Gonna be away for a whole week. Just do bodyweight exercises or just rest for a week?
I'm with you, I hate canned tuna also. The smell turns me off.I know that's a common thing to eat for protein, but I actually hate tuna. It's a little too strong for me. Salmon is great, and pretty much any other fish. I haven't tried tuna in years, and maybe I should again, but I really hated it last time I did.
When I was sick but that was right at the beginning. Other than that, never.
What is 'the beginning'? A few weeks? Months? I say if it has been longer than 3-4 months, then a week off.
Lean Gains asks you to ingest that much protein? Da heck kind of diet is this.. I know well the purpose and benefits of protein, but that much? I'm guessing it's asking for 1g per lb? Every day?
Lean Gains asks you to ingest that much protein? Da heck kind of diet is this.. I know well the purpose and benefits of protein, but that much? I'm guessing it's asking for 1g per lb? Every day?
I started about 2 months ago. The beginning is about 2 weeks in.
If you can make it to a gym, then go for it. If not, bodyweight exercises are fine but don't stress yourself over it.
Lean Gains asks you to ingest that much protein? Da heck kind of diet is this.. I know well the purpose and benefits of protein, but that much? I'm guessing it's asking for 1g per lb? Every day?
Yup, 1g per pound of bodyweight. And it sounds doable until you start to try it. The only way I see it being doable is that instead of doing one protein shake a day that I do two. Otherwise, it's like 2 chicken breasts a day, or a chicken breast and a steak, every day.
my diet during PSMF
Take away the extra scoops of protein and substitute in eggs and cottage cheese, it isn't that hard.
Damn I should've bought ground turkey. Next time...
Of course 1g/1lb is doable.. most likely what the majority of us who lift do. But for a cutting diet.. I dunno. Just seems like overkill to me, weightlifting or not. Fuck if I know though, if it works it works.
When cutting, the idea is that you need even more protein. People usually shoot around 1.2-1.5 g/lb. You need more protein to help maintain the muscle that you have. However, I have read conflicting reports regarding this. I still believe that there is much more research that can be done in this field.
Meh.. if there's science to back it up, great. If not, I think it's a bunch of horse shit or at the very least an ESID type thing. My last cut in 2010 I barely lost muscle or mass and I sure as hell wasn't eating that much protein. I'd say the good old "at least 150g" rule is enough. But again, I don't know these plans or their goals..just talking out of my ass.
I'm thinking about switching from a SS/SL program to 5/3/1, but I'm not sure now is quite the right time.
I've posted a few times in here in the past about my hip flexor tendonitis, which I think I've finally recovered from completely past thanks to heavy foam rolling and rest. However, I basically had to restart my squats from scratch after taking 6 months off, so it's currently much lower than my other lifts. I also took about 3 months off from deadlifting, but didn't reset the weight nearly as much as with squats.
I've also been focusing more on cutting the past 3 months, which has obviously slowed my strength progress overall. Here are my numbers now:
Bench - 210x3x5 (still slowly moving up)
Deadlift - 305x1x5 (tough, but consistently moving up workout-to-workout)
OHP - 125x3x5 (just broke through a plateau, but will probably still only be moving up slowly)
Pendlay Rows - 175x3x5 (at a plateau)
Squats - 120x3x5 (easy, and consistently moving up workout-to-workout)
I'm also doing other accessory work (LTE, chin-ups, weighted dips) but the numbers for those probably aren't worth mentioning.
Should I wait until I build my squat numbers back up to where they were (around 225 when I stopped) before switching to 5/3/1?
Is there a modified version I could do until my squats catch up? Or should I just go for it?
5/3/1 isn't all or nothing. You can do 5/3/1 on everything but squats if you want.
Interesting, I didn't know that.
Do you have any suggestions for how I could still incorporate squats into my routine outside of 5/3/1 in a more SS-like fashion, allowing me to keep moving up 5 lbs each week until I start to hit a plateau, at which point I could migrate squats to 5/3/1? Would I just stick them on to the end of 2 of my 3 sessions each week?
Anton, I think you might really like pull aparts. Try to get some good bands and do those. My back seems to have gotten thicker doing those and nothing else really works like they do (from my limited experience) plus its great for shoulders health.
You know, I am really curious about band pull aparts. Both you and Wendler recommend them, and god knows I could use more shoulder health :-\ I've never really bought or used bands before--is there an easy way to shop for them? I have no idea what "level" of resistance to get.
so good! I been eating more ground turkey than ground beef these days.
Interesting, I didn't know that.
Do you have any suggestions for how I could still incorporate squats into my routine outside of 5/3/1 in a more SS-like fashion, allowing me to keep moving up 5 lbs each week until I start to hit a plateau, at which point I could migrate squats to 5/3/1? Would I just stick them on to the end of 2 of my 3 sessions each week?
Also Ender, here.
Take a look at that, it may work for you.
Just remember to keep 1 thing always in mind. Like Wendler says "train like a body builder" and keep things symmetrical and balanced. For every push do two pulls. It's not spelled out in that template, but it should be always in your mind. Back is WAY more important than chest.
I basically do exactly what you're thinking of. I have/had a knee injury from cycling that bothered me for a long time; I've very slowly incorporated squats into my lifting routine and finally I've been able to do them for about 3 months consistently without pain. I do 5/3/1 for everything except squats, which I do 3x5 once a week. I do a 4 day split so I give squats their own day. That's all I do for legs.
I made turkey chili just the other day. Like 30g of protein and 200 calories per cup. Amazing.
Just finished my 10 day PSMF so I'll post my before and after. I lost about 7-8lbs from 126 to 118/119. Don't know how I feel about the diet just yet, waiting to see how I look after the refeed. If I ever do a PSMF again it would be to start a cut. Probably a 10 day PSMF followed by a regular cutting diet. Anyway, time to enjoy this pecan pie and start bulking.
I basically do exactly what you're thinking of. I have/had a knee injury from cycling that bothered me for a long time; I've very slowly incorporated squats into my lifting routine and finally I've been able to do them for about 3 months consistently without pain. I do 5/3/1 for everything except squats, which I do 3x5 once a week. I do a 4 day split so I give squats their own day. That's all I do for legs.
My knees have been bothering me this week. I just woke up one day and they were both in serious pain. I could walk fine and probably even jog but bending them with my full body weight was excruciating. It hurt to move my foot from the gas pedal to the brakes in the car. I'm not sure where it came from honestly. This year my right knee started bothering me for the first time ever but not like this. Anyway, when I went to the gym to do chest, I didn't realize it but I was having trouble kicking the weights back while doing incline dumbbell press. I couldn't get a good launch. I ended up switching to barbell for the rest of the day.
Skipping legs this week. Knees are feeling better each day but I would say they're at 65-70% right now. Got back tomorrow but skipping deadlifts and maybe even bent over barbell rows depending on how they feel. I really hope I can go back to legs next week but I might just wait a little longer until I know I'm 100%.
I would seriously look at my squat form if I was you.
If you're not squatting, we need to know what you're doing leg wise to help.
Rough estimate:^^ Nice. Do you know the total amount of calories, fat and protein from that whole pie?
Rough estimate:
Calories: ~1000
protein: ~72
fat: ~45
I did not keep track of the exact amount of each ingredient, so it can be off.
A guy at my gym who's got to be at least 6'5 and is built like a tree does a lot of compound lifts. He also competes in those outdoor games like throwing giant logs and shit.
Anyway, I see him doing deadlifts, but he doesn't stop when he goes back to starting position. It's just a continuous motion; up and down. The plates definately touch the ground, so it isn't like he's doing RDL.
Isn't that frowned upon, though? Doing a continous motion? When I used to do DLs, I would take a few seconds after going back to starting position. Then pull, repeat, etc.
Tashi, I would have to think something is wrong with your squats or perhaps your hyperextending your knee when you deadlift. Id just be guessing though since I'm not there and can't see whats going on. Could also just be tendinitis.
Right. I'm leaning towards tendinitis to be honest. Well I'm going to see how they feel next week but I guess the best COA would be to just do light shit for a while?
That's not bad. With that much real estate, I would throw on much more turkey/chicken or whatever. That's just me though.
As long as his form is good and he's not bouncing the weight, there is no problem with that. In fact, since he is probably going down fairly slowly he is getting the benefits of the negative.
Yeah i can't see much of a difference in my upper body but I'll measure my thighs when i get the chance. I lost an inch or 2 from my waist even though it's hard to see.7-8lbs.. holy shit. Not gonna lie I don't see any difference in those pics, not even your face. Obviously though you're pretty cut already. Didgoing you notice the loss in other areas like legs? That's where I always see the most dramatic change.