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Fitness |OT4| Squat Booty, Summer Cuts, and Super Swoletrophy

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Aw man :(

Well, it was the only thing I ever wrapped on the grill. I've learned my lesson.

The only things you should really wrap if you're going to grill them are things that need to cook slower, for instance BBQ ribs if you don't have a smoker, you'd need to wrap them in order to avoid burning the outside and such. Fish in particular though cooks so quickly, it's completely unnecessary.

Wasn't trying to be a dick at all, just really felt you needed to know you don't have to avoid that delicious smokey flavor! I have a roomie who wraps everything he grills (mostly because he doesn't want to hang out by the grill, needs to go inside and play video games while it cooks) and it just makes me sad.


Yeah I was always under the impression the fish would stick even oiled up. I grill pretty much every night though. Everything tastes better grilled.

And don't worry, I know you're not being a dick. Always appreciate a straight forward Petrie reply.


And don't worry, I know you're not being a dick. Always appreciate a straight forward Petrie reply.

Well I'm making a real effort to grow as a person and be less of a complete robot in my responses!

Bringing out the humanity and all that.

Don't just want to grow my muscles. lol


Well I'm making a real effort to grow as a person and be less of a complete robot in my responses!

Bringing out the humanity and all that.

Don't just want to grow my muscles. lol

Try posting funny gifs in your responses, then you'll be responding in true GAF fashion

OG Kush

I know smith machines aren't the best for many exercises but how are they for close grip bench to work my triceps? And shoulder shrugs?


Try posting funny gifs in your responses, then you'll be responding in true GAF fashion

*a post about a terrible split someone is going to start doing*

Anyone here a personal trainer?

I'm thinking very seriously about making a career change. I just love being in the gym, being in shape, hell even talking about it. And as somebody who was pretty fat growing up it would be pretty awesome to help other people who I know are feeling extremely self-conscious about their appearance. I was tortured by it, hell even now that I'm in pretty good shape I still can't help but feel a like it's not good enough and that other people are judging me.


Anyone here a personal trainer?

I'm thinking very seriously about making a career change. I just love being in the gym, being in shape, hell even talking about it. And as somebody who was pretty fat growing up it would be pretty awesome to help other people who I know are feeling extremely self-conscious about their appearance. I was tortured by it, hell even now that I'm in pretty good shape I still can't help but feel a like it's not good enough and that other people are judging me.

If your heart is in it, go for it. It'd be nice to know there's at least one trainer out there who knows what he's doing. So many don't.


I'm not (obviously from post history) but if you can accept meager pay to have what I assume is a pretty enjoyable job then surething.
I work as a IT consultant and earn well and I played around with the thought around the other day that maybe a year from now...

ot: Just had a grilled 250g porterhouse steak for lunch (67.9g protein).



Greatest of all time. Biceps with a huge peak despite full inserts, cut and swole calves, and delts to die for.

Well, shit that goes without saying! The best to ever do it, I think my 2nd fav is serge nubret(RIP) if we're talking about pro body builders of all time. I don't really care for the current generation of pros.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I know smith machines aren't the best for many exercises but how are they for close grip bench to work my triceps? And shoulder shrugs?

The only thing I use a smith machine for is behind the back shrugs and that is only every few months. I'm anti-smith machine as are most people who understand humans natural movements. But if you're going to use it, yeah, close grip bench will stimulate your tris.

Sidenote...shoulder press was a success today! 5+ months since I performed it. So far so good. There is no substitute for it. I have been hating shoulders days because I come in and do my lame front, side, and rear raises supersetted with tris and leave. I always feel so under-worked. It has maintained what I've built over 4+ years but that's about it.

Yay for standing BB shoulder press!


Well, shit that goes without saying! The best to ever do it, I think my 2nd fav is serge nubret(RIP) if we're talking about pro body builders of all time. I don't really care for the current generation of pros.

You meant amateurs? Angelov has a nice physique, a lot of his pics are shopped so he looks plastic, but yeah he's got great aesthetics.

As for people not on the gear, I really like Chris Jones of Physiques of Greatness, his back is absolutely phenomenal.


You meant amateurs? Angelov has a nice physique, a lot of his pics are shopped so he looks plastic, but yeah he's got great aesthetics.

As for people not on the gear, I really like Chris Jones of Physiques of Greatness, his back is absolutely phenomenal.

Yea I was looking towards amateurs personally(but whatever floats your boat), yea a lot of angelovs stuff is photoshopped but I guess he's more a fitness model so it's to be expected. And yea Chris Jones physique is awesome, personally I like him over Matt Ogus for their competition next year, his proportions are much more impressive, though I don't think he's ever cut down as far as Matt has.
I'm not (obviously from post history) but if you can accept meager pay to have what I assume is a pretty enjoyable job then surething.
I work as a IT consultant and earn well and I played around with the thought around the other day that maybe a year from now...

Honestly, the pay isn't that meager if you can build up a good client base. I'm fairly outgoing and I have a passion for it, and I honestly feel like I'm a very good motivator.

I have friends who make 6 figures like 3 years out of college but their jobs just aren't for me, no fucking way could I do them, nor would I want to.

Plus the job I have now, ain't that great as far as pay goes anyways (I do inside sales for a distribution company). If I made my way to outside sales I could pull in 6 figures, but that requires like 10 years of experience in the industry and it takes a special kind of patience to do that shit, and I just don't have it.
I'm not arguing against getting in that type of shape for competition, hell trying to be "the best" at anything is admirable, but do you guys really WANT to look like Arney / Zane even knowing 99% of people would see you as a "freak" ??

Or do you just admire them for admiration's sake?


I'm not arguing against getting in that type of shape for competition, hell trying to be "the best" at anything is admirable, but do you guys really WANT to look like Arney / Zane even knowing 99% of people would see you as a "freak" ??

Or do you just admire them for admiration's sake?

well that's why I put "aesthetic"(it's all in the eye of the beholder) and listed Angelov. I'm more the kinda guy that would like a more 'attainable' less "freakish" physique. I would never want to look like a ronnie coleman or a jay cutler, I do really admire a lot of the golden age bodybuilders, though I don't want that for myself, I don't think of them as freaks. While I don't care for most pro bodybuilders today, I do have a respect for them on some level .


I'm not arguing against getting in that type of shape for competition, hell trying to be "the best" at anything is admirable, but do you guys really WANT to look like Arney / Zane even knowing 99% of people would see you as a "freak" ??

Or do you just admire them for admiration's sake?

I doubt 99% of people see Arnie as a freak. Even more doubt that Zane looks like a freak, considering he's small by BB standards. Bodybuilders today I would understand most people seeing as freaks, considering they're absolutely massive and abuse aas/insulin like crazy.


Hardly a freak.
I doubt 99% of people see Arnie as a freak. Even more doubt that Zane looks like a freak, considering he's small by BB standards. Bodybuilders today I would understand most people seeing as freaks, considering they're absolutely massive and abuse aas/insulin like crazy.


Hardly a freak.

I think any pro body builder who is in "competition shape" ie like 1-2% body fat, and all the water sucked out of their system looks pretty freakish. But yeah Zane with a shirt on certainly doesn't look abnormal, just looks in great shape.


Current pro bodybuilders look even more ridiculous off season. Guys like Ronnie Coleman look insanely massive. I think he weighs over 300lbs off season and he's under 6' tall.

I think it's a bit of a shame that bodybhttp://www.neogaf.com/forum/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=41277701uilding switched from being about aesthetics (during Zane's days) to being more amount muscle size.
Accidentally posted this in the weight loss thread. I dunno why I still have that thing subscribed...

HOLY FUCK! I've missed this feeling!

3 weeks into my "bulk"/strength increase program. Set personal records on all my back lifts today, including deadlifts of course.

...Then I saw a guy squatting my deadlift weight for reps! The gym has a funny way of keeping you focused. In my defense though, the guy was an incredibly tall, incredibly fit guy. If he's not a football player I'd be shocked really.

I actually asked him to help check my squat form on my leg day, as I've been feeling it's off. (his form was perfect). I'm not far behind him in squats, but I get too nervous under the bar and haven't really pushed myself.
the guy on the right has substantial bodyfat on the belly, to the side, you want that?

Everybody has different vision of their ideal body. I admire guys like Zane and Arnold for their amazing bodies, but I don't want to be that big for my height. I'm like one of those typical guys that just wants decent size with good definition and I would be pretty content with that.
the guy on the right has substantial bodyfat on the belly, to the side, you want that?

It honestly doesn't matter to me. I just want to be big and strong. I would rather have a bit of bf on me and eat more of what I enjoy then be leaner with visible abs.

Those guys are strong while still looking strong and at the same time, not fat. I'm happy with that.
I'm not (obviously from post history) but if you can accept meager pay to have what I assume is a pretty enjoyable job then surething.

This isn't really true at all. Lots probably do struggle but you can make quite a bit of money doing. I've actually considered trying it out myself in the future (not for the money though obviously).

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Cocksucking motherfucker. Weird day yesterday. The night before I dropped a 10lb plate on my foot. Totally shook it off like a boss, didn't feel a thing. Fast forward to middle of last night I wake up with my foot throbbing crazy. I thought I had some stress fracture or something, I didn't even remember dropping the weight. I threw some ice on it, went back to sleep, woke up and it was absolutely fine. The fuck. Dat healing power of a bulk..I guess.

Not to mention some prankster turned off my complex's breaker yesterday so I had no power for most of the day. Fantastic.

Just to catch up with this page.. smith sucks.. if Daniel Bryan has "substantial fat" then you can call me a fat pig any day of the week, and Zane's chin is his best muscle.


Im gonna keep it short and to the point. Due to some health ailments im really looking at my health and have decided to make a change. Im currently sitting at 332 and 5 '9". Ive changed my eating habits and for the last three weeks ive been taking supplements and NO2. Ive been doing lighr cardio for three weeks but lifting heavy. I started just this week of jogging while holding five lbs up hills around my home. My question to you is what would the safest way to build mass and what can i do to work those problem areas? Thanks in advance for the input.

Jogging may be hard on your joints at that weight/height. I'd recommend riding a road bike, swimming, or walking. You can burn a ton of calories on a bike compared to the same amount of time jogging. Swimming probably beats both of them, though.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
At that weight all he has to do is not eat shit and not sit on the couch and the weight will come off naturally. Once that slows down he can incorporate more activity. Like others have said, skip high impact cardio till you're lighter.


At that weight all he has to do is not eat shit and not sit on the couch and the weight will come off naturally. Once that slows down he can incorporate more activity. Like others have said, skip high impact cardio till you're lighter.

This. Eat better. Continue weight training.
This. Eat better. Continue weight training.

True, and if you start weightlifting while you're that heavy, by the time you lose enough weight for your muscles to start to show, you're going to be BEASTLY strong and muscular.

There's a nasty myth that you can't gain muscle and lose weight at the same time, and it's somewhat untrue. When you've got that big of a frame, to work with you can add muscle with ease because whatever calories your muscles require to sustain or grow, they'll start eating up the fat to survive. You still need to supplement your body with the proper nutrition.

Don't starve yourself, eat, just eat smarter and healthier, portion control. It's better to start weight lifting than cardio if your end goal isn't to be rail thin. It will take a little longer to see results but that'll be because you're not burning up all your muscle along with the fat. I would get started on cardio for your heart health once you start dropping some major lbs though.


I wonder how much soda/juice he's drinking a day?

To me, that's number one when you are dieting. That shit has to go.

I think one of the big pitfalls of people new to dieting/working out is that they can replace sodas with fruit juice "because it's natural." I did that at first too. It's just really not necessary and is a bunch of unnecessary calories without any redeeming qualities of fiber or such that the real fruit has.

Anyone here into LeanGains? Thinking about starting it as it incorporates more of what I'm looking for, getting lean. I know Starting Strength combined with bulking is popular with a lot in this thread, but surely some are into LG and can give some thoughts/tips.

About the above tips to eat better and do weight training, definitely I'd do that. But to do some cardio that's easy on his joints if he's wanting to have even faster results wouldn't hurt. Eating better and weight training should definitely help though, on their own.


True, and if you start weightlifting while you're that heavy, by the time you lose enough weight for your muscles to start to show, you're going to be BEASTLY strong and muscular.

There's a nasty myth that you can't gain muscle and lose weight at the same time, and it's somewhat untrue. When you've got that big of a frame, to work with you can add muscle with ease because whatever calories your muscles require to sustain or grow, they'll start eating up the fat to survive. You still need to supplement your body with the proper nutrition.

Don't starve yourself, eat, just eat smarter and healthier, portion control. It's better to start weight lifting than cardio if your end goal isn't to be rail thin. It will take a little longer to see results but that'll be because you're not burning up all your muscle along with the fat. I would get started on cardio for your heart health once you start dropping some major lbs though.

It's not really a myth. It's just a very slow process, and time could be better spent with cut/bulk cycles. However, I'm trying something similar at the moment using a guide from LG and Rippedbody.jp. My lifts are going up to where they were a year and a half ago while I remain at the lowest body fat I've been at in years.
So I've always been one to just do the traditional lifting/power lifting type of training. But now, I want to put more emphasis on my chest. Can I still do 5/3/1 but hit chest twice a week? Maybe on deadlift day? I really feel like it is one of my week points. Now, I won't do 5/3/1 for chest twice a week but chest exercises on the 2nd day instead.

Thoughts? What have you guys done when you want to focus on one part more than the other? Or should I just go with 5/3/1 for a few cycles and then hit up more of a chest specific training next year (thinking of Smolov Jr.)
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