Congratulations! So you did SS along with a significant caloric excess?
EDIT: Congrats to you too hawkshockey!
still on SS and idk about the calories cuz i'm not keeping track of them. but yeah i am eating a lot lol
Congratulations! So you did SS along with a significant caloric excess?
EDIT: Congrats to you too hawkshockey!
I've never even heard anyone mention going that low besides in these threads (hell even the OP picture showing the form shows about a 90 degree angle). Looking at YouTube videos, other people at the gym, and other sources, it seems that the 90 degree angle form is the norm.Should your ass almost touch your heels then when you squat? I thought you were supposed to squat so your knees are bent 90 degrees?
90 degrees is the minimum goal for most people. But most experienced lifters will tell you to go as low as possible. Ass to grass. It's better for your knees and the range of motion hits a wider range of muscles.I've never even heard anyone mention going that low besides in these threads (hell even the OP picture showing the form shows about a 90 degree angle). Looking at YouTube videos, other people at the gym, and other sources, it seems that the 90 degree angle form is the norm.
90 degrees is the minimum goal for most people. But most experienced lifters will tell you to go as low as possible. Ass to grass. It's better for your knees and the range of motion hits a wider range of muscles.
Never met someone who hurt their back from going ATG. Obviously don't go so low that you can't keep good form.Sounds like a great way to injure your back.
Never met someone who hurt their back from going ATG. Obviously don't go so low that you can't keep good form.
I don't see any good reason to go lower than just below parallel. What muscle groups are you working that low?
Works the quads over a longer range of motion and better targets the vastus medialis. Increases the recruitment of hamstrings, glutes, and even calves.
How low to go on low bar squats? I am at parallel for low bar and ATG for high bar
I don't see any good reason to go lower than just below parallel. What muscle groups are you working that low?
Works the quads over a longer range of motion and better targets the vastus medialis. Increases the recruitment of hamstrings, glutes, and even calves.
Well, my last set of vibrams had a good run, just bought some new ones, I guess they last about a year, but I probably should have replaced them a little sooner.
What made you buy new ones? I haven't been running outside much so I feel like they should still be good, but one side feels different than another along the big toe and the instep. Doesn't fit snug and stay tight like it used to.Well, my last set of vibrams had a good run, just bought some new ones, I guess they last about a year, but I probably should have replaced them a little sooner.
Do they have a warranty? My NB Minimus are at least a year old and look brand new. Wear them all the time
What model? I've beaten the crap out of my Biklas for three years or so now, and I run a ton on trail and gravel with them.
What made you buy new ones? I haven't been running outside much so I feel like they should still be good, but one side feels different than another along the big toe and the instep. Doesn't fit snug and stay tight like it used to.
I'm suppose to be doing a 1.5 mile in 10 minutes run on the beach tomorrow for a competition. However, the back of my right knee still hurts if I start running on it. Any advice on how to get through this?
Go ass to grass if you want to be an old guy with bad knees.
Better to just stay away from heavy weights too, because it will wear out your joints. Stick to the recumbent bike for leg work.
So why are black iron gyms more expensive compared to commercial gyms?
Ass to grass just adds extra strain to the exercise by putting too much weight at a poor leverage point. It's the similar to doing curls at off angles instead of in-line with the joint. Sure, it seems like the same amount of weights is harder to do, but that's only because you're moving the direct load off the muscles and on to the joints.
Lol, that police fitness test was a joke. Final run time was 12:49 without pushing hard.
Ass to grass just adds extra strain to the exercise by putting too much weight at a poor leverage point. It's the similar to doing curls at off angles instead of in-line with the joint. Sure, it seems like the same amount of weights is harder to do, but that's only because you're moving the direct load off the muscles and on to the joints.
Ass to grass just adds extra strain to the exercise by putting too much weight at a poor leverage point. It's the similar to doing curls at off angles instead of in-line with the joint. Sure, it seems like the same amount of weights is harder to do, but that's only because you're moving the direct load off the muscles and on to the joints.
Lol, that police fitness test was a joke. Final run time was 12:49 without pushing hard.
ugh why the hell are dumbbells so expensive....What's the cheapest way to have access to a ranged set of dumbbells without paying for a gym membership? :/
ugh why the hell are dumbbells so expensive....What's the cheapest way to have access to a ranged set of dumbbells without paying for a gym membership? :/
Lol, that police fitness test was a joke. Final run time was 12:49 without pushing hard.
Lol, that police fitness test was a joke. Final run time was 12:49 without pushing hard.
ugh why the hell are dumbbells so expensive....What's the cheapest way to have access to a ranged set of dumbbells without paying for a gym membership? :/
How many miles? 1.5?
congrats man
i ran my 2 mile in 12:30
Congrats Shogun!
You should celebrate with some donuts!
That was a joke
Should've pressed the guy who issued the exam over your head.
Just for you Neogaff. Keep your nose down and chin up!
And thank you, I took a lot of motivations from this and the weightloss threads.
Cross posting this from the wieghtloss thread.
How much am I supposed to pause between each set?
Long enough to do the next set properly.
Don't overthink it.
As for the rest of your post, I disregarded it since I hate it. But if that's all you wanna do, do you.
Sorry, it's what's been keeping me from regularly working out. It feels like too much of a chore to me.
I want to work out my shoulders and lower back as well though, so I've been looking at some other exercises that seem okay for me.
Dumbbell One-Arm Shoulder Press (+ triceps)
Lower Back
Hug Knees To Chest (+ glutes)
Superman (+ glutes, hamstrings)
Does that make for a more reasonable workout plan?