I'm 38 and have never done a deadlift in my life. I need to change that.
There's no lift more satisfying IMO.
I'm 38 and have never done a deadlift in my life. I need to change that.
Yeah, it's going to start off relatively easy. Just remember the last working set you're going for that 5/3/1+ more reps.
At the end of each cycle you add at most 5lbs for upper body and 10lbs for lower body for your TRAINING max, not your 1rm. No recalculation needed since you're simply adding to your training max, simply figure out your weight needs based on that. Cycles can be any number of weeks depending on template. For instance my cycles last 6 weeks because I only lift twice a week. The only time you would recalculate a 1rm again (or drastically change your training max) is when you stall or change goals.
24 pounds lost and maintaining my lifts and even adding weight in other lifts leads me to believe I'm not damaging myself.
This sounds incredibly bitter for some reason lol.I'm just gonna say: you guys with huge deadlift gains should really do everything you can to make sure your form is absolutely proper. I'm tall so I round out my back a lot so I've been messing with different stance/technique to make sure I'm lifting properly. But trust me, its easy to lift heavy even with bad form and "feel" like you're getting a good workout. It'll feel good now but your back will be wrecked in twenty years.
Nah I love hearing success stories from my bros, but I just want all of you to gain properly. Straining your back is the worst thing you can do...and like I said sometimes you'll feel like you're doing it right but if you can, watch yourself on video or in the mirror to make sure you're lifting correctly.This sounds incredibly bitter for some reason lol.
Please stop equating weight and progress in the gym with overall health and wellness. That's all I ask. You are going to mislead people coming in here looking for overall health and fitness advice.
I'm just gonna say: you guys with huge deadlift gains should really do everything you can to make sure your form is absolutely proper. I'm tall so I round out my back a lot so I've been messing with different stance/technique to make sure I'm lifting properly. But trust me, its easy to lift heavy even with bad form and "feel" like you're getting a good workout. It'll feel good now but your back will be wrecked in twenty years.
Please stop equating weight and progress in the gym with overall health and wellness. That's all I ask. You are going to mislead people coming in here looking for overall health and fitness advice.
There's no lift more satisfying IMO.
I'm just gonna say: you guys with huge deadlift gains should really do everything you can to make sure your form is absolutely proper. I'm tall so I round out my back a lot so I've been messing with different stance/technique to make sure I'm lifting properly. But trust me, its easy to lift heavy even with bad form and "feel" like you're getting a good workout. It'll feel good now but your back will be wrecked in twenty years.
Alright, here it is gents.
218 today, down from 246 in January 28 lbs total. Most of that since May.
Here are then January shirtless pics.
Here are the now pictures.
Quads are 26 inches
Waist is 34 inches
Calves and biceps are 16 inches (had wife measure all.)
Not exactly where I wanted to be, but it's at least an improvement.
I'm still pulling 500+, benching upper 300s (370+), squatting around 400ish (really took a hit) and still military pressing 230.
And one last pic with me with a god damned shirt on.
As a tall person (6ft3), Sumo Deadlifts kick ass. I ditched regular Deadlifts two months back and there's no way I'm going back. Definitely recommended for the taller folks out there. ^
Also, if your back is rounding while lifting, incorporate some supermans (http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/ErectorSpinae/Superman.html) into your warmup. I was having some back rounding issues while squatting/deadlifting but supermans fixed the problem right away.
Again, he'll argue that that's not what he's saying, that he's saying on an overall, standard, basic, every day, general, blahblah level of healthiness that we all strive to attain - protein bars are the equivalent of a candy bar when it comes to the shit that goes into your body when you eat either. I politely disagree. That's all.
Tempted to post my progress since I last posted a pic about a month and a half/two months ago, especially due to Shogun's great and inspirational pics...
Great work.
As a tall person (6ft3), Sumo Deadlifts kick ass. I ditched regular Deadlifts two months back and there's no way I'm going back. Definitely recommended for the taller folks out there. ^
Also, if your back is rounding while lifting, incorporate some supermans (http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/ErectorSpinae/Superman.html) into your warmup. I was having some back rounding issues while squatting/deadlifting but supermans fixed the problem right away.
Petrie and shogun let's be friends on fitocracy. SeanR1221
Lots of bodybuilders/power lifters consume pure dextrose while working out. Why? It will replenish glycogen stores quickly, which is something that is needed when going through an intense workout. So what's going to happen to this dextrose? It's going to replenish glycogen, which is then going to be converted to lactic acid once the muscles reach their lactic threshold. Big deal. The extra glucose, fructose, whatever is not going to make you fat or have any long-term health consequences if it's being oxidized during intense activity.
Followed you guys back. Aliens workouts are nuts. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.
What do you guys usually get on subs if you get one?
What do you guys usually get on subs if you get one?
What do you guys usually get on subs if you get one?
What do you guys usually get on subs if you get one?
face pulls.
fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Do you guys lean back when you do them or stand straight up?
I have exercised 26 out of the last 30 days (60-90min sessions). Try to do every other day cardio/strength. Also try to give each muscle group at least two days of rest.
img - One year ago (bmi 35.8)
img - February (bmi 25.3)
img - Last week
I'm planning to cut in September and I actually believe I will get a six pack showing. At the age of 28, I have never had that in my life (though I was slim in my teens).
Thanks Professional Schmuck
A+++++ post, would read again.You guys are making me fucking blush over here.
Just remember not to benchmark based off of someone else's work. I know we say this over and over, but it always bares repeating; progress/gains are important to be viewed in context. So long as your progressing that's what matters. Strength is relative.
I'm glad I have a positive influence on people here, it humbles me since I'm just like everyone else here, constantly trying to make myself better. That's all we can hope for in ourselves and our community. Best to perpetuate that.
Thanks bud.