Post!debating whether or not it's time to post a picture yet!
Post!debating whether or not it's time to post a picture yet!
Forearms/grip is something I really want to improve as well. Zottman looks cool.n all my before and after of starting strong lifts, one thing I noticed hasn't changed are my forearms. That's why I posted a couple pages back I'm doing my work to them. Those zottman curls are great.
Sounds like a plan. I haven't used free weights in a while but I know I need to get back into it.I'd suggest doing it every other day. Rest days in between runs does wonders for my knees. And then I do other exercises during my off jog days.
That's where I read that he suggested doing them before squats/deadlifts. However, I would love to hear your routine as I don't know if I can handle them right now. I would like to have a dedicated day to Power Cleans but don't know if it is a good idea.
Squatting is expensive. Have to size up in all my pants and boxer briefs again.
Didn't that DragonKnight guy say that they didn't measure his gf's weight at the start and that he just made an estimate? And now he's comparing her current weight to a number that can't be very accurate and is panicking because of this?
Squatting is expensive. Have to size up in all my pants and boxer briefs again.
Squatting is expensive. Have to size up in all my pants and boxer briefs again.
I had to buy all new clothes for work because I've been getting big around my shoulders and thighs. $130 for new pants and shirts. Can't wait for the day when my thighs are the same size as my fiances waist!
Yeah they had these great Levi's at CostCo for 25.00. Came home and they were way too tight in the thighs and butt. But hey it's a good problem to have!
Pull-ups my man.Been doing lawnmowers and dumb bell shrugs, can anyone suggest some other good back stuff? I only have dumb bells to use. Seems like it mostly relies on bar balls.
Thanks! I used to enjoy doing those as a teen. Gotta get a fixed bar, don't trust those door hanging things.Pull-ups my man.
I was thinking about doing a 3 week cut over the winter break. If I take 3 weeks off the weights, but do the insanity workout should I expect to lose a lot of strength? Would it be best to continue doing weight lifting 3 days a week, and do the insanity workout on my 3 cardio days?
if you're eating well, I wouldn't really worry too much about it. Are muscles take longer to atrophy than we sometimes think, and a 3 week layoff isn't that bad in itself that you wouldn't be able to get whatever strength was lost in a really short amount of time anyways. If it's possible for you to lift at all during that break it would probably be ideal.I was thinking about doing a 3 week cut over the winter break. If I take 3 weeks off the weights, but do the insanity workout should I expect to lose a lot of strength? Would it be best to continue doing weight lifting 3 days a week, and do the insanity workout on my 3 cardio days?
Anyone got any advice on elbow pain? Couple weeks back my left elbow started paining after doing like 8 sets of pullups. I've stopped doing any exercise that gives me pain in the elbow, but I'm not what else to do.. As in should I just lay off it for a while? Reduce volume? Do any specific exercises to get it better?
Anything I should know on how to protect elbows while lifting?
Also, how often should one cut? Like try and cut 5 lbs of fat for every 15 lbs gained?
So if you bulk for six months and cut for three months, three of those months won't be muscle-growth months. If you want to gain more muscle you have to avoid non-building months. If you don't gain a significant amount of fat while you're gaining muscle, you won't need to spend a lot of time dieting down, hence you'll have more muscle-growth months.
Since most people will add around 1.5 pounds of muscle per month under ideal circumstances, and you can't increase that amount by force-feeding yourself, which one of the following situations is better?
Situation A: Go on an all-out bulking phase, gain 25 pounds over a period of six months.
Around 5-10 of these pounds will be muscle (12 at the most) and the rest will be from glycogen storage (2-4 pounds) and fat (10-15 pounds). To shed the excess fat, you have to go on a severe diet. If you never cheat and are super strict, you can hope for one or two pounds of fat loss per week without losing muscle. So in the best case scenario, it'll take you anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks to lose the fat.
However, fat loss isn't linear. The body adapts to caloric restriction and ''falling off the wagon'' will happen to most. So in "real life," losing the gained fat (if you don't want to lose muscle) will actually require 12 to 20 weeks of dieting. So over a 9 to 11 month period you gained around seven pounds of muscle (if you didn't lose anything while dieting). That gives you an average of 0.6 to 0.75 pounds of muscle per month. Reported over a year, it comes up to a total of seven to nine pounds.
Situation B: Ingest a caloric excess, but just enough to give your body the required amount of nutrients for optimal muscle growth. You can still manage a gain of around 1.5 pounds of muscle per month, but the fat gain will be much lower.
So after the same initial six months, you also gained 5-10 pounds but only 3-5 pounds of fat. So you really have to diet only for around a month to lose what you gained. So you gain around seven pounds of muscle over a seven month period, or one pound per month for a total of around 12 pounds reported over 12 months.
''But I gained fifteen pounds in three months and I didn't gain fat.''
This is something I hear often. If it's not possible to gain more than a few pounds of muscle per month (or around six pounds over a three month period) how come you see so many people claiming to have gained heaps of muscle without getting fatter?
It's most likely due to what I call the ''lean threshold.'' You see, there's a point (a certain body fat percentage) where you start to look lean (around 10% for most men). There's also a point where you start to look fat (around 18-20% for most men). Then in between you have a certain zone where you basically look the same; you aren't lean enough to look defined so you don't really have any muscle separation.
At that point, even if you gain a few pounds of fat, you won't visually see the difference. This is compounded by the fact that you're seeing yourself every day, so you might not notice the small changes in appearance. Most men won't be able to see a visual difference in muscularity between 13 and 16%. But if you're 200 pounds, going from 13 to 16% body fat can mean a six pound gain in fat!
So a guy could very well have gained six pounds of muscle, six to seven pounds of fat, and two pounds of glycogen and water over the three month period, and he'll actually believe that he gained fifteen pounds of solid muscle because he looks to be about the same body fat percentage.
Now, repeat that over a few training cycles and you have a guy who could end up with a gain of fifteen to twenty pounds in body fat! One day he'll wake up and find a fat bastard looking back at him in the mirror, then he'll need to diet down to look remotely decent! Which brings me to my next point...
Read -
I feel like this should be linked on every page lol.. here's the important part:
The important thing to remember is even professional bodybuilders dream of putting on at most 10-20 lbs of muscle weight a year, and that's with the ideal diet/workout/rest situations. So where do you think that leaves us?
you should probably lay off it for a while, definitely reduce volume where you can and then get back at it later. To prevent it, may help if you make sure not to lock your elbows out when extending/contracting your arms in exercise. Hope some of that helps
Nice back Anton!
Here is where I am as of last month: 5'11" 75kg. I'm going to start training for triathlons so I am probably going to limit weight training to twice a week. I am still aiming to do my best to put on muscle and get stronger though!
Fuck it. Posting pics online makes me paranoid, but these feel anonymous enough. 5'10", 11" on a good day, 195 lbs.
This is "lean" for me--I usually don't drop much lower than this. Hoping to balloon up to 225 in early 2013.
Have you done strength training whilst training for a triathlon before? Just signed up for a sprint tri with some friends but want to continue my strength training and i'm not sure how to program it. Thinking of the standard 2 days swim/bike/run per week, with two days in the gym... any experience?
Fuck it. Posting pics online makes me paranoid, but these feel anonymous enough. 5'10", 11" on a good day, 195 lbs.
This is "lean" for me--I usually don't drop much lower than this. Hoping to balloon up to 225 in early 2013.
If anyone doubts protein supplemnts, then think again. I've been off it for personal reasons (humans shouldn't incorporate processed shit like supplements anway) for a few months now, and my strength has dropped only in a couple of areas. It's always my chest exercises that results to a drop. I can't do the 100s anymore, so I stick to the 80s. Incline BB I can't even do 185 for 10. I can't even do it for 4 reps. All other exercises I haven't dropped in strength.
I do think I'm losing a little muscle. I dunno.
Anyone here supplemented with creatine? Did you feel like it actually made a noticeable difference?
Yea that's what I've been seeing and hearing a lot (re: water retention), but it doesn't scare me at all. Looking forward to my sessions next week after taking it for a whole week.Creatine absolutely works. It's not a miracle product, but you will see 5-10% size/strength increases if you use it properly.
The one downside to it is that you have to drink a ton of water, and it will make you feel "puffy" at times due to all the extra water retention (that's why/how it works though).
Yea that's what I've been seeing and hearing a lot (re: water retention), but it doesn't scare me at all. Looking forward to my sessions next week after taking it for a whole week.
Does creatine promote the storage of fat? How long can you stay on it for?