Bah, my one friend wasn't at the party last night so I couldn't call him out.
Another friend asked why I barely target my back. I asked him what he thinks all those heavy compound lifts do,.
Wait, what?
What are you doing for back?
My other friend (who's also on fitocracy) said he noticed I don't really do exercises for the back.
I explained to him what a pendlay row is, how deadlifts work, how even a squat can hit the lower back, etc.
I wouldn't count squat/deadlift as "back" exercises personally (since they focus more on leg, although there is a back component). You're doing more than just pendlay row for back, right?
In this regard the beginner workout routine is a big light on back. It has chins one day and bent rows another, but that's about it if we don't count deads.
I wouldn't count squat/deadlift as "back" exercises personally (since they focus more on leg, although there is a back component). You're doing more than just pendlay row for back, right?
Also good mornings, seated rows and chin ups. Still working on getting more pull ups in.
I always focus on my 5 compound lifts first though. If theres something else I should be doing, I'm definitely open to suggestions.
I thought deadlifts were really good for the lower back? Thats where I feel it most, and I do them on my back day, should I start actually doing them on my leg day?
1500 calories on breakfast. Off to a great start on my cheat day.
What's the best way to measure body fat percentage at home cheaply? Calipers? Because the basic formula online basically uses height, weight, and waist size. Seems like a lot of room for error.
I thought deadlifts were really good for the lower back? Thats where I feel it most, and I do them on my back day, should I start actually doing them on my leg day?
They are good for the lower back, but it's not where you should feel the lift the most, if it is, your form is off. It's a hip hinge movement and you should feel it in your hams and glutes the most.
For lower back do good mornings, hyperextensions, RDLS and a plethroa of other stuff.
I always feel it a bit more in my lower back, but I think that's because I'm still continuing to work on some muscle imbalances. A lifetime of being most comfortable sitting in a squatted position among other things has lead to my glutes being large, while my lower back didn't keep pace. I've had my form checked out and I'm solid there, so it's the only explanation I have.
1500 calories on breakfast. Off to a great start on my cheat day.
So guys, I need some advice.
I want to try out those Vibram shoes. But the problem is, there are a thousand different kinds of these things, but I can only afford one pair at the moment.
I do a lot of running and hiking and occasionally swimming (during the hike). What would be the best pair of Vibrams that is a good combination of all of these?
So I gave 5/3/1 BBB a shot today on shoulders so I could finally follow the convos here and uh.. yeah.. that there is quite the routine. Felt totally fine after, then I got in my car and put my hand on the wheel at like 11o'clock and finally felt it. Good stuff.
Does training and not getting DOMS = Crap workout?
Yeah Calipers, and you need the second person for help you measure on some parts.
They are good for the lower back, but it's not where you should feel the lift the most, if it is your form is off. It's a hip hinge movement and you should feel it in your hams and glutes the most (that's not to say you won't feel it in your lower back at all, you will. You will also feel it in your lats/traps).
For lower back do good mornings, hyperextensions, RDLs and a plethroa of other stuff.
I never understood people feeling deads in their lowerback or even traps unless you do a really exaggerated shrug motion. I feel my traps getting worked doing OHP more than deads. Deads are kind of a shitty exercise for back and I wish I knew that sooner.
Anybody take BCAA's? What kind if so? Wondering if I should take some before a workout while I'm on LG if I don't have time to break my fast before. I've seen some suggestions to just drink a protein shake before or drink some coffee for energy. Yesterday I did both, felt pretty good.
Anybody take BCAA's? What kind if so? Wondering if I should take some before a workout while I'm on LG if I don't have time to break my fast before. I've seen some suggestions to just drink a protein shake before or drink some coffee for energy. Yesterday I did both, felt pretty good.
5/3/1 deadlifts + BBB deadlifts + power cleans = x_x
From now on, I think I'm just gonna stick with 5/3/1 deadlifts, leave a few in the tank in my final rep and go all out on power cleans. Additional deadlifts if I'm up for it.
It's recommended due to certain studies, you can find them on the LG site, to take 10g of BCAA's before fore working out and each hour after wards up until you break your fast.
However, if you're not fasting and eating the proper, hell even the improper, amount of protein you'll have more BCAAs than you need so there's not a real reason to take them. Some people feel a slight boost in energy, but it's nothing you need to drop funds on.
Teh Hamburglar said:my protein shake has BCAAs in it. Does that count? I dont think I noticed anything different with this new shake though. *shrug*
I'm sure it'd help in some negligible way.
Did you the cleans before or after the deadlifts?
I did it after. But since I want to put more emphasis on cleans, I might try it before.
So all this talk about back exercises, what are some solid ones overall? Chin-ups, pull-ups, bent over rows, maybe even seated cable rows? Reading the OP, that seems to be the jist (though squats / deadlifts are mentioned in there as lower back as well).
So all this talk about back exercises, what are some solid ones overall? Chin-ups, pull-ups, bent over rows, maybe even seated cable rows? Reading the OP, that seems to be the jist (though squats / deadlifts are mentioned in there as lower back as well).
I think Wendler recommends before squats or deadlifts in either day.
So all this talk about back exercises, what are some solid ones overall? Chin-ups, pull-ups, bent over rows, maybe even seated cable rows? Reading the OP, that seems to be the jist (though squats / deadlifts are mentioned in there as lower back as well).
Nerve pinch for sure. I have two neighbors that I talk to on a regular basis. One is a GP Doc and the other is a chiropractor. Whenever something is bothering me, one tells me to rest and stretch more and the other tells me to come into his office. Guess which one is always right?So, I've noticed something this week. The lower part of my right leg is numb, but not my foot. Around the lower shin and to the sides of it. At first I thought I was just deadening the nerve in the shin (like many people do), but it seems to be a bit spread out to be just that.
Anyone experience anything like that? It's not effecting anything negatively, it's just, weird.
Nerve pinch for sure. I have two neighbors that I talk to on a regular basis. One is a GP Doc and the other is a chiropractor. Whenever something is bothering me, one tells me to rest and stretch more and the other tells me to come into his office. Guess which one is always right?
You are putting 400-500lbs on your spine week in and week out. Stretch, rest, Tylenol, and have a few drinks. What we are attempting is not normal. Our goals are unusal. We must be willing to work beyond where most are not willing to reach.