you guys should try sprinting in a pool in water about waist high.
you guys should try sprinting in a pool in water about waist high.
you guys should try sprinting in a pool in water about waist high.
I'm almost out of casein protein. I just got a new tub of whey recently so there's lots of that still. I wouldn't really be missing anything by just using the whey right? Do I even need casein? I get protein in my food but I usually had 2-3 scoops of protein (1 scoop whey after lifting, 1 scoop casein after breakfast and before sleep) a day to supplement that.
I ask because I'm poor and don't have the money to buy more casein.
Todays Lunch workout
4 rounds of
10 75lb push press
10 burpee to 24" box jump
20 atomic crunches
10each leg weighted lunges with 35 kettlebells
then 1 mile on the treadmill.
Evening workout
same as above except
100 pushup
after the 4 rounds
Casein is slow digesting, and for that reason it is preferred by "hardcore" lifters who want protein over night. Regular whey protein for lifting is just fine.
If you want some slow protein over night, get some dairy in (ex cottage cheese).
Is slow digesting/overnight use the only perks to casein protein ?
For my purposes, pretty much. I don't even buy casein protein because if/when I want slow-digesting protein, I just eat cottage cheese. I much more prefer to get my protein through my food than through powders.
Cool. I've been wanting to start eating cottage cheese again but hard a hard time squeezing it in with breakfast (usually eat eggs and rice in the morning). I'll just eat some of that and chug some milk before I sleep. Whey it is, then. Any downside to a whey shake after breakfast though? The body only being able to digest 30g protein at once is a myth right?
One thing though, which is better for your back? The Pendlay Row or Bentover row?
Curios as to why two workouts a day? For conditioning, I think this is a great idea but I'm not sure how much muscle you build this way. Is conditioning your goal?
Cool. I've been wanting to start eating cottage cheese again but hard a hard time squeezing it in with breakfast (usually eat eggs and rice in the morning). I'll just eat some of that and chug some milk before I sleep. Whey it is, then. Any downside to a whey shake after breakfast though? The body only being able to digest 30g protein at once is a myth right?
So is the Cassein thing.
What casein myth?
I'm almost out of casein protein. I just got a new tub of whey recently so there's lots of that still. I wouldn't really be missing anything by just using the whey right? Do I even need casein? I get protein in my food but I usually had 2-3 scoops of protein (1 scoop whey after lifting, 1 scoop casein after breakfast and before sleep) a day to supplement that.
I ask because I'm poor and don't have the money to buy more casein.
Cottage cheese is best with a little applesauce or diced pineapple, I find.For breakfast, try cottage cheese with scrambled eggs. I usually mix them up and put some salsa on top, it's absolutely delicious.
If you're getting a high protein breakfast you don't really need a shake right after. I'd save it for a late-morning snack or something along those lines.
That it is better to drink Cassein before bed because it absorbs slower.
Well that is true, the myth is that it actually matters. It doesn't
I have a quick question for FitnessGaf. Is the whole "eat protein right after a workout" idea part of Broscience also (aka doesn't matter)? I was always told to do this, but the posts talking about just meeting your daily goal and being fine is kinda confusing me. It's starting to be a pain in the ass to rush home and cook after a workout (when I'm out of protein shake powder), so I'm hoping that it is...
I have a quick question for FitnessGaf. Is the whole "eat protein right after a workout" idea part of Broscience also (aka doesn't matter)? I was always told to do this, but the posts talking about just meeting your daily goal and being fine is kinda confusing me. It's starting to be a pain in the ass to rush home and cook after a workout (when I'm out of protein shake powder), so I'm hoping that it is...
It ain't that serious, just be sure to get enough of what you need when you can for the day.
Appreciate the replies! I'll go with the 'not that serious' route when I don't have any powder, while just drinking it after a workout if I do.I read a book by Brad Pilon (intermittent fasting guy) that states that this is not necessary. However I wasn't very convinced by his logic. He quoted studies showing no difference, but you have to wonder how intense the workouts were in those studies.
He claims the methods of determining protein assimilation are flawed and don't reflect true muscle gain, and that it doesn't make a difference when you consume the protein.
Hard to say one way or the other, but it's pretty easy to take a whey protein shake with you to the gym or wherever just in case.
Do you guys think grape jelly is healthy?
Do you guys think grape jelly is healthy?
Do you guys think grape jelly is healthy?
Anyone ever get pressure in the ears during a workout? I had it happen a week ago and my left ear has been ringing since. Wtf![]()
Sometimes my ears get kinda blocked.Anyone ever get pressure in the ears during a workout? I had it happen a week ago and my left ear has been ringing since. Wtf![]()
Anyone ever get pressure in the ears during a workout? I had it happen a week ago and my left ear has been ringing since. Wtf![]()
I get this a lot during my P90X workouts and hate it, considering I've had nasty ringing in my ears for the last six months as is.
The trainer at my gym is trying to get a group of people form a team for a half marathon in 3 months. Is that enough time to develop an endurance to finish in a respectable time and not die in the process? I guess I ought to figure how long a half marathon is...
The trainer at my gym is trying to get a group of people form a team for a half marathon in 3 months. Is that enough time to develop an endurance to finish in a respectable time and not die in the process? I guess I ought to figure how long a half marathon is...
Anyone else see that "Do girls like bodybuilders" thread? Ahahaha.
half marathon is 13.1 miles
you should be fine but 3 months is barely enough time to get a respectable base built up. really depends on where you're starting at.
also what's your definition of respectable? the world record is 57:23.
Nope, will look for it now though.
That's a stupid fucking question though.
3 months is plenty of time as long as he "means it."
if he just wants ot finish and not die, yeah it is
half marathon is 13.1 miles
you should be fine but 3 months is barely enough time to get a respectable base built up. really depends on where you're starting at.
also what's your definition of respectable? the world record is 57:23.
3 months is plenty of time as long as he "means it." That is assuming he's not 500lbs or some such thing.
As long as I could finish it I'd be pretty happy with myself simply for attempting it.
My cardio has mainly consisted of treadmill at a steep incline. I sometimes do the stair climb but that wears me out faster and I don't feel as though I had a good workout (even though it burns calories like crazy). I guess I'll talk with the guy about it. I'm okay with totally failboating it but I don't want to burden the team with my slow ass (though Im sure there are other on the team that are as bad as I am). I guess we'll see.
Thanks for the input, guys.