stuff like Hone Flyers, Close Counter and Distant Counter may all be unique skills. I mean, I hope they aren't transferable. Its already a pain to deal with Takumi, and he'll probably get Vantage once skill transfer comes out thanks to Gorden. Thankfull, my Nino Erika combo should be able to oneshot All Takumis (if I bother to promote Nino to 5*).