How do you re-roll?
REROLL GUIDE (should you want to, you don't have to):
Don't link your account when it asks.
1. Play the tutorial and the three prologue missions. You'll have 18 orbs.
2. Go to the main screen and click the owl. You'll get 2 more orbs. You have 20.
3. Summon all five units, using 20 orbs.
4. If you like the units, great. Link your account and continue to play.
5. If you don't, either:
---- Android/iOS: Delete the game.
---- Rooted Android: File navigation to data/data/com.nintendo~/ and delete the shared_prefs folder. You only will have to re-download 0.1 MB.
6. Repeat 1-5.
Tier List, but it's a joke. The game is one day old and the 'meta' hasn't formed. These are just impressions from a couple people after glancing at skills.
If you decide to reroll, reroll for either your favorite character or a 5*.
If you do link your account on accident, go into MISC, Account Management, Delete Data.
First try, I didn't get any 5 star but I did get Tharja, my most wanted.
Yeah, keeping this regardless.
On my 4th reroll. Still no 5 stars. :/
I want Tiki because she's supposed to be really good but I'll take any 5 star at this point lol
To upgrade a 2* to 3* it costs 10 badges and 200 hero feathers.
Godspeed, it took me almost 20 to see a 5-star
Is Tiki a good 5 star? I'm probably not gonna reroll, but I'm curious.
The difficulty in the game comes from shitty touch controls making me drag things on top of other things instead of letting me attack after I move. Jesus Christ
Shit which do i keep?
Sorry, its you.
On my iPad 2 it crashes constantly, on my iPod Touch 6, ipad Air 2 it works wonderfully.
The info page made it sound like you can level up characters beyond 20, but I know you can also class up once you hit 20. I think I've also read that stats reset once you class up. Does that mean that going beyond level 20 is pointless when you're below 5*?
Ah f*ck, got Ryoma (and Corrin) on another account, do I switch or not >.<
I have 20 orbs, but when I go to summon it's only asking me to use 5. What am I missing to use the multi-summon?
Why do all top units red >.<
Pretty sure gacha rate for ugly ass male characters is around 90%.
So Kiran is the third reincarnation of the Avatar? Does this mean we'll be getting a third version of Tharja/Rhajat?
You get SP for level ups as well so you could probably pick up most of the abilities before you promote.
Do abilities reset when you promote?
Did another summon and got Lucina, hnnnnng the game is teasing me to abandon my Camilla roll.
Why are all top units red >.<