So the game is up and running for everyone just fine?
I can't connect to the game anymore. I'm on a 1+1 with Cyanogen-Mod which isn't officially supported (can't download it through the store). Downloaded the .apk and could start and play the game just fine.
After a while I couldn't connect anymore and I get a connection error, so I deleted the game and began anew.
Worked just fine, could even play more of the game, but then I got the same error. Can't connect anymore. I don't want to start new every half hour, so am I out of luck?
Or is the Connection Error not connected to my cellphone?
The connection error is Support Code: 803-3001 (or 3101 I believe)?
You don't need to delete the game to get rid of the error. Using a root browser (regular file browser doesn't work), go and delete that file:
But first, make sure you connect the game to a Nintendo Account, or you'll lose your save data (since that file is basically your save data).
Once you've done that, you'll be able to load the app again, though you will need to relink your NA again at start-up.
Errors will pop up again after a while, and in that case, simply re-delete the aforementionned file and it'll work again. Rinse and repeat every time it happens, basically.
Not really sure what's causing the issue. Only people I've seen impacted by this are all root/custom ROM users, but this is way too random, flimsy, and easily bypassable to be an anti-root security measure.