A+++++ post, would read again.Really great work man, keep at it! Reading about your latest gym endeavors always keeps me motivated to keep going.
Man, I saw a guy at my gym doing power cleans today. How important are these in a strength training program? I've never done them, usually just stick to conventional strength lifts.
Power cleans are important for two reasons:
1. Power development. Little bit of math to prove my point. Power is equal to an average amount of work performed divided by the time that work was performed. Work is equal to force (how much you move) times distance (how far it moved).
Power cleans, and power snatches, takes a weight from the ground up it one smooth motion. You much be fast to do this. It assists in developing type IIa fibers in your muscles to produce more work in a shorter time. Burst damage, if you will. So, by training your slow lifts with your burst lift, your body becomes more adapt overall to move more efficiently, thus improving both types of lifts.
2. Low rep, high set, low rest, power cleans is a quick and dirty type of HIIT. Seriously, you hit about 85% of your 1RM on power cleans/snatches and start repping them out, you're gonna sweat.