How much do you guys pay monthly for your gym membership? I currently pay $59.99 for Nysc and would like to switch.
19 at a local gym.
How much do you guys pay monthly for your gym membership? I currently pay $59.99 for Nysc and would like to switch.
Oh crap. I forgot that thread. Hah. Thanks!
...honestly, the booze is gonna be the hardest part. Gin and soda with lime for me.
I bought a Costco certificate for a two-year membership at 24-hour Fitness about seventeen months ago. It was $300, so divided by twenty-four that's $12.50/month.
I couldn't find a better deal, plus I didn't have to give up a credit card or bank account number.
The Mac is back. Welcome back, Bdizzle.
I'll try a few reps/sets this afternoon when I'm done with my regular routine. If anyone else is in the gym I'll report on their puzzled responses to this exercise.Have you tried those shrugs yet?
I'll try a few reps/sets this afternoon when I'm done with my regular routine. If anyone else is in the gym I'll report on their puzzled responses to this exercise.
I bought a Costco certificate for a two-year membership at 24-hour Fitness about seventeen months ago. It was $300, so divided by twenty-four that's $12.50/month.
I couldn't find a better deal, plus I didn't have to give up a credit card or bank account number.
Home gym is the best investment if you have the room and means. I just moved into a new house with a double attached garage and I'm layering half the garage with 1/2" rubber cow stall mats, in the spring i'll put 3/4" plywood or OSB underneath. I plan on getting a power rack too so I can ditch the peg rack which has been good but not as versatile.
Ahhhhh, read the small print:
Membership certificates cannot be redeemed in Hawaii, Maryland, New York, New Jersey or Tennessee.
Oh haha, that's why I never heard of that deal.Ahhhhh, read the small print:
Membership certificates cannot be redeemed in Hawaii, Maryland, New York, New Jersey or Tennessee.
I've been doing HIIT and that shit absolutely works but it's fucking BRUTAL.
I used to do 36 minutes of it on my cardio days. 30sec sprint at 9/10mph and 60sec walk at 3/4mph. By the time I would be done I was soaking wet and felt totally exhausted. I lost a lot of body fat in the process.
I have knee issues, so I've switched mines up. Know I do 3 cycles. 15minutes of HIIT, 15minute brisk walk @ 4mph, then another 15minutes of HIIT. I still burn a lot of calories, but it's less strain on my knees.
This. Home gyms are great if you have a bench, rack and pull up bar.
Racking weights sucks big time though.
Side note: I hate people who put light barbells in the bottom rack so you have to lift the heavy ones right to the top!
That 24 hr thing seems like a good idea...and it's a lot cheaper than $33/month which is what they charge normally. Now I just need a job and $300
Oh shit that blows man! Good thing I'm in Kansas..or is it?
You are doing hiit for way to long. HIIT is about keeping your heart rate up, not what speed you go at. At most you should be doing maybe 20 minutes. You are probably slowing if not completely stopping muscle/strength gains.
Everything's been going up, leg presses, bench, shoulder presses, and barbell curls.
I'm not doing HIIT to gain strength though, I'm doing it to lose fat. I was 235, now I'm down to 185. Mission accomplished as far as I'm concerned. I have 20-25 more pounds to go until I'm at the weight I think I should be at.
And I'm building muscle at the same. I do HIIT on Tues/Thurs, and do weights on MWF. So far it's been working great for me. I'm gaining strength pretty quickly and moving up in weight on a regular basis. Everything's been going up, leg presses, bench, shoulder presses, and barbell curls.
Deadlifts are always hard to place because recovery is such a bitch. I deadlift after my squat day but with a day of rest in between, and even then that can feel limiting sometimes. It's almost like you have to deadlift at the very end of a squat training day or put it as far away from squats as your training schedule allows.Deadlifts after squat day are not a good idea. Fuck me, my lower back is killing me, lol.
Deadlifts are always hard to place because recovery is such a bitch. I deadlift after my squat day but with a day of rest in between, and even then that can feel limiting sometimes. It's almost like you have to deadlift at the very end of a squat training day or put it as far away from squats as your training schedule allows.
Squats Monday, Deadlift Friday always works for me
Unless you can front squat with beautiful form, I would pass on the front-squat shrug. I don't front squat often, so my wrist flexibility is just passable and my ROM is like half an inch.
Plus my beard gets in the way. That's an instant deal-breaker for me.
Unless you can front squat with beautiful form, I would pass on the front-squat shrug. I don't front squat often, so my wrist flexibility is just passable and my ROM is like half an inch.
Plus my beard gets in the way. That's an instant deal-breaker for me.
Keep trying 3 or 4 times a week and do a lot of pull ups, weighted and unweighted.Fuck. I can't do a muscle up anymore. I was able to do one awhile back.
What are some tips when practicing? I know you should practice by trying to bring your chest up above the bar, which I can do...
who was the dude asking for pics? I took this for SA but i'll crosspost here I guess
I never took shirtless pics when I was skinny-fat (embarrassed) so I can't compare that way, but if you compare my arm and shoulders and fit of my shirt you can see I've put on a decent amount of muscle
before I started lifting.
shirt looks like a carpet wrapped around me. sweet twig arms.
after 7 1/2 months of lifting (yes, I know I look like a retard with the iPad it's my only camera) I don't know what's with the facial pose either but fuck it this is a video game forum
getting there slowly but surely. for the New Years people jumping into the gym hopefully this helps show that you can go from having the arms and upper body of a terminally ill patient to a decent amount of muscle in not a very long time... if you're consistent and push yourself. next step is to get big as fuck by this time next year![]()
Ipad picture had me rolling.
Looking good man.
thank you. yeah I feel like a retard with that iPad. I think I'm the only person in the world who owns an iPad but not a smartphone or digital camera.
I was going to say I could pick up and bench most of HaloGAF but most of them are probably the equivalent of a 4 plate lift
I was going to say I could pick up and bench most of HaloGAF but most of them are probably the equivalent of a 4 plate lift
You reinjure it ?I like the front squat. Once my back is feeling better I will give this a try and report back. Might be a few weeks though; back is still in pain.
Mind explaining what you mean?
Probably the noobiest of noob questions--and it's best to face the music now at the genesis of my serious training--but is the weight of the bar is added into the sum of your lift? So a lift with a 45 pound bar and 100 lbs on either side would be a 245 lift, correct?
Probably the noobiest of noob questions--and it's best to face the music now at the genesis of my serious training--but is the weight of the bar is added into the sum of your lift? So a lift with a 45 pound bar and 100 lbs on either side would be a 245 lift, correct?
Yeah make fun of overweight people, none of them venture into this thread anyhow.
There are different assistance templates recommended with 5/3/1. The one I've been using because it's simple and I don't have to think is called Boring but Big. Basically you follow up the big exercise of the day, e.g. squats, with 5 sets of 10 at approximately 50% of your 1rm. I'm going to change that to just 1 set of rest-pause squats at like 80% of my 1rm. So today I did my 3 sets of 3 squats and then did a set of 345, where I did a rep, breathed a bit, did a rep, breathed a bit, etc etc. Ended up doing 10 reps. So I'm going to just do that kind of thing for squats and deadlifts for awhile and see how it goes.