what are you talking about, Apotheosis Anna was a monster too
I mean I had Lancebreaker Inigo trivialize the shit out of her, but that's not the point
she wasn't playable though!
what are you talking about, Apotheosis Anna was a monster too
I mean I had Lancebreaker Inigo trivialize the shit out of her, but that's not the point
...Any more details?
So isplayable/recruitable? I can't find a firm answer anywhere.Anna
Anna is in the game and has full data to be a playable character. However, she doesn't seem to be in any story chapter or paralogue. Also doesn't have a conversation to join in My Castle itself either unlike a couple of other characters.
I guess she'll end up joining in a bonus map added later, like Awakening's spotpass paralogues. This time she can only support with the avatar and her possible daughter too, similar to the bonus spotpass characters in Awakening.
There are screenshots, but the DLC leaker himself is annoyingly vague. He still hasn't answered if anyone is recruitable from there.
He just revealed a new tidbit about the Awakening DLC though...
You get Lodestar and Great Lord Seals from that DLC. Lodestar for male characters, Great Lord for female ones. Using them allow you to class change to Marth's or Lucina's lord classes. Apparently, you don't get more of them by replaying the chapter though, only the first time you go through per file.
Screenshots of the leaked Awakening DLC:
Hellllooooo NEE-CHAN
I wish i could photoshop a working animainiacs quote into that gif
There are screenshots, but the DLC leaker himself is annoyingly vague. He still hasn't answered if anyone is recruitable from there.
He just revealed a new tidbit about the Awakening DLC though...
You get Lodestar and Great Lord Seals from that DLC. Lodestar for male characters, Great Lord for female ones. Using them allow you to class change to Marth's or Lucina's lord classes. Apparently, you don't get more of them by replaying the chapter though, only the first time you go through per file.
Anna is in the game and has full data to be a playable character. However, she doesn't seem to be in any story chapter or paralogue considering the text dump. She also doesn't have a conversation to join in My Castle itself either unlike a couple of other characters.
I guess she'll end up joining in a bonus map added later, like Awakening's spotpass paralogues. This time she can only support with the avatar and her possible daughter too, similar to the bonus spotpass characters in Awakening.
Guys how is the music in this game? I have high expectations after Awakening.
Much better.
Holy fuck...
Matoi can talk to Chrom in the dlc
Matoi can talk to Chrom in the dlc
Man, I was hoping for better character customization. I looked at the video showing the options and I'm disappointed. In a game where you're encouraged to self-insert they don't give enough options. Can't change skin tone and only 2 builds? Come on.
The default girl just looks way too cutesy, even compared to FE:A. And there no option for the taller, bustier girl. So you're stuck with a really petite girl, or one that looks prepubescent. I wanted an option like this one.
I guess that way you can't look older than your older siblings, because I would like to go with a Kamui with this build, but I guess I won't be able to
So is the official romanization for Xander's Japanese name actually Marx?
Couldn't it be Marcus? I didn't even realize Marcus Aurelius until now.
So is the official romanization for Xander's Japanese name actually Marx?
Couldn't it be Marcus? I didn't even realize Marcus Aurelius until now.
First time playing in public. Rubbing Sirus' face at the airport hahahah
Hellllooooo NEE-CHAN
I wish i could photoshop a working animainiacs quote into that gif
Haha, I can't read, kept seeing the ku as ka.The characters are different tho マークス (Marx/Marks) vs マーカス(Marcus).
We've already had an FE chara named Marcus in FE6 and FE7 too so that doesn't really work.
They didn't do it on hard (while they did do it on Awakening hard) not sure about lunatic.
Well, I think Bayonetta just got knocked off the Queen of the Fan-Service spot. Poor Bayo, better luck next time, hun.
YesIs the "face-petting" part of the game optional?
Yes, I'm still not even sure what it does to be honest.Can/do you still build supports through actual game play? What is the outcome of this mode?
You can ignore it completely, same applies to almost every other building in my castleI'm not hugely bothered by it, but I know my friend will be. Is it completely optional or partly integral?
Yes, I'm still not even sure what it does to be honest.
You can ignore it completely, same applies to almost every other building in my castle
Yep, it's why I said almostyou can't ignore it if you want to forge anything!
You are only asking to be hurt by NintendoI'll...be upset it they censor this. For admittedly stupid reasons. But c'mon Nintendo, you can do it. I believe
Nah, Hoshido is really easy in map design/objectives.
They didn't do it on hard (while they did do it on Awakening hard) not sure about lunatic.
These are both disappointing to see.
I'll probably pass on Hoshido entirely. Does Nohr fare better than Hoshido/Awakening? And does it have a better balanced hard mode that doesn't become a cakewalk after 5 chapters?
I wonder if there's Lunatic+ again? No one has managed to finish the game on Lunatic yet, or so I've heard.
For what it's worth, none of the Lunatic+ exclusive skills from Awakening are present in Fates as far as I know.
So now that folks are actually playing it, how's the infinite-durability bonus/malus weapon system working? Big change? Not that big a deal? Any dark horse out-of-nowhere weapons that unseat the Brave line as the go-to endgame equipment?
This pic made me laugh.
It's all the characters on this game from all sides so those sensitive to spoiler like that, beware.
I literally seeOwain and Severa
Character/story spoilers?Wait. Wait...
The Awakening lookalikes are actually the Awakening characters? But only on Nohr? The Gaius/Tharja lookalikes on Hoshido seem to be just that: lookalikes. But on Nohr that's actually supposed to be Inigo, Severa, and Owain? Whoa. Does the story explain that at all?
Character Spoliers: That's because theyliterally are Severa and Owain
Character/story spoilers?From a spoiler I read on Serene's Forest, apparently they came from the future... again. They talk about how Grima was defeated and stuff, and that's all I really know about that.