I know the feelingI'm just sitting on my stockpile of orbs, waiting for a good banner to go ballistic on. It's hard to resist temptation but I've found it quite therapeutic levelling everyone up to 4*, there's something about the FE 'level up' jingle that always makes me smile. Considering that I've got characters that have now levelled up 80+ times, that has to count for something, even if I know stat growth is all pre-ordained rather than percentage chances in Heroes!
I really should level up more peeps but I don't wanna level my 3*s past 20. And the number of 4*s I have are... limited. I mean, I have Cherche, Anna, Ogma, Laslow, Tharja... maybe Sully and Shanna? And some healers, too. I GUESS I could spend my stam better. But I have plenty of lunatic maps left unfinished and I broke 100 in the number of hoarded orbs I got so I think I'll be fine!
EDIT: I only have 11k feathers and I wanna spend them on 5*ing a red hero considering I have Ephraim and Tak already.
it's probably gonna be alfonse because I really don't have much of anyone else who synergizes as universally as he does with my team atm